Agent of Heaven

Chapter 302 Fighting Kunpeng

Chapter 302 Fighting Kunpeng

"Mu Feng, you... you dare to slaughter your fellow disciples, you are crazy!" Qingxuzi saw Mu Feng attacking brazenly, killing the Wuhuan Taoist Lord Wuhuan who was between him and Mana in the blink of an eye. Not calm down anymore: "Do you know that this Lord Wuhuan belongs to the ancestor of Kunpeng..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and interrupted Qing Xuzi's words: "You are afraid of Patriarch Kunpeng, but I am not afraid of him! You are afraid of Sakyamuni, but I am not afraid of him either! Now, get out of Wuzhuang Temple!"

Qingxuzi's throat turned up and down twice, and soon he remembered the viciousness and viciousness of Mu Feng when he killed Daoist Wuhuan, in order to save his old life.He walked towards the outside of Wuzhuang Temple without saying a word!
All the Wuzhuang Temple disciples around looked at Qing Xuzi who was going away, and all showed contemptuous expressions.So what if he is a big brother?It's just a weak piece of trash.

"Participate in the teaching of real people!" It is unknown who took the lead first, and a large number of Wuzhuang temple disciples began to kneel and salute Mu Feng.Soon, more than a thousand Wuzhuang Temple disciples had already knelt at Mu Feng's feet.

Mu Feng glanced at the punch, nodded slightly and said: "Very good, today I will continue..." But before he finished speaking, he heard a howling outside the door!
"Ying Long, I'll come and give you some congratulatory gifts if you inherit the lineage of the elder ghost of the town!" Qing Xuzi's body was thrown in from the outside, and fell straight in front of Mu Feng.

The corpse is complete, there is no wound on it!
An old man in black robe and white beard, with disheveled hair, came from outside!

Many of the surrounding disciples of Wuzhuang Temple have been in the Three Realms for many years, and they recognized the identity of this old man at first glance: "Patriarch Kunpeng!"

Kunpeng smiled and said, "That's right, there are quite a few discerning people under the old ghost of Zhenyuan! They can actually recognize me, the patriarch!"

But Mu Feng said to Patriarch Kunpeng: "Demon master Kunpeng, you are not taking it with you in Beihai. But you came to Wuzhuang Temple to kill people. Could it be that you don't pay attention to me?"

Kunpeng smiled but didn't smile: "The old man came here from Beihai to congratulate you on being the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple! What's the matter? Head teacher Mu Feng doesn't welcome you?" He pointed to Qing Xuzi's body on the ground again: " I still gave you a gift. Your senior brother was rude to you just now, and I have already killed him for you!"

Mu Feng said coldly: "If you just came to congratulate me on my succession, I would welcome it. But you actually killed someone in my Wuzhuang Temple, even if this person has been expelled from Wuzhuang Temple by me, you can't Kill people in front of my door!" After speaking, the phantom of Ying Long's real body loomed above his head again!

Patriarch Kunpeng sneered and said, "This old man kindly cleaned up the house for you, but you still have to fight with this old man! Anyway, let me see what Zhen Yuanzi is capable of. How much have you learned?" After finishing speaking, behind his back There is also the figure of a huge beast!Strange to say, this beast turned into a whale for a while, and a roc for a while!

"There is a fish in the North, and its name is Kunpeng! This old monster has used so much energy to come up, it seems that he is not going to stop easily today!" The monkey's pair of golden eyes saw the real body of the Kunpeng demon master. : "This guy is a patriarch like a feather armor insect. I think this person is very evil! He is even more than many ancient beasts!

Kunpeng also seemed to have noticed that the monkey was spying on him, and glanced at the monkey coldly.

The monkey held the golden cudgel and grinned at him!

At this moment, Yinglong's real body and Kunpeng's real body collided together!The two sides began to fight for immortality, and within a short while, it was difficult to tell the winner!

At this time, Kunpeng also jumped forward and slapped Mu Feng's chest with a palm: "Boy, if you can take this old man's palm! I will not care about your negligence with you!"

A red light flashed in front of Mu Feng, but Taoist Huasha flew out, holding a blood-red giant sword to block Kunpeng's palm.

Kunpeng hurriedly took three steps back, then looked at Taoist Hua Sha, and said in surprise, "Mu Feng, you actually killed the two corpses too?"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "I just finished my work some time ago, please give me some advice!"

The expression on Kunpeng's face changed a few times: "It turns out that Master Mu Feng has also been promoted to quasi-sage..."

Mu Feng raised his head and said, "It's not long since I entered, I just want to hear from you seniors!" He stepped out, and Taoist Huasha flew out directly, and came in front of Kunpeng.

Kunpeng said coldly: "I will learn from you!" After finishing speaking, a big hand made of monster energy flew out from behind!The big hand directly grabbed Taoist Huasha's head!
Taoist Huasha quickly backed away to avoid it, seeing that Kunpeng's skill was not easy: "You have some skills, you are worthy of being the master of the monster clan of the Three Realms!"

Kunpeng sneered and said: "After all, you are a junior. If your master Zhen Yuanzi comes out, maybe you can draw with me! But you are still far behind!"

"Really?" Mu Feng smiled playfully, stretched out his hand and tossed it, the book on the ground slowly unfolded in the air, and a thick yellow cloud appeared above it!
Kunpeng said: "Hand over the book from the ground! Please spare your life!"

Mu Feng said: "If you want it, you can do it yourself!" After finishing speaking, the yellow cloud rolled over the book on the ground, directly engulfing Kunpeng's whole body.

Kunpeng entered the book from the ground and saw the yellow world around him, but he was not afraid at all, because it was not the first time he had come to the book from the ground.In the ancient prehistoric times, he and Zhen Yuanzi faced each other several times, but they were all included in the underground book!But as soon as he shows the Kunpeng body, he only needs to spread his wings to fly out of the book!

Although Zhen Yuanzi is an ancient powerful man, he has a gentle temperament and doesn't like to kill.So there is no killing array arranged in the book from the ground!In this way, Kunpeng couldn't kill Zhen Yuanzi who was protected by the Book of Earth.Even Zhen Yuanzi couldn't kill Kunpeng, a demon master who traveled in the void for a moment.

"Even your master can't trap me with this book, but you still dare to use an ax here?" Kunpeng said arrogantly.

Mu Feng's voice came from outside the book on the ground: "My master didn't kill you because he has a kind heart. I'm different. Even if I can't kill you, I will definitely let you take off a layer of skin here!"

Kunpeng said: "It's up to you!"

Mu Feng said: "It's up to me!"

Kunpeng sneered at Lianlian, the demonic aura above his head twitched, and in a blink of an eye a huge whale flew out of it, turned around in the air and turned into a roc again!He jumped up to Pengniao's head: "Young Mu Feng! Let's see this old man come out and teach you a lesson!"

"Twelve capitals, gods and demons! Rise!" Following Mu Feng's order, twelve black flags stood against the wind and rose slowly in the book on the ground!

That's right, this is exactly what Mu Feng obtained after killing Wu Luo in the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, which once ruled the city of Shuofang.Since leaving the underworld, he has been practicing day and night, and finally relied on the treasures of heaven and earth left by Zhen Yuanzi some time ago to restore it!
At this time, a large formation of the gods and gods of the twelve capitals has been erected in the book on the ground, which is really like a tiger with wings added!Even Kunpeng was blocked by the turbid air rising into the sky from the big formation!
(End of this chapter)

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