Agent of Heaven

Chapter 303

Chapter 303
Let's say that the turbid air in the book of the ground rose to the sky, and behind the twelve black flags, twelve ancestral witches were condensed.He encircled Kunpeng in it eagerly, no matter how he moved around, he couldn't avoid it.

Kunpeng said with red eyes: "The Twelve Ancestral Witches, you couldn't do anything to me when you were alive, what do you want now that you are dead?"

In fact, what he said is a bit harsh, because in the past when Kunpeng was in the wild, he was chased and killed by the twelve ancestor witches several times. He became the wronged soul of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches!

Mu Feng's voice came: "Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, you ordered people from your tribe to disturb my successor head, and then killed people in front of my mountain gate! I have to punish you today! You will be punished by my three punishments." sword!"

A ray of light suddenly lit up in the sky, Taoist Hua Sha was as fast as lightning, but in the blink of an eye, he came to Kunpeng, and he stretched out his hand to attack his chest!

Kunpeng said angrily: "Young man, dare you bully me!" The monster aura shot up all over his body, turning into a circle to protect himself!The Taoist Huasha raised his hand to attack, but he was directly blocked by his evil spirit!

At this time, the state of the roc bird under Kunpeng's feet changed again, and it turned into a huge whale again.At the same time, he opened his bloody mouth wide, and rushed towards the Twelve Ancestral Witches!Attempt to take the opportunity to break through the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals.

I saw Zhu Rong and Gonggong among the ancestral witches took a step together, one finger turned into a hundred feet away from the fire, and the other opened its mouth to spray three thousand weak water.Water and fire turned into giant dragons in the air, and while circling, they attacked the whale incarnation of Patriarch Kunpeng!
After all, the whale's size was too huge, so it was not in a hurry to dodge, and was hit by the second dragon.The whole body is suddenly green, purple, and frostbite!
"Junior presumptuousness!" Patriarch Kunpeng urged the demonic energy again, and the demonic energy transformed into a huge palm, grasping Taoist Huasha in his hand:"

Today I will kill your incarnation! "Kunpeng's expression is ferocious at this time, like a devil!
Although Taoist Huasha was arrested, he sneered again and again. Suddenly, sword energy erupted all over his body, and his body turned into a red giant sword, which directly cut the big hand that grabbed him into pieces!The giant sword flipped again in the air, and then slashed at the head of Patriarch Kunpeng!

Kunpeng was proud of himself at this time, but who would have thought that he would be doomed by this, he could only do his best to retreat as fast as he could, narrowly avoiding the vital point!The department is still occupied by the giant sword on the arm!One arm was cut off directly, and blood spurted wildly!

The great sword of transforming evil stepped forward again, chasing after him, and this time directly slashed at Kunpeng's back!
Kunpeng took a step forward, his back turned into a gourd of blood, and the blood flowed like a Yangtze River: "Boy! Do you really think I can't kill you?" His voice became sharp!Then a dark green demonic energy gushed out, stopping the blood flowing around him.Whichever severed arm fell to the ground, it swelled in the wind, and finally turned into a huge rocky mountain, supporting Patriarch Kunpeng to keep rising.

The huge whale also began to grow bigger at this moment, raised its tail and swiped in the air, the space above Master Kunpeng's head suddenly burst!Like a broken mirror, the scenery outside Wuzhuang Temple is exposed above it!

"Today's revenge! In the future, I will pay it back in the tenth generation!" Patriarch Kunpeng said one last ruthless sentence, and jumped into the Wuzhuang Temple. .

"Look, it's Patriarch Kunpeng, he was injured like this!" The sharp-eyed disciple of Wuzhuang Temple underground quickly recognized Kunpeng!

But Mu Feng shouted from below: "Kunpeng! There is another sword!" After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and took away the sword of a disciple under the stage. On Kunpeng's lap!
Kunpeng just turned his head and glanced at Mu Feng bitterly, without saying a word, and disappeared completely in the form of a stream of light!
Mu Feng once again sat on the high platform where Zhen Yuanzi preached in the past, looked down at the thousands of Wuzhuang Temple disciples below and said, "Today, I inherit Master's orthodoxy, do you have any objections?"

The audience fell to their knees, and they all shouted: "Meet the Master Master!"

At this time, only Wen Zhong came forward with a gold plate in his hand, on which was the Taoist crown and whisk that Zhen Yuanzi had used in front of him!Mu Feng put on the Taoist temple, held a fly whisk, and wore a black Taoist robe, sat on the futon and said with a smile: "After today's ceremony, I will officially be the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, and everyone should respect my orders from now on. If you don’t follow it, you will be dealt with according to the division’s laws and regulations!”

Everyone in the audience said in unison: "We are willing to honor the order of the real master!"

Mu Feng said: "Okay, then the first order I give is that from today on, all the disciples of Wuzhuang Temple will completely return to Wuzhuang Temple, and they are not allowed to travel outside again. Those who set up their own sects will bring their disciples back!"

As soon as this order was issued, everyone in the audience began to discuss it, because many of Zhen Yuanzi's disciples had already formed their own school of people who called themselves ancestors.Now they are asked to bring their sect disciples into the Wuzhuang Temple, which inevitably makes people murmur in their hearts.

After all, there are many people who would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

But Mu Feng coughed softly: "I will kill him now, and I will be pardoned by Yuanshi Tianzun. I will be in charge of the list of gods! If you belong to the sect, you can all be protected by me. You won't be lost, and your ten thousand years of cultivation will be in vain! "

As soon as these words came out, many people in the audience surrendered again: "I am willing to belong to Wuzhuang Temple."

After all, what practitioners want most is actually longevity, otherwise they wouldn't all practice hard.But killing is undoubtedly the greatest enemy of all immortals, because in theory they already have the immortal position and can live forever, and it is very likely that they will be completely lost in a killing.There is no chance of reincarnation.

Recalling the last battle of the Conferred Gods, not to mention how beautiful Jiejiao Wanxian was, but in the end most of them ended up with their souls scattered.Even if some of them saved their lives, they were all enslaved by the Heavenly Court for a long time, and they have only been freed until now.Now that Mu Feng is in charge of the list of gods, he is simply the biggest backer of the immortals in the world!As long as you follow him, you will definitely not end up with your soul flying away. Even if you encounter a murder, you can still save a ray of remnant soul and become a fairy official in the heavenly court.If there is an opportunity in the future, you can return to the original source!Just like the current Grand Master Wen and 28 Constellations!
Since then, Mu Feng has officially become the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, in charge of the book from the ground and the list of gods!Coupled with the record of defeating Kunpeng today, his reputation is unmatched in the entire Three Realms!However, what everyone didn't know was that at this time, he had also obtained the demon-calling banner given by Empress Nuwa, and had the qualification to become the demon emperor at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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