Agent of Heaven

Chapter 304 Tongtian Sect Leader

Chapter 304 Tongtian Sect Leader
Let's say that after Mu Feng defeated Patriarch Kunpeng that day, he ordered all the disciples of Longevity Mountain to return to the sect!Since then, there have been tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and thousands of immortals on Longevity Mountain.Its power is even greater than that of the heavens in the past!

When everyone thought that Mu Feng would announce to attack Da Leiyin Temple to avenge his master, he actually announced a strange order!Longevity Hill will be closed from now on, and no disciples are allowed to go out!This decision stunned both the golden-winged roc in the heaven and the Daoist Lu Ya in the underworld.These two people are waiting for Mu Feng and Sakyamuni to die, so that they can reap the benefits!But at this time, Mu Feng suddenly disappeared after possessing a powerful force!This made the two big forces who were waiting to see the good show almost spit out a mouthful of blood!
"Mu Feng, are you really going to the Demon Realm?" Houzi and Mu Feng were walking outside the Wuzhuang Temple at this time, preparing to go to the Demon Realm on a cloud.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "The demon world is my must-have place."

The monkey didn't understand: "Why? The demon world was transformed by Empress Nuwa's magic treasure, Shanhe She Jitu... Could it be that you have already been taught by Empress Nuwa?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Nuwa Empress personally issued a decree to seal me as the Demon Emperor. I am going here to collect the map of the mountains and rivers, and to subdue the demon world along the way!"

It was only because the monkey had been to the demon world before that he was asked to lead the way on this trip.The two of them rode the cloud, and naturally they had already traveled more than [-] li between lightning and flint.But the surrounding scenery suddenly changed drastically, and it turned into a vast starry sky.There is a giant turtle-shaped island floating in the starry sky.

A palace appeared among the green air surrounding the giant turtle island.When the monkey saw it, he picked up the stick and said, "I don't know which monster has transformed into the road again, wait for my old grandson to go and demolish this palace!"

Mu Feng quickly grabbed Hou Zi and said, "Brother Monkey, wait a minute! This is probably the legendary Biyou Palace on Jinao Island!"

"Jinao Island Biyou Palace! This is the dojo of the Tongtian Sage!" The monkey was startled, and quickly put away the stick.

Mu Feng said with a smile: "With your current cultivation base and me, who else can arrest us here except the saint? Alright, hurry up and straighten your clothes, and go to meet the Tongtian saint!"

Both of them straightened their clothes, lowered their heads, and walked towards the Biyou Palace step by step on Jinao Island!As the monkey walked, he was thinking: "The leader of the Tongtian sect had some grievances with my master in the past, so he summoned me this time, is it because he wants to harm my grandson?"

Mu Feng seemed to have seen what the monkey was thinking, and said with a smile: "Saints are magnanimous, and they usually don't directly attack me and other juniors! You don't want to worry about it!"

But the monkey said: "Where is it, when the original Tianzun used to deal with the three Yunxiao sisters in the past, didn't he use the big to bully the small?"

Mu Feng hurriedly said, "Brother Monkey!"

The monkey realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and smiled awkwardly: "It's my fault, Yuan Tianzun is a sage, it's not us who can talk about it!"

At this time, a Taoist boy came out from Biyou Palace: "You two, salute!"

Mu Feng made a gesture, and the monkey folded his palms together and returned the salute together: "Young boy, it's time to salute! I'll come to ask to see the Tongtian sage!"

Daotong said: "My master has been waiting in Biyou Palace for a long time, everyone please follow me!"

However, Mu Feng quickly caught the useful information from Dao Tong's mouth, "Waiting for a long time." It seems that the Master Tongtian brought the two of them here, there must be something very important to him.Otherwise, how could the majestic saint wait for them?

Entering the Biyou Palace, you can only see watchtowers built with jade, which is the style of a fairy family!It's just that it seems extremely deserted.Daotong sighed as he walked: "I think that before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the ten thousand immortals in Biyou Palace came to court! What a splendor!"

"It's so down and out now!" the monkey only dared to mutter secretly in his heart!
Entering the main hall, one can only see a young Taoist sitting on the futon. He has long blood-red hair, and his face is full of arrogance.

"Are you Mu Feng and Monkey King?" The young Taoist opened his eyes.

Mu Feng hurriedly pulled the monkey down to bow down and said, "I've seen Master Tongtian!"

But Tong Tian waved his hand, frustrated that Mu Feng and the two didn't need to be polite: "Jiejiao is dead, how can I be considered a leader? You don't need to call me leader anymore."

Mu Feng said: "I would like to abide by the decree of the sage of Tongtian!"

The Tongtian Saint smiled and said: "Mu Feng, I have brought you here because I have a question to ask."

Mu Feng said: "But it doesn't matter, we are definitely willing to share the worries for the saint!"

Master Tongtian said: "What do you think of the Yaozu?"

Mu Feng said: "It is transformed by the aura of heaven and earth."

Master Tongtian said: "What about the human race?"

Mu Feng said: "It is also transformed by the aura of heaven and earth!"

The Master Tongtian said: "Then which side do you stand on in the war between monsters?"

Mu Feng said: "Sage, you also know that in my previous life, Yinglong was a monster race! But it was Empress Nuwa who personally appointed the guardian of the human race. I am the least willing to see human races and monsters in the three worlds except Empress Nuwa. The clan caused the disaster of war!"

Master Tongtian nodded and said: "Sure enough, sister Nuwa is right, your boy's awareness is higher than that of some saints!" The saint he was referring to was of course Yuanshi Tianzun, who was also his second senior brother!This Yuanshi Tianzun can also be regarded as a great benevolent person, but he seems to be extraordinarily harsh on the monster race!Except for the most unpopular Master Huanglong, none of the apprentices he has taken is a demon clan!But Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples also despise the monster race very much, and often call them people with hair and horns!

Mu Feng heard that the Master Tongtian had mentioned the saint vaguely in his words, so he naturally didn't dare to continue this topic, feeling diverted: "Sage Tongtian met Empress Nuwa today?"

Tongtian said with a smile: "This is the second reason why I arrested you today, Mu Feng, how about you walk with me?"

Mu Feng asked, "Where are you going?"

The Master of Tongtian said: "Travel in the time and space of the void, and go back and forth for thousands of years."

When Mu Feng heard it, he was stunned on the spot. This is going to a place beyond time and space!So there was a little hesitation in the words: "I want to take back the shooting map of mountains and rivers from the demon world, this matter cannot be delayed..."

Master Tongtian laughed and said: "Don't worry, there will be no delay, you go with me, no matter how many years you have seen and how many tribulations you have experienced, this place is still only a moment!" As a saint, he naturally has the ability to control time and space. Ability in the palm of your hand!
Mu Feng said: "In this case, I will go as a saint!"

Master Tongtian stretched out his hand and shot out a beam of colored light, which turned into a Kui ox after landing.He sat on it, smiled at the monkey and said, "You also go to the Wa Palace, the Nuwa Empress calls you to meet."

The relationship between Empress Nuwa and the monkey is extremely deep. After all, the monkey's body is a five-color stone left over from her repairing the sky!The monkey naturally wouldn't be negligent when he heard the words, so he told Mu Feng and the leader of the Tongtian sect separately, and then went to Wahuang Palace.

The leader of the Tongtian religion rode in front on Kui Niu, and Mu Feng followed on foot, walking towards the outside of Biyou Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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