Agent of Heaven

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
Let's talk about Mu Feng leaving Biyou Palace with the leader of Tongtian, and came to the outside of Jin'ao Island, but found that the original vast starry sky had long since disappeared.The eyes are all gray, and if you look closely, you can't see anything at all.Mu Feng knew in his heart that it was the sage Tongtian who had used his supernatural powers, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions at the moment, but followed respectfully.

The leader of the Tongtian religion rode a bull, and Mu Feng followed on foot. The two walked like this for about a stick of incense.It suddenly became clear in front of my eyes!It turned out to be a bustling capital, with the word Chang'an written on the top of the plaque!Look at the pedestrians on the side of the road, all of them are wearing long gowns and Hanfu, and wearing crowns and scarves.

Mu Feng understood that the two of them were already in the past time and space at this time, so he asked, "Dare to ask Saint Tongtian, where and when are we now?"

The Master of Tongtian said: "This is a dynasty with a very short life, the Jin Dynasty embraced by the Sima clan!"

Mu Feng was astonished, the two of them had already crossed a thousand years of time and space with just a stick of incense!The power of this saint is by no means comparable to quasi-sages like himself!

The two of them walked towards the gate of the city together, and the soldiers guarding the gate and the people passing by naturally couldn't see them.But Mu Feng naturally wouldn't take the initiative to contact these people.After all, they are all people from the past. If I accidentally change the history with the butterfly effect, I am afraid that it will bring immeasurable disasters to the three worlds.

The two continued to move forward, the Master Tongtian raised his hand and pointed, and saw that the figures around him began to flow rapidly, and the sun and the moon were constantly exchanging in an instant!When all this gradually stopped, the originally prosperous capital city of Chang'an had already turned into a sea of ​​flames!Numerous barbarians rushed into the city on horseback, hacking and killing the civilians in the city.There was even a ferocious military officer who used a long knife to throw away the belly of a pregnant woman, took out the baby and picked it up in the air!
A gleam of coldness flashed in Mu Feng's eyes, and he wanted to make a direct move!But Master Tongtian stopped him: "These are human races, and they treat their own kind even more cruelly than monster races. Are they scary?"

Mu Feng said: "It's really hateful! The monster clan wants to eat people, just like people want to eat chickens, ducks, fish and other animals. But these barbarians kill the people, most of them are just to gain more power, and even for fun!

Master Tongtian said: "Hu people are hateful, so shouldn't Han people be hated?" He led Mu Feng to continue walking forward, and the surroundings became gray again!
This time, after only walking a few hundred steps, the Master Tongtian stopped, waved his long sleeves, and the surrounding scenery changed again.Wherever Mu Feng looked, it turned into a lush grassland!Countless Huns are herding horses and sheep!
At this time, a Han Chinese cavalry in iron armor came to kill them. They fought fiercely and were both offensive and defensive.Just killed these ordinary Huns in an instant!

Master Tongtian said: "It is abominable for barbarians to kill Han people, so what if Han people kill suddenly?"

After all, Mu Feng himself was born in New China and grew up under the red flag.Although he has been in Taoism for many years, deep in his heart there are still some cynical feelings that are different from those of other Taoists. He tried to explain: "If the Han people don't kill the barbarians, the barbarians will kill us..." When he said this, he suddenly He stopped, because he knew that what he said was the same in reverse.Hu people want to kill Han people, is it not to save their lives?
"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as straw dogs, and sages are not benevolent and treat the people as straw dogs. This sentence, the senior brother is very right!" Master Tongtian just looked at Mu Feng inscrutablely.

Mu Feng said: "I understand the meaning of the saint, but after all, as a Han Chinese, I still can't treat everyone equally!"

Master Tongtian said: "Then, can you treat the human race and the monster race equally?"

Mu Feng remained silent. Although Yinglong was a monster race in his previous life, he was still a human race in this life, and he couldn't completely treat monster races equally.It is inevitable that my heart will be biased towards the human race!Just like the status of Hu people and Han people in his mind, although both are human races, Mu Feng will involuntarily favor the Han people.

Master Tongtian continued: "Forget it, if I knew you wouldn't understand, then come with me!"

This time, Master Tongtian took Mu Feng and started to walk back, stopped for a while, and the scene in front of him changed again.What appeared this time was a scene of prosperity.An emperor with a slightly barbaric appearance stood in the center of the ministers, being worshiped by all officials and people.

Mu Feng asked: "Who is this person?"

Master Tongtian said with a smile: "He is Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, and [-]% of his blood is from the Hu people."

Mu Feng heard the words and said: "It's him!" What he saw just now was the famous Wuhuluanhua and North Chasing the Xiongnu in Chinese history!The common result of these seemingly tragic struggles is the great fusion of nations!
After the Wuhu chaos, the Wuhu basically disappeared from history, because of the intermarriage with the Han people, and completely integrated into the Han nationality.So it's better to say that it's Wuhu entering China than Wuhu messing around in China!
"Could it be that the monster race can also fully integrate into the human race?" Mu Feng wondered.

Master Tongtian said with a smile: "Whether it is a monster race or a human race, they are all equal in my eyes! However, the human race is more educated than the monster race, so when I preached in the past, I taught the monster race. I hope they can fully integrate into the human race once and for all!"

Mu Feng said: "But if we only rely on the method of transformation, I'm afraid it won't be enough! The monster race has mastered the transformation technique for thousands of years, but they still haven't been able to integrate into the human race."

Tongtian Jiaozhu said: "So these, I will leave it to you to complete!"

Mu Feng said in astonishment: "Let the monster race integrate into the human race just like the barbarians into the Han race. Is this difficult task entrusted to me?"Can I do it myself?
Master Tongtian smiled and said: "You have to know that you not only represent yourself, but now you are in charge of the list of gods and the guardian of the human race. At the same time, you are also the emperor of the monster race! If you can't do this kind of thing, I'm afraid No one will ever be able to do it again.”

Mu Feng said: "But demons are not human after all! They transform into human bodies by magic, but their hearts are far different from ordinary people!"

Master Tongtian retorted: "Could it be that those monks of your human race have figured out the hearts of ordinary people?"

Mu Feng said: "The meaning of the sage let the monster race join the ranks of cultivators and immortals!"

Master Tongtian said: "I did this once thousands of years ago, but unfortunately I failed." Thinking of the Battle of the Conferred Gods, his eyes couldn't help but dimmed: "It's a pity! I leave it to you! You are the deputy leader of the interception!"

Mu Feng said: "Saint, I'm afraid this matter is wrong!"

Master Tongtian said: "There is nothing wrong with it!" After finishing speaking, he took off a blue jade pendant from his waist and threw it to Mu Feng: "Nvwa Empress gave you a map of mountains, rivers and communities, so naturally I can't be stingy! There is a trace of primordial purple energy, take it back and study it carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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