Agent of Heaven

Chapter 306 Hongmeng Purple Qi

Chapter 306 Hongmeng Purple Qi
Master Tongtian left behind a trace of majestic purple aura before drifting away. Mu Feng looked at his receding back and bowed down to salute him.There is no other reason, the gift given to him by the sage Tongtian is really too expensive.

Although Nuwa Empress's Map of Mountains, Rivers and Sheji is a prehistoric treasure, it is one of the few spiritual treasures in the Three Realms.But after all, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it is still something outside the body.But this ray of primordial purple energy is much more precious than any magic weapon in the world!
If you ask where the primordial purple energy comes from, it is really extraordinary!It turns out that at the beginning of the world and the beginning of the primordial world, everything in the world was composed of pure and turbid qi.And mixed together, it is chaos!The only thing that does not belong to the chaos is the "Jade Plate of Good Fortune" transformed by the Dao of that day!This thing contains the supreme principle of heaven, and Daozu Hongjun was derived from this thing, and he is also the person in charge of this thing!
Later, after Pangu opened the sky and Hongjun joined the Tao with his body, it was convenient for Zixiao Palace to preach.The six powerful persons sitting in front, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Tongtian leader, Nuwa empress, Zhunti Taoist, and guide Taoist.Then they each got a majestic purple energy from the fortune jade plate!These few people peeped at the Dao of Heaven from within the primordial purple aura, and just now they proved the Hunyuan Dao Fruit and became saints of the Dao of Heaven!

It can be said that the primordial purple energy is one of the key factors to become a saint!If there is no such a ray of majestic purple energy to spy on the way of heaven, no matter how unpredictable his cultivation is, he will not be able to become an indestructible saint who controls the general trend of the three realms!

As for the quasi-sages who beheaded two corpses, including Mu Feng and Kong Xuan, they are only inferior to the saints.In fact, it is just a pawn.To put it mildly, it can barely be regarded as a relatively advanced chess piece!

Now that the leader of Tongtian gave this ray of primordial purple energy to Mu Feng, it can only explain one problem.That is the Master Tongtian who wants to turn Mu Feng from a pawn into a chess player!

But why did Saint Tongtian do this?Mu Feng's guess is that since the Four Saints broke the Jade Immortal Sword Formation together in the last battle of Conferred Gods, Master Tongtian realized that relying on his own strength alone would not be able to fulfill his ambitions.So this time he saw that Empress Nuwa entrusted Mu Feng with a heavy responsibility, so he simply gave Mu Feng more benefits.If Mu Feng can use this smear of primordial purple energy to directly become a saint, then Master Tongtian can form a new alliance between Mu Feng and Empress Nuwa!With the cooperation of the three of them, whether it is Western teaching or interpretation teaching.Nothing can stop the revival of Jiejiao again!

After all, the main body of the sect is the demon fairy, and Empress Nuwa is a saint of the demon clan, and Mu Feng is also the king of the demon emperor.At that time, the three saints will jointly take charge of the demon clan and rule the three realms!It is just around the corner to resume the general trend of cutting off the teaching of ten thousand immortals to come to court!

Mu Feng looked at the jade pendant in his hand and sighed leisurely.No matter what the purpose of the Master Tongtian came, I must owe this favor to myself!Because he really couldn't resist the temptation to become a saint and jump off the chessboard.With a crisp sound, the jade pendant was directly crushed by Mu Feng.A faint purple aura floated directly into Mu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness!Suddenly!Mu Feng only felt a sharp pain coming into his mind!It's as if thousands of wild horses are galloping and trampling in my mind!This feeling really makes life worse than death!
"Ah—" Mu Feng couldn't help but screamed up to the sky!The severe pain in my mind intensified, and gradually even my vision began to blur.Yuanshen floated out of the body, and came to a simple and simple hall, and wrote the words Zixiao Palace.

An old man sitting cross-legged in Zixiao Palace opened his eyes, looked at Mu Feng, and flicked his fingers.A transparent light beam flew out, enveloping Mu Feng into the hall.

"You were brought here by the wisp of majestic purple energy from the sky..." The old man spoke slowly, his voice sounded like a Hong Zhong, rumbled in Mu Feng's mind!

Mu Feng's soul was shaken, and he endured the pain and said: "The disciple has seen Taoist Hongjun!"

Daozu Hongjun said: "Since you have obtained the ray of majestic purple energy that reaches the sky, it is your chance. But you are too hasty. If it weren't for your life, you should have drifted here, and I am afraid that you have already died. A speck of dust in the Three Realms .”

Mu Feng knew in his heart that he shouldn't directly absorb that ray of primordial purple energy.You must know that the six saints at that time began to refine the Primordial Purple Qi after accumulating countless merits and luck.But now, eager for quick success, he suddenly absorbed the primordial purple energy into his body, and was almost wiped out by that powerful will of heaven!

"Disciple, thank Daozu for his rescue!" Mu Feng felt Xie Hongjun.

Hongjun lowered his eyes and said: "You don't need to thank me, and I didn't save you. Since you have drifted here, you are destined not to die. It is also destined that there will be one more saint in the three realms!" A beam of light sank into Mu Feng's primordial spirit!
Mu Feng instantly felt the pain in his mind disappear, and his consciousness was extremely clear.He was overjoyed at the moment, after hearing the words of Taoist ancestor, could it be that he personally took action to refine the primordial purple energy for himself?However, after careful inspection of his cultivation, he found that he hadn't made any progress, so he couldn't help but look at Hongjun suspiciously.

Hongjun said: "Although you are destined to become a saint, you need to work hard on your own after all. I can't help you, and no one can help you! Just now, I just sealed the primordial purple energy in your sea of ​​consciousness for you. One day the opportunity will come, and after you realize the cause and effect, you will be able to prove the Tao and become a saint!"

Mu Feng still said to Hongjun after hearing the words: "Thank you Daozu."

Hongjun said: "Go, you don't need to thank me, everything has its destiny." After speaking, he waved his sleeves.Mu Feng felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the world was spinning, and he returned to his physical body in a blink of an eye.

Mu Feng used his spiritual sense to explore his own sea of ​​consciousness again, and found that the ray of primordial purple energy was still in it, but there was an extra layer of transparent light film around it, completely isolating it from the outside world!
"One day I will realize the cause and effect, but I don't know when I will be able to realize the cause and effect..." Although Mu Feng has taken half a step away from the realm of a saint, he is still not in a hurry.After smiling lightly, he used the heaven and earth escape method and headed towards the demon world!

It's time to take back the map of mountains, rivers and land.

"Who is coming, don't trespass in the demon world!" Mu Feng had just entered the demon world, but was immediately surrounded by a group of little demons!
Mu Feng didn't speak, but took out the "Demon Calling Banner" presented by Empress Nuwa from the universe in his sleeve. Pulling open the golden gourd, a large black flag flew out, fluttering in the air in the wind.

"Monsters in the world, listen to my orders!" Mu Feng pinched his hand and muttered something!

Seeing the demon banner coming out, the group of little demons were immediately overwhelmed by the aura, and knelt down on the ground, not daring to look up at Mu Feng again.After another moment, demons began to fly from all directions in the demon world one after another!As soon as they saw the demon banner, they immediately knelt down on the ground, as if they were waiting for orders!Before one hour and three quarters had passed, 10,000+ demon clans had kneeled down all around!

(End of this chapter)

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