Agent of Heaven

Chapter 307 Calculation of quasi-withdrawal

Chapter 307 Calculation of quasi-withdrawal

In the demon world, Mu Feng stood against the sky, with the demon banner behind him moving in the wind, making a sound of hunting.Hundreds of thousands of monster soldiers around knelt down and kowtowed.It's just because they all felt the breath of the old Nuwa Empress from this demon banner!Empress Nuwa is not only the creator of the human race, but also the saint of the demon race.

"Ying Long! Do you think you can come to our demon world to show off your power by bringing the demon banner of Empress Nuwa?" A rough voice came.I saw a huge old devil walking out of the kneeling monsters!I saw his golden mane spread all over his jaw, his eyes were piercing, and there seemed to be a sound of wind and thunder between his mouths!
Mu Feng said: "Who is it? After seeing the demon banner given by Empress Nuwa, why don't you kneel down and obey?"

The old devil said: "Ying Long! You really are a noble person who forgets things too much. In the past, when I sat down in Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, I still had a chance with you!"

Mu Feng looked at it for a moment, and suddenly said in shock: "You are those nine lions!"

The old devil sneered and said: "Listen to Ying Long, I am the Nine-Ling Primordial Sage of the Nine-Qued Panhuan Cave in Zhujie Mountain! If you quit the demon world immediately, I will spare your life!"

It turns out that this guy is actually Jiuling Yuansheng who defeated the four masters and apprentices of Monkey King in one move on the Journey to the West in the past!He is extremely high among monsters in terms of strength and seniority!So even Dapeng feared him a little, and dared not bring him into the Heavenly Court, for fear of being seized by this old lion!
However, although this old lion has a high level of cultivation, he seems to be a kind-hearted monster. He chose to stay in the demon world with the original six-eared macaque, which has a lot to do with his dislike of fighting!And the six-eared macaque is tyrannical by nature, and often slaughters the demon king in this demon world. Only the Nine Spirits Yuansheng's skill and experience can firmly suppress the master.That's why the demon world has been under the rule of the six-eared macaque for so long without any major rebellion.

You must know that the monster race is different from the human race. Generally, ordinary people in the human race will not try to offend the authority and rulers as long as they have something to eat!But the monster race is different, they have always been the strong and dignified.When the six-eared macaque was the guard of the demon world in the past, it often aroused chaos in the demon world because the methods were too vicious!And these confusions are usually resolved by Jiuling Yuansheng.

So mainly speaking, Jiuling Yuansheng is more representative of the demon world than the six-eared macaque in the past: "Mu Feng, don't you understand what the old man said? Leave the demon world quickly."

Mu Feng sneered and said: "I am ordered by Empress Nuwa to be the Demon Emperor, and the demon clan will be under my jurisdiction from now on."

Jiuling Yuansheng sneered when he heard the words: "Ms. Nuwa, she must have been deceived by you. Let me reveal your true face!" After finishing speaking, he turned and turned into a nine-headed lion, and rushed towards Mu Feng .

The flowers bloom at both ends, let's talk about one each!Let's let go of the battle between Mu Feng and Jiuling Yuansheng here.Let's say that Sun Wukong got the guidance of the leader of Tongtian, and hurried to Wahuang Palace.Just 33 days after landing, two fairies, Qingluan and Caifeng, greeted them.

"The Great Sage is here, please, Empress Nuwa is in the hall, please meet the Great Sage!" Fairy Caifeng stepped forward and smiled gracefully.

Monkey knew that Caifeng was Nuwa Empress's personal maid, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect her. He quickly thanked her and followed her slim back into Wa Palace.

The Wa Imperial Palace is far less luxurious and dignified than the monkey imagined.The dignified saint Nuwa lived in an extremely simple environment.There is a high platform in the palace, and two futons are simply placed on the high platform, which seems to be the place where Nuwa preached and taught the Dharma in the past.

"Wukong, you're here." Nuwa spoke, and whenever she spoke to Monkey King, she was gentle.

The monkey hurriedly knelt down and saluted, "Disciple Sun Wukong, I have met Empress Nuwa."

Nuwa said: "I practiced at the foot of Qinggeng Peak on Wuji Cliff in the Great Barren Mountain, and my height was twelve feet, and the Fang Jing was only ten feet. There are a total of 360 six pieces of divine stones. When I repaired the sky, I used 360 five pieces. It's just There is only one piece left unused. I will discard it in Dongsheng Shenzhou, where Huaguo Mountain is located."

Nuwa only spoke half of what she said, but Sun Wukong already knew what she meant, and said through gritted teeth: "I know the kindness Nuwa Empress has for me, but I don't know what orders Nuwa Empress has?"

Nuwa laughed and said, "I will make you withdraw from the Western religion completely!" As soon as she finished speaking, the monkey fell silent.There is no other reason, although Nu Wa is the one who created him, but Patriarch Bodhi is the one who taught him.Although Empress Nuwa has spoken in person, he is still unwilling to betray his master easily.

But Empress Nuwa smiled and said, "Monkey, don't forget that you were born by enlightenment from me. Although Taoist Zhunti is your master, but you have stayed in Western religion for thousands of years, Pay off what you owe them. If you don't take this opportunity to leave, when will you wait?"

Sun Wukong frowned tightly when he heard the words, it seemed absolutely impossible for Empress Nuwa to back down now.Today, I am afraid that I will completely sever ties with Western religion no matter what.

At this moment, a monk was seen coming from the sky, holding a string of rosary beads but holding a Taoist hair crown.

"Senior brother Zhunti is here, and my little sister is far away to welcome you." Nuwa looked at the half-monk, half-daoist, without showing the slightest expression on her face.

Zhunti cupped his hands to Empress Nuwa and said, "Junior Sister Nuwa, it's been a long time since you and I have seen each other."

The monkey bowed to Zhunti, "I have seen the teacher."

Zhunti smiled and said, "You hozen, you still know me as a teacher!"

The monkey said: "The kindness of teaching and solving puzzles will be unforgettable in a lifetime."

Nuwa snorted coldly at Zhunti: "The karma between the monkey and you has long been paid off when learning the scriptures, why is the senior brother bothering you now?"

Zhunti laughed and said, "Didn't you hear that my younger sister is a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of my life?"

Nvwa said coldly: "When you taught your disciples in the past, you had hidden secrets. You kept the Dao thousands of miles away, but you only gave it the ability to fight fiercely, and you didn't teach it to cultivate your mind. Just now you broke into the heaven. In order to make atonement, he had to go west to learn Buddhist scriptures!

In my opinion, what he owes you has already been paid off.You don't have to pay back what you owe him! " After finishing speaking, a piece of red silk flew out from the sleeve, wrapped the monkey completely, and rolled it into Wa Palace.

Seeing this, Zhunti was slightly annoyed, took out the wonderful tree of seven treasures from his sleeve, and said to Nüwa, "Please call my apprentice out, Junior Sister."

Nuwa said: "You still have the face to claim to be his master. Now that the murder has started, don't think that I don't know what you're planning! You just want to use his body to refine the innate spiritual treasure to make up for the Amitabha Buddha. The Twelve-Rank Golden Lotus! Suppress the luck of the Western religion!"

Zhunti said: "You actually refused to call out, so I personally took my apprentice back to the Western religion!" After speaking, he lifted up the wonderful tree of seven treasures and swiped it down on Nuwa's head.

"Too much deceit!" Nu Wa snorted coldly, and flew out a hydrangea ball from her palm, and threw it at Zhun Ti's head!
(End of this chapter)

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