Agent of Heaven

Chapter 308 Battle of the Saints

Chapter 308 Battle of the Saints
In the Three Realms, under the saints, all are ants.The reason for this statement is that the saint is the most powerful existence in the world, and he can change the universe and open up the world with just a few gestures.

Saints are still the most permanent existence in the world. Even if the three realms are destroyed, they can travel through the void and open up another world with mana.They are truly immortal!In the long years, the saints will also be bored and fight.

The struggle between them is not aimed at killing each other, because saints cannot be completely killed.However, the victory or defeat between saints also determines the life and death of more people.For example, the life and death of their disciples and clansmen... The former leader of Tongtian and Fengshen were defeated in the first battle by Jieyin, Zhunti, Laozi, and Yuanshi.The disciples under his sect were completely lost!Only those who are lucky can enter the list of gods and leave a god position.If you are unlucky, your soul will be completely annihilated, and your thousand-year practice will turn into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

So Nuwa and Zhunti must fight today!Their battle determines the ownership of Sun Wukong, a born stone monkey!Zhunti hopes to bring Sun Wukong back to the Western religion, and use his five-color stone body to complete the twelve-grade golden lotus received.It makes the Western religion have innate spirit treasures to suppress luck, so that even if there is a murder, the Western religion can be kept safe.

But Nuwa wanted to snatch the monkey back and let him become a general under Mu Feng's command, to help Mu Feng conquer the world, completely unify the three realms and become the demon emperor, and restore the former glory of the demon clan.

One is for the benefit of the disciples, and the other is for the benefit of the tribe.Of course, the two parties refused to give in to each other, and their gestures were extremely dangerous moves.The battle between saints is no better than that of immortals.The movement of the two of them would cause shocks in the three realms, so they flew directly to the Eternal Void 33 days away to fight!
Empress Nuwa was leading it with bare hands, and a glowing red hydrangea was circling around Zhunti non-stop in the air, and every time it fell, it would attack Zhunti's face.Because the body of a saint is indestructible, it is difficult for any innate spiritual treasure to hurt the slightest bit.Even if the hydrangea hits a vital point, at most it will hurt Zhunti!But if it hits the front door, even if it will make Zhunti lose face.

As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face when you beat someone, even the saints regard face as extremely important.Therefore, Zhunti was always on guard against the hydrangea that would hit his face, and he kept swinging the seven treasure tree in his hand, bringing up thousands of colorful lights, and attacking Nuwa from time to time.

Empress Nuwa didn't dodge either, with just one move, more than a dozen stars flew over, directly blocking the wonderful tree of seven treasures!The colorful light bombarded the stars, smashing all the shining stars into nothingness!

Empress Nuwa smiled and said, "Zhunti, you really underestimated me as a junior sister! Why don't you dare to use your full strength when you move your hands?"

Zhunti said coldly: "Junior Sister, don't blame me for bullying you!" As soon as the words fell, a holy image appeared in front of him, with 24 hands, [-] pieces, holding the umbrella cover of the wreath, a flower pot with fish intestines, Bless the sacred pestle, precious file, golden bell, golden bow, silver halberd, banner and other pieces.The holy image is Zhunti's incarnation of Buddha, and when he raised his finger to bless the divine pestle, he threw it at Nuwa's head.

Empress Nuwa couldn't dodge for a while, so she wanted to recall the hydrangea to resist.But who would have thought that Zhunti brushed the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand at this time, and brushed Nuwa's hydrangea aside!
Seeing that the divine pestle for blessing was about to fall on Empress Nuwa's head, suddenly a Qingping sword flew over and directly knocked the divine pestle for blessing away.

At the edge of the void, the leader of Tongtian came to sing, and the poem said:
Open up the earth, open up the heavens, and clarify the principles, talk about the scriptures and the law, and travel to Beijing.

The five qi dynasties are passed down to the Yuan Dynasty, and the three flowers gather on the top to play no life.

The golden light on the top is divided into five colors, and the red lotus under the feet chases thousands of miles.

The gossip fairy clothes are flying purple, and the three sharp swords are Qingping.

Subduing the tiger and subduing the dragon is the first, and capturing monsters and binding monsters is the best.

The number of disciples is about [-] points, and then they become elites.

The sky is full of flowers, and the ground embraces the golden lotus and the long Ruizhen.

It is silent to save all people to generate righteous results and to develop righteous ways.

Leading the way in front of the opposite banners, there are music playing in time.

Kui Niu sat firmly to intercept the leader, and Xiantong burned incense one after another.

The mist is deep in the sandalwood and the mist is long, and the murderous aura is engulfed in it.

When the white crane snarls, the world turns, and the green luan spreads its wings to the sea and the mountains.

The master of Tongtian sect left Jinque and came to gather millions of immortals.

Hongjun's biochemistry sees the sky open, and the ugly man Yin goes to the court.

The golden body can be infinitely robbed by refining, and many talents can be cultivated in the Biyou Palace.

Seeing that the person who came was the leader of Tongtian, Nuwa was overjoyed and said, "Brother Tongtian, come and help me! Teach this barbarian a lesson!"

Of course, the barbarian is referring to Zhunti Taoist. He and Yingying both come from the barren and cold place in the west.Therefore, she is often looked down upon by Sanqing and Nuwa.

Master Tongtian stretched out his hand to recall Qingping Sword, and stabbed straight at Zhunti.He is different from Nuwa Empress, Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and his mana is a little higher than the other four saints.Just swaying the sword shadow a few times, it was difficult for Zhunti Qibao Miaoshu to resist.

At this time, Empress Nuwa raised her bare hand again, and the hydrangea floated up again with a red light, directly hitting Zhunti's shoulder!

Zhunti suddenly suffered from pain, screamed, and retreated to the rear.He wanted to move his arm again, but he felt a numb feeling, and he might not be able to move freely in a short time.

"Zhunti! Don't want to run away!" Master Tongtian sneered, raised his sword and stabbed at Zhunti.Ever since he was besieged and defeated by four saints in the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, he has been looking for time to take revenge.Not to mention that Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan are his senior brothers, their strength is even higher than his, so the hatred for revenge is basically locked on the two Western Saints!Now that he has seen Zhunti, how can he let him escape easily!

Master Tongtian chased after him with his sword, and the Qingping sword in his hand fell from time to time, and it didn't go towards Zhunti's vitals, but directly cut through Zhunti's clothes, making him look even more embarrassed.

Taoist Zhunti let the leader of Tongtian use the long sword to cut his robes and clothes behind his back, but he still fled towards the west with his head covered. It didn't take long for him to reach the edge of the Paradise of Paradise.He shouted for help in a deep voice: "Receive and guide senior brother to save me!"

A golden Buddha flew out of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, and he opened his mouth and said:

Daxian's bare feet are fragrant with dates and pears, and his feet are even more unusual when he steps on auspicious clouds;
Twelve lotus platforms perform magic weapons, and white light appears beside the Bade Pond.

Shou Tongtian and Earth's words are not wrong, Fubi Hongbo's words are not crazy;

Cultivate relics, name fetal breath, leisurely bliss is the west.

"It turns out that you are here to meet fellow daoists. It just so happens that your junior brother is too bad at martial arts, so let me do two tricks with you!"

Jieyin Taoist looked sad and said: "The poor monk has already made an oath not to hurt anyone, can the master of Tongtian not force you any more!"

Empress Nuwa sneered and said: "Just now when you bullied me, you acted recklessly, but now that you see me coming to help you, you are setting restraints. Are you sure you don't want to be ashamed?"

(End of this chapter)

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