Agent of Heaven

Chapter 309 The Five Saints Gather

Chapter 309 The Gathering of the Six Saints
Master Tongtian snorted coldly: "You didn't show mercy when you broke the Zhuxian Sword Formation and Ten Thousand Immortal Formation that day!" After speaking, he raised the Qingping sword in his hand and stabbed at Jieyin.

Jieyin sighed with compassion: "Master Tongtian, let go, let go of the past grudges, and there will be no more pain..." Sitting down on the ninth-grade golden lotus, a huge golden swastika formed on the top of his head, directly killing Tongtian. The leader's Qingping sword was held up.

Master Tongtian cursed angrily: "Fart!" He waved his hand and shot out a blast of primordial divine thunder!Directly smash the golden swastika to pieces.Raising his hand with a sword, he stabbed at Jieyin's throat again.

Jieyin sighed again, clasped his hands together, and looked even more sad, as if he was sympathizing with all sentient beings!The skin on his body began to emit a faint golden color, and no matter how the Qingping Sword of Tongtian Cult Master slashed, it could not cause the slightest damage to him.

On the other side, Nu Wa also took the lead in launching an attack on the topic. She transformed into a prototype of a snake body, and the power of the mother of the earth rushed to her face.Seeing that he and Zhun Ti had already gotten angry!Of course, Zhunti was not to be outdone, holding a wonderful tree with seven treasures, displaying the golden body of Buddha and fighting with Nuwa.

On one side are the two Western leaders, and on the other side are the Mother of the Earth, Nuwa, and the Supreme Qing Tongtian leader!They are the most peak existences in the Three Realms.The four of them fought with all their strength, and after about half an hour, the chance of this void was completely destroyed.But they are still difficult to tell the winner.

Just when the Four Saints were about to change lands and fight again, a sound transmission suddenly came from a distance: "Come to my Zixiao Palace!"

Master Tongtian was the first to react: "It's the teacher!" He gave Jieyin and Zhunti a hard look: "Forget it, let's not care about you two villains for now."

Zhunti did not show any weakness, and snorted coldly at Jieyin: "The future will be long! You have already destroyed the Judgment, why bother to torment our Western Sect!"

Both Nuwa and Jieying didn't look at each other, the difference is that Nuwa's complexion contained deep anger.There is still only sorrow on Jieyin's face.In fact, among the six saints, the most stingy one is this Nuwa Empress.In the past, King Zhou of Shang Dynasty wrote a poem in Nuwa Temple, and she attracted the Three Monsters of Xuanyuan Tomb, which brought disaster to the country and the people.The loyal and good generals of the Great Shang Dynasty were basically destroyed by the hands of these three monsters.

Originally among the six sages, Nuwa was also regarded as the junior junior sister, and the other five senior brothers knew her character and did not dare to offend her.But today Zhunti and Jieyin have offended this lady completely in order to keep the Western religion in the midst of killing and calamity!I think it will be better to have them in the future.

The Four Saints ceased fighting and flew to Zixiao Palace, only to find that Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun had already sat on the futons in the palace.Seeing the four people coming, Lao Tzu smiled and said, "Have you also received the summons from the teacher?"

Zhunti took the last seat and said, "Exactly! May I ask why the teacher called me here?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I'm just here too, so I don't know. But Zixiao Palace has not been opened for thousands of years. I think this time I want to discuss the matter of killing robbery and conferring gods."

Then he asked: "Where is the list of gods?"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head and said: "I have already given it to the human world and reincarnated it to Yinglong. He is the one who was born in this catastrophe, and his fate is no longer under the control of us saints. The list of gods should be his Take charge."

Zhunti said: "You didn't bring the list of gods, so how do we sign this time?"

Master Tongtian sneered: "There is no need to sign this time, the list of gods has not yet been signed."

Zhunti said angrily: "We and other saints are all here, why can't we sign?"

Nuwa's voice was not warm at all: "You really call yourself the leader of the West in vain, and you don't have the slightest understanding. It seems that there will be another saint in the three realms."

"What! Who could it be?" Zhunti hurriedly counted, but found that the secret was messed up, and he couldn't figure it out at all!
Jie Yin frowned, not knowing what to write.

After a while, I saw that in the futon on the high platform, there was an old Taoist who did not know when, and wrote a poem:

High Lying Nine Layers Cloud Futon

Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Wai Wu as the head teacher

Pan Gu Sheng Taiji Two Rites and Four Symbols

One pass on three friends and two teachings

The leader of the Taoist capital Yi Qi Hua Hongjun
When the six saints met, they all bowed down: "The disciple has met the teacher, and may the teacher live forever!"

Hongjun said: "Why are you summoned to come? If you want to come, you must know."

Zhunti said respectfully: "Dare to ask the teacher, but will there be a new saint?"

Hongjun nodded and said: "The way of heaven is countless, there should be another saint to make it all happen."

Zhunti asked again, "I don't know who it is?"

Hongjun shook his head and said, "Don't tell me."

Zhunti asked again: "I don't know whose sect I'm waiting for?"

Hongjun didn't speak, just shook his head.

All the saints were confused, only Nuwa and Tongtian looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Hongjun went on to say: "At present, killings and catastrophes are happening again. Most of the Western sects are inferior people. They must be picked up and guided. You two should be more restrained. Don't let them go out of the Paradise at will, otherwise they will turn into ashes Ash."

Zhunti was so frightened that he was sweating profusely: "Teacher! We will wait... Our disciples will definitely not step out of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss."

Hongjun didn't answer, just nodded.He looked at Nüwa again and said, "The monster race should be prosperous now, and the throne in charge of the heavens in ancient times should be restored. The human race will also be completely dominated by the human world. You are the Holy Mother worshiped by both the human race and the demon race. You should do your best to help the two races."

The leader of Tongtian worshiped Hongjun: "Dare to ask the teacher, Chi You of the Wu family has been resurrected, how should we deal with it?"

Hongjun shook his head and said: "The witch clan should have been included in the human world long ago, but they have repeatedly committed murders. Now Chi You is a demon god, and his fate is still beyond the control of you and other saints. You can't kill him by hand, and it will naturally happen in the future." Someone killed him!"

After hearing this, Nuwa said to herself: Yinglong's reincarnation has a long-standing enmity with Chiyou, and the one who wants to kill Chiyou must be Mu Feng.But this time, he needs to help him secretly, otherwise, if Chi You escapes from the Yuanshen like the battle of Zhuolu, it will take another effort!
Jieyin looked at Hongjun sadly and said: "Dare to ask the teacher, my Western teachings are not as good as Taoism. Can I make up for it through merit?"

Hongjun nodded when he heard the words: "If you can accumulate merits like conferring gods, you can also make the rise of Western religion."

After hearing this, Liu Sheng had different expressions on his face.

Hongjun said again: "You must not leave this Zixiao Palace for a hundred days, and listen to my sermon here!"

Zhunti was a little anxious when he heard the words: "I still want to go back and tell my disciples not to go out. I wonder if the teacher can..."

Hongjun shook his hand and said: "Those who leave the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss within a hundred days are destined to be wiped out, and you cannot save them." He closed his eyes and said, "Okay, just stay and listen to the sermon. Your junior brother will come here in a hundred days. Then we will discuss the list of gods!"

(End of this chapter)

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