Agent of Heaven

Chapter 310 Recovering the Mount

Chapter 310 Recovering the Mount
In the sky above the demon world, a roar of a lion that shocked the world came!Even the clouds covering the entire sky were completely dispersed by this powerful voice.A ray of sunlight was exposed, and what was illuminated was a huge nine-headed lion.

Many monsters around had fainted when they heard the roar, and only a few strong ones could still stand.But Mu Feng looked at the nine lions indifferently: "If you surrender now, you can still be named a general under my command, and you won't be named on the list of gods in the future. After the killing is over, you can return your freedom! "

The nine-headed lion said disdainfully: "Bah! What do you think you are? A saint 33 days away? I'm going to take your head today!" As he spoke, he flew towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "I'm stubborn!" With a wave of his sleeve, the book flew out, emitting a layer of yellow cloud to protect Mu Feng.When the nine lions collided with the cloud, they felt as if they were loaded onto the earth.The yellow cloud didn't move at all, but the nine lions grinned in pain.

The nine-headed lion said: "It's just relying on the advantage of the book from the ground, if you have the ability to fight me head-on!"

Mu Feng didn't pay any attention to the nine lions, and took back the demon-calling flag. He made a formula with both hands, and read out the formula of Shanhe Shejitu taught by Empress Nuwa.But after a while, the demon world around here reacted immediately, and all the mountains and rivers turned rapidly!
The nine-headed lion said in horror: "What, Empress Nuwa actually gave you the mantra of the Shanhe Sheji map! Hmph, I won't argue with you today!" After speaking, he turned into a streamer and wanted to fly outside .

"Do you think you can come and leave whenever you want?" Mu Feng sneered, making seals with both hands, and saw that the sky in the demon world had become dark.

The nine-headed lion suddenly felt that he was plunged into darkness, and he couldn't see his fingers!Even though I opened my eyes wide, I still couldn't see anything.He knew in his heart that Mu Feng used the map of mountains and rivers to seal himself off, but he couldn't speak what he wanted, couldn't see, and couldn't even hear a sound.Even if he wanted to scold Mu Feng, he had no chance!

Suddenly, a golden wooden whip appeared in front of him, and it hit the heads of the nine lions directly.With just one click, the Baizhang body that he had transformed into was directly broken up, revealing his real body.It turned out to be just an ordinary laughing lion.It's just that it has nine heads!

"This is the magic whip!" The nine lions were shocked. If they were beaten a few more times by the magic whip, no matter how advanced their cultivation was, they might not be able to escape the soul-stirring and irreversible end of being beaten in the end.

"Mr. Mu Feng, please spare me!" Jiuling Yuansheng changed back into a human form and began to beg for mercy to Mu Feng.He is not afraid of falling into the hands of the enemy, because his master is Taiyi Save the Suffering Tianzun, no matter how big a mistake he committed, others would give his master some face.But this Mu Feng actually beat him with the magic whip without saying a word, which really made Jiuling Yuansheng cower immediately!

Mu Feng said: "Do you know your mistake?"

Jiuling Yuansheng said: "The little man knows his mistake!"

Mu Feng said: "Okay, then you will show your true body and be my mount!"

Jiuling Yuansheng hesitated: "This..."

Mu Feng raised the magic whip in his hand again, and slapped Jiuling Yuansheng directly on the forehead again.Jiuling Yuansheng suffered from pain, and only then did he show the prototype of the nine-headed lion.Mu Feng sat sideways on top of the nine lions with a smile, raised his finger to the sky, and instantly the demon world became transparent again.

"I am ordered by Empress Nuwa to be the Demon Emperor and control the luck of the three realms. But who else is not convinced?" Mu Feng glanced at the tens of thousands of demon clans present.

All the monsters were silent, and said loudly: "We are willing to regard Your Majesty as emperor."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "It's the best, who will tell me how many soldiers and horses there are?"

Among them, Xiong Zhanjiang reported: "Your Majesty, we are all the troops left by the golden-winged roc. Except for the Jiuling Yuansheng, they are all unpopular little monsters. The number is only less than one hundred thousand. number."

Golden-winged Dapeng once relied on his identity as the son of the phoenix to recruit monsters for his own use. He has millions of soldiers in his hands, and now they are all tigers in heaven.In comparison, the 70 demon soldiers left behind in the demon world are really not elite.Even when the bull demon king attacked the underworld in the past, he brought down millions of demon soldiers.Now even though there are a lot of losses in the battle, at least [-] is still in Lu Ya's hands.

In this way, even if relying on the characteristics of Shanhe Shejitu to recover the demon world, his power is still weaker than Dapeng and Lu Ya after all.Of course, Mu Feng is not without advantages.At least his current influence in the human world can be said to be the strongest.Although Chi You is always watching, but the reality is that Mu Feng still has the upper hand.

After all, Chi You hasn't seen the human world for nearly ten thousand years, and he doesn't understand many things in the human world now.And the most important thing is that Mu Feng stayed behind fifty thousand heavenly soldiers and Yang Jian, Wen Zhong, Kui Mulang, Nezha and other masters in Wuzhuang Temple in the human world, while Chi You was still alone!
Chi You's strength is superb, even now Mu Feng is still not sure about him, but he also knows that it is impossible for him to become the master of the human world by relying on his own strength.So your immediate priority is to find a way to find more witches.Therefore, it cannot affect Mu Feng's influence in the human world in a short period of time.

Another very important point is that in the Three Realms, whether it is the monster clan, the witch clan, or the gods and the like.The views on the human race are still above the ruled.What they don't know is that through the development of science and technology, human beings not only have a better material life, but also have more terrible weapons.

Mu Feng had planned that in the future, no matter whether it was against heaven or the underworld, if the gap in strength was really irreparable, he would find a way to throw two atomic bombs over them first!Although the Yaozu's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, they are still not completely immune to the current human weapons.

However, throwing an atomic bomb at an opponent is actually a very extreme approach. Who knows whether nuclear pollution will cause any new adverse effects after destroying the heaven and the underworld.Therefore, it is the ideal situation in Mu Feng's mind to be able to defeat Dapeng from heaven and Lu Ya from hell without using nuclear bombs, and then unify the demon world.

The demon world was refined from the map of mountains and rivers and the bodies of the four ancient holy beasts, so it could no longer be completely transformed into a magic weapon for Mu Feng to use.Instead, it exists as a small world.

Mu Feng chanted a mantra and cast spells for a while. Although he couldn't change the demon world back to the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map again, he could move this world to the same Wuzhuang Temple.In this way, Wuzhuang Temple, the fifty thousand heavenly soldiers, and the one hundred thousand demon soldiers in the demon world also have a mutual echo.

Mu Feng rode the nine-headed lion all the way back and forth to retreat in Wuzhuang Temple, comprehending the ray of primordial purple energy bestowed by the Master Tongtian.

(End of this chapter)

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