Agent of Heaven

Chapter 311

Chapter 311 Retreating for Ten Years to Enlighten the Dao

As the saying goes, one day in the cave is a thousand years in the world.Ever since Mu Feng went back to Wuzhuang Temple to retreat that day, Wu Fei went away, and the cold came and went.By the time he stepped out of the retreat again, ten years had passed.

Qingfeng Mingyue and the others figured out that Mu Feng was leaving the customs today, so they waited in front of the entrance early: "Master Master, congratulations..." But their words stopped before they spoke, and turned into shock: "Student Master, how did you become like this?"

At this time, Mu Feng was wearing a sackcloth and a Taoist temple on his head. His white hair of more than three feet hung down like snow on the back of his head.Although his face is still the same as that of a young man in his twenties, there is already a profoundness in his eyes that implies the profound way of heaven.

"All appearances are illusory, and love and hatred in the world are also a big dream. Only the way of heaven will last forever, and it will continue to change." Mu Feng said indifferently.

Qingfeng asked: "Brother Master, you have now comprehended the Primordial Purple Qi. Could it be that you have reached the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian?"

Mu Feng said: "It is not difficult for me to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan. Now there are only some causes and effects that I still don't understand. When I get rid of the mortal world, I can prove Hunyuan."

Mingyue said: "What other causes and effects?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "A karma has already come to the door." Say it, the figure disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Wuzhuang Guanmen after a while.

At this time, a young girl was standing at the door with a Juque sword on her back. Seeing Mu Feng's sudden appearance, she immediately smiled: "Brother Mu Feng, long time no see, have you ever missed me?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for ten years, I'm very happy, you have grown up."

This woman is none other than Qingsu, the little sword fairy from Mount Shu in the past.Naturally, she is not an ordinary person, but the daughter of the Xuanyuan family, a reincarnated female demon, this female demon and Ying Long have a long-standing love affair, and it is destined that there will be a love-hate relationship between the two of them in their lives.

Qing Su said: "Brother Mu Feng, I already know about Sister Xiaoyue, you don't need to be sad, I learned the three volumes of heavenly scriptures from my father, as long as I find Chi You, I will definitely kill him to avenge my sister."

Mu Feng looked up into the distance and said: "Chi You is no longer in the human world at this time. He has left the human world for the past ten years. I don't know where he went. If I find him, I will definitely destroy him. !"

The enmity between Chi You and Mu Feng is the deepest, and it is also one of the biggest obstacles that Mu Feng needs to overcome in order to become a saint.It can be said that as long as Chi You is beheaded, Mu Feng will instantly let go of the hostility in his heart, even if he becomes a saint immediately, it is not impossible.

Qing Su seemed to sense the murderous aura emanating from Mu Feng's body, and he quickly grabbed Mu Feng's palm: "You calm yourself down first."

Mu Feng withdrew his hand without leaving any traces. After Jiang Xiaoyue died, he never wanted to have emotional entanglements with other girls. Even if it was the love affair of the daughter-in-law, he wanted to cut it off with supreme perseverance.

Qing Su was a little bit disappointed, now that she was in her twenties and eight years, she could no longer hang on Brother Mu Feng's neck like a koala like she did when she was a child.

"You are resting in Wuzhuang Temple now, and I will go to the human world."

"Brother Mu Feng, I want to go with you."

"Don't mess around, I have business to do, so I will go back when I go." Mu Feng's figure disappeared directly in the Wuzhuang Temple.

Qing Su looked at Mu Feng's back, feeling a little indescribably lost.

The human world, Jiangzhou City.

Mu Feng's figure appeared directly in an old shantytown. Jiangzhou's economic development is now better than in the past, and there are not many shantytowns like this anymore.

The sudden appearance of Mu Feng did not attract the attention of the people living here, they were still busy with their livelihoods.Mu Feng walked all the way out, and saw that the original narrow road was full of garbage bags, and the dirty smell mixed with flies flying around, making people feel unspeakably disgusting.But not far away, there is a small stall selling Liangpi.

Mu Feng walked to the stall and sat down: "Boss, bring me some Liangpi."

"Okay, Liangpi is two yuan a bowl." A slightly stooped figure swayed a little, and the owner of this Liangpi stall gave people an extremely unhealthy feeling.Only by walking in a little bit can people see that he wears black-rimmed glasses and has a pair of thick eyebrows. Although his face is quite upright, he looks very old, like he is about 60 or [-] years old.There is always pain and exhaustion that cannot be hidden in the expression.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand to conjure up two coins, put them on the table and said with a smile: "Just now I saw that other places have raised the price to six yuan a bowl. Why didn't you raise it here?"

The owner of the Liangpi shop brought up a bowl and said, "My craftsmanship is poor, so naturally it will be cheaper." After finishing speaking, he suddenly coughed violently twice, and then said to Mu Feng a little apologetically, "Don't worry, I didn't infectious disease."

Mu Feng said: "I can see that you should have lung cancer."

The cold skin shop owner was taken aback and said, "How do you see it?"

Mu Feng smiled and asked, "Where's your son?"

The Liangpi shop owner said, "Go to school."

Mu Feng said: "You can still afford the tuition? If my calculation is not wrong, you should be so poor that you even have problems eating."

The Liangpi shop owner trembled when he heard the words: "No matter how hard it is, it is impossible not to let the children study."

Mu Feng said: "You are good enough at reading, dignified professor, aren't you selling Liangpi here now? Su Yangzhi!"

Su Yangzhi was taken aback when he heard the words, he widened his eyes carefully and began to look at Mu Feng carefully, before responding after a while: "It's you!"

Mu Feng said: "That's right, it's me! Back then, the three of us asked you to make your son an apprentice with us, so that your family would be ruined and killed. But you insisted on not giving up, and now I am exactly what I did ten years ago. Promised, come to ferry your son."

Su Yangzhi's eyes were full of pain: "It was because I was too blind to see Mount Tai that day, Your Excellency is an expert, what you said that day is exactly the same, let me slowly tell you what I have experienced in the past ten years ..."

It turned out that since Su Yangzhi's wife died, he was alone with his son, and bad luck and strange things began to come to him.Sometimes when I was in school, I would be inexplicably injured by a falling blackboard.Sometimes when I cross the road, I feel that someone is pushing me from behind, so I have experienced several car accidents.

Su Yangzhi couldn't help but feel fear after surviving several times of near-death, and he heard what Mu Feng and the other three told him in the past.I often recited "Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" all the time. As expected, the strange thing never happened again for a long time.

But even more terrifying things soon found him. His father-in-law Lu Mian suddenly died of a heart attack.A new leader came to the school, because Su Yang was dedicated to teaching and was not good at flattering and flattering, so he was soon dismissed from the professorship.

Since Su Yangzhi left school, it was very difficult to find a job and his life became difficult.After a few more years, the child gradually grew up, but his health became worse and worse.Not long ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, so he lost his job. With no money for treatment, he had to sell the house to support his son's living expenses and tuition fees.

After hearing this, Mu Feng couldn't help but sigh: "Your son is the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, a natural leader of the Netherworld, who is most likely to provoke evil things and disasters. You are also a person of deep fortune, otherwise, I'm afraid you wouldn't be alive today. "

Su Yangzhi suddenly knelt down in front of Mu Feng and said, "I don't regret my death. Don't care about my rudeness in the past. After my death, educate my son."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, your son has a relationship with me as a teacher and apprentice, and you have a pure nature, I will definitely not let you die just like that."

At this moment, I suddenly saw a young man carrying a schoolbag in the distance coming here.He put down his schoolbag and said to Su Yangzhi: "Dad, you rest first, I'll take care of it here."

Mu Feng looked at him and nodded, with a hint of deep meaning in his smile.

Su Yangzhi pulled his son over and said, "This is an expert, he will be your master from now on, hurry up and kowtow to him."

The young man looked at Mu Feng for a while and said: "It seems that he has a bit of a good face...but" he wanted to ask his father if he was confused. I'm generally writing martial arts novels.

Su Yangzhi hurriedly said: "Son, do you still remember that I told you that your name Su Liudao was given by a Taoist leader. This is the old Taoist leader."

Su Liudao looked at Mu Feng and said, "You look like you are only in your 20s, and you should have been a child ten years ago..." He thought about it again, and there is nothing to lie about his father and son now.So he just stared at Mu Feng suspiciously.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I'll let you see it first, I'm afraid you will cry and ask for a teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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