Agent of Heaven

Chapter 312 Preparations for Apprenticeship

Chapter 312 Preparations for Apprenticeship
After laughing, Mu Feng stretched out his fingers to touch the Liangpi stall next to him, and saw a golden light flashing, and all the Liangpi on the stall turned into stacks of hundred-yuan bills, which together amounted to about one million yuan. huge.

"Ha! Dad, we seem to have gotten rich!" Su Liudao looked at the money with a somewhat fanatical expression.He is not young anymore. Over the years, he has deeply realized what money can bring to him in the mundane world.

Su Yangzhi also had bright eyes, but after all, he was once a famous scholar and had seen the world.He just looked at Mu Feng, because he knew that Mu Feng came here to accept apprentices, not to give money.These are just magical spells he used.Just like when Su Liudao was just born, when Mu Feng and others appeared, the surrounding time and space were all forbidden.

Su Liudao happily ran towards the money, grabbed two handfuls and said, "Father, we finally have money now, a lot of money!" Unexpectedly, in just a second, those banknotes suddenly became The winding poisonous snake began to attack Su Liudao.

Su Liudao was so frightened that he dropped the poisonous snake in his hand, turned around and ran away.But Mu Feng grabbed him by the back of the collar, lifted him high, and then jumped.With Mu Feng's supernatural powers, he leaped with all his strength and went straight up to the outside of the universe and starry sky.Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Liudao was stunned: "Where is this?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Have you never studied geography? This is the universe."

Su Liudao scratched his head: "No, our teacher said that the sound in the universe cannot be transmitted. I should not be able to hear you when you speak."

Mu Feng said: "I cast a spell on you, otherwise, in this void, do you think you can survive?"

Only then did Su Liudao recover from his bewilderment: "You... you did all of this! Who are you?"

Mu Feng smiled without saying a word.

Su Liudao suddenly said: "I know, you are a god!"

Mu Feng nodded: "Are you willing to practice with me now?"

Su Liudao immediately excitedly said: "I am willing, of course I am willing one hundred times before!" After finishing speaking, his expression suddenly darkened: "It's just that my father is seriously ill..."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, your father will go up the mountain with us, and I will personally help him heal his illness."

There was disbelief in Su Liudao's words: "Really?"

Mu Feng said: "Really!"

Su Liu was about to salute Mu Feng and said, "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Mu Feng helped him up: "I am the head of Wuzhuang Temple, and a ceremony must be held to accept disciples. Don't be so hasty, you go back to Wuzhuang Temple with me first. I will take you to meet other fellow disciples before we talk. "

Su Liudao said with a smile: "As ordered."

Then Mu Feng dragged Su Liudao all the way down the sky, and returned to the Liangpi stall just now.Looking at Su Yang Zhidao: "You can also go back to practice with me, but although you have some talents, your foundation is not stable. If you practice together with my disciples, you will not get the fairy body, and at most you will get a golden core. Expect."

Su Yangzhi was overjoyed when he heard the words: "I am willing to go with you." After all, if anyone still has a glimmer of hope to survive, of course he will work hard to survive.

With a wave of his sleeves, Mu Feng rolled up the father and son into his sleeves, and took them all the way back to Wuzhuang Temple.

When Yang Jian and others heard that Mu Feng was leaving the customs, they naturally came to welcome Mu Feng happily.Seeing Mu Feng coming back at this time, they naturally greeted him one by one. Lao Zhu took the lead and said: "Mu Feng, you can really sit still for ten years of retreat."

"When the responsibilities you face can never be shirked, you will naturally be able to sit still." Mu Feng was still smiling, and then with a wave of his sleeve, two figures rolled out of the universe in Mu Feng's sleeve, Of course it couldn't be someone else, it was Su Liudao and his son.

Mu Feng said: "Do you remember this kid?"

The old pig looked at Su Liudao for a moment and said, "Who is my Dao? It turns out to be the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha! Do you still remember me?"

Su Liudao looked at the old pig blankly...

The old pig smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, anyway, one day, you will remember."

Su Liudao looked at the couplet of the Wuzhuang Temple in front of him and read: "Immortal House of Immortality, live the same life as the sky! What a domineering couplet."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Let's go in first, you will come into contact with more things that you don't dare to think about in the future." After finishing speaking, he pointed to Su Yang Zhidao next to Su Liudao: "Who among you intends to accept an apprentice? .Although this one is a bit older, but the talent is not bad!"

The old pig smiled and said: "The talent is not bad, why don't you accept apprentices yourself?"

Mu Feng said: "Nonsense, I have already accepted his son as an apprentice! Do you want them to be brothers and sisters?"

The old pig chuckled, and then stepped forward to look at Su Yangzhidao: "Are you willing to practice Buddhism with me?"

Su Yangzhi hurriedly said: "Yes, cough cough!" After speaking, he began to cough violently.

Mu Feng said: "He has a stubborn illness, you should be able to treat it."

The old pig nodded, stretched out his hand and shot out a beam of Buddha's light, which penetrated into Su Liudao's body.In just a moment, he saw that his whole body became pitch black, and a layer of mud-like things appeared outside his body, emitting a foul smell.

Su Yangzhi said: "What's wrong with me?"

The old pig said: "I have washed the tendons and cut the marrow for you, and reshaped the meridians. Your current body is not only disease-free, but also many times stronger than before."

With a wave of Mu Feng's hand, a gust of wind carried Su Yangzhi to the mountain spring in the distance: "Hurry up and wash your body, so that you can attend your son's apprenticeship ceremony when you come back."

Su Liudao was the first apprentice Mu Feng received after he took over as the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, which is of great significance.Although Mu Feng had taken in three apprentices before, they were no better than Su Liudao, because Su Liudao was the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.Regardless of his identity or status, he used to dominate the Three Realms.Now the reincarnation actually became an apprentice under Mu Feng.This was in the old days when Zhen Yuanzi was still around, there was no disciple with such a profound background in Wuzhuang Temple.

Accepting Su Liudao, no matter it is for Wuzhuangguan or for Mu Feng, it is a great thing!

In the next ten days or so, Wuzhuang Temple began to prepare for the ceremony of accepting disciples.Today's Wuzhuang Temple is no different from the past with only a dozen Taoist boys, and the three thousand disciples of Zhenyuanzi in the past have now returned.There are also [-] heavenly soldiers and generals stationed outside.Coupled with Wen Zhong as the host, invitations were sent out everywhere to invite gods from all over the world and three mountains.A grand apprenticeship ceremony is about to begin.

What everyone didn't know was that during this apprentice acceptance ceremony, Mu Feng was about to make an unprecedented astonishing move.

(End of this chapter)

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