Agent of Heaven

Chapter 313 Visit from Xuandu

Chapter 313 Visit from Xuandu
Mu Feng is about to hold a disciple acceptance ceremony, and the news that the Ksitigarbha King was reincarnated as a disciple soon spread throughout the Three Realms.Many disciples of Wuzhuang Temple carried envelopes on their backs, and quickly went back and forth to the fairy mansions that had been praised by Wuzhuang Temple.With Mu Feng's profit, someone even sent the invitation to the case of Daoist Lu Ya in the Nether Realm.

"Report to the head teacher, the eight hundred caves and nine thousand scattered immortals in the East China Sea have all sent gifts, and most of them have come to the Longevity Mountain to congratulate." A younger named disciple reported to Mu Feng.

Zhen Yuanzi also received many named disciples before his death, most of these disciples were not high-level, so after returning to Wuzhuang Temple, they were the best group of people Mu Feng could mobilize.As for the other disciples who are quite cultivated, although they dare not say anything to Mu Feng's succession to the head, they are all Mu Feng's senior brothers after all.If Mu Feng uses his authority as a teacher to order him around at will, he will definitely attract criticism.

"You have done a good job! Arrange guest rooms on the mountain for those Sanxians who came to congratulate them. These Sanxians are befriended by Master before his death. We must not neglect!" Mu Feng rewarded the registered disciple with a grain Said after the pill.

The named disciple retreated respectfully and said, "I would like to abide by the decree of the master's teaching."

After all, these few disciples are also practitioners, and many of them have already attained the cultivation level of Sanxian, so it is absolutely impossible to treat them as ordinary handymen.But Mu Feng is not a fool. After directing these registered disciples to do things, he will naturally give some benefits appropriately.At this time, the elixir left by Zhen Yuanzi played a big role.

Soon, someone came up to report: "Master Zhangjiao, Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou have all sent us great gifts."

"Then did the three island owners come?" Mu Feng asked.

"This... the three island owners are all in retreat recently, so they can't come here."

"Well, I see." Mu Feng couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The island owners of Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, these three fairy mountains were the ones who had the most fawning favors on Zhen Yuanzi in the past, but now that Zhen Yuanzi had just passed away, Their attitude towards Wuzhuang Temple immediately became ambiguous.

Mu Feng said to himself: "It's just a villain who is following the trend, and this kind of person must never be with him again."

"Master Head Teacher, the Nether Realm sent Yingzhao as an envoy, leading a thousand golden Wuwei guards, and escorting ten carts of gifts."

Mu Feng said: "Ten carts of gifts? Or did Yingzhao come in person as an envoy? Taoist Lu Ya is really not stingy."

At this time, a voice came from not far away: "You deserve this, and you don't even think about it. If it wasn't for your help in the underworld, how could they have easily sat on the number one throne in the Netherworld? The crowd is really heartless..."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Second Brother, why are you here?"

Yang Jian raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, aren't you welcome?"

Mu Feng smiled bitterly: "If you don't welcome anyone, you can't help but welcome you."

Yang Jian looked at Mu Feng and suddenly became serious: "To be honest, since the death of Immortal Zhenyuan, I found that you have changed a lot."

Mu Feng tried his best to show the same smile as before and said, "What has it become?"

Yang Jian said: "In the past, if you had any worries or thoughts, you would definitely share them with us."

Mu Feng understood what Yang Jian meant, and said, "You want to ask me why I suddenly want to hold such a grand disciple acceptance meeting!"

Yang Jian said: "Yes."

Mu Feng said: "The Five Villages Temple used to be powerful in the three worlds, but it basically relied on the prestige of the teacher alone. So I want to see the attitude of many forces in the three worlds towards our Five Villages Temple after the death of the teacher."

Yang Jian said: "And then?"

Mu Feng clenched his fists: "We will catch all those who try to fish in troubled waters while the teacher is gone."

The eyes on Yang Jian's forehead radiated a golden light: "Mu Feng, you are so murderous now."

Mu Feng withdrew his murderous aura, and smiled helplessly: "In my position, there are many things that I have to consider."

Yang Jian sighed, "You look a lot like my uncle before."

Speaking of Jade Emperor, Mu Feng became interested: "How is he doing recently, how is he doing?"

Yang Jian said: "In the past few years, he has had fun in the world. He has formed a sunset red tour group with a group of elderly people and travels all over the country every day. And when he gets on the bus, he waits for others to give up his seat, as if he regards himself as a real mortal old man."

Mu Feng said: "Now I am a bit envious of him. Well, let's not talk about him, let's talk about the abbot, Yingzhou, Penglai, and the island owner of the three islands."

Yang Jian said: "These three people are old-fashioned earth immortals. When the great immortal Zhenyuan was still around, they were always attached to your Wuzhuang temple, but after the death of the great immortal, they vaguely became close to the Buddhist world."

Mu Feng said: "These three people must die."

Yang Jian hesitated and said, "Are you sure?"

Mu Feng said: "I'm sure." As soon as the words fell, a green aura rose from the top of his head, and Taoist Hua Sha flew out of it, heading towards the three islands of Penglai.

Yang Jian said: "Actually, they didn't make any mistakes..."

Mu Feng said: "One must be killed to warn others."

At this moment, a registered disciple hurried in and said to Mu Feng, "Master Headmaster...Master Xuandu is here!"

Yang Jian was taken aback: "Why did he come here?"

"I think I came here by order." Mu Feng laughed and walked out: "Where is it, I will go to meet it myself."

The identity of the Great Master of Xuandu is somewhat legendary, he is the apprentice of Lao Tzu, the leader of humanism.Sanqing are both saints, but the standards for accepting disciples are quite different.

The leader of the Tongtian religion is that anyone who is eager to learn is willing to accept him as an apprentice.

Yuanshi Tianzun is, not only must have a studious heart, but also have a good appearance!Animals and the like will never be included in the gate wall.

Lao Tzu is the most demanding. He only accepts students who are studious, good looking, and upright. They are all upper-class people.So for tens of thousands of years, he has only received Xuandu as a disciple.

When Mu Feng saw Xuandu himself, he once again affirmed the high level of Lao Tzu's apprenticeship. Master Xuandu not only has a dignified appearance, but also has a temperament far superior to ordinary immortals.Just standing there, there is a feeling of Taoism following the world in him.

"I've seen the Master Wuzhuang Temple!" The Taoist of Xuandu was the first to salute Mu Feng.

Mu Feng returned the gift and said: "You don't have to be polite, Master Xuandu, he came from a long way, but Xiao Ke is too far away to welcome you. Please come into the hall and have a talk."

Xuandu said: "Master Mu, I'm here to discuss something important..."

At this moment, a fairy sword was suddenly seen flying in the sky, and it was directly inserted into the ground.After looking carefully, he found a person standing on the hilt of the sword. This person had three long beards, sword eyebrows and star eyes.Don't be out of the ordinary.

Seeing this person, Xuan Du laughed and said, "Junior Brother Guang Chengzi, why are you here to join in the fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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