Agent of Heaven

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Seeing Mu Feng and Xuan Du, the sword fairy didn't come down to pay respects, instead he stood on the sword and chanted:

The exhibition bird embraces purity, annihilation and light dust.

Affectionate and noble Xuan Mian, down to save the world.

There are no points in a hundred lines, and the three ways of dismissing the Tao are true.

Faith says that morality is superior to ancient times, but how can it be said that it is Zhonglun.

Mu Feng raised his head to look at the unrestrained and unrestrained sword fairy, called his name coldly and said, "Mr. Guang Chengzi." Because flying with a sword directly inside someone else's mountain gate is actually a very rude behavior, so Mu Feng's dislike for this Guang Chengzi has already been written on his face.

And who is this Guangchengzi?Yuanshi Tianzun's favorite apprentice is also, among the Twelve Golden Immortals, he often exists as the leader.And he is usually a little aloof and arrogant!The life-and-death contest between cutting off teaching and explaining teaching was largely caused by Guang Chengzi!One of the reasons why Manjusri and others fled to Western religions was that they had difficulty getting along with Guangchengzi.

Xuandu is a peacemaker, he didn't care about Guangchengzi's rudeness at all, he just smiled and said: "Junior Guangchengzi, come down quickly to greet Mr. Mu Feng, he is now the head of Wuzhuang Temple, higher than us The upper half."

Although Zhen Yuanzi is not a saint, he is also one of the great powers that existed at the beginning of the world, so theoretically he and San Qing are of the same generation.Although Mu Feng is a junior, he has completely inherited Zhen Yuanzi's mantle, so theoretically he is half a generation older than Twelve Golden Immortals or even Xuandu.

Guang Chengzi is an arrogant person, so he naturally wouldn't show respect to Mu Feng, he just cupped his hands and said, "I've met Mr. Mu Feng."

But Mu Feng didn't say a word to Guang Chengzi, and made a gesture of invitation to Xuandu, then flicked his sleeves and entered the door.

Xuandu followed Mu Feng in calmly.Seeing that Mu Feng ignored him, Guang Chengzi felt annoyed in his heart. He is the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. He has been walking in the Three Realms for many years, and he has always been the one who gives others embarrassment!No one dared to be so contemptuous with him.At the moment, I want to walk away.But recalling Master's recent sound transmission in his mind, he gritted his teeth and walked into the gate of Wuzhuang Temple.With a cold face, he followed behind Xuandu and Mu Feng.

Mu Feng walked to the place where the ginseng fruit trees were originally planted. Although there were no spiritual roots standing here at that time, this land was still a spiritual land in the Three Realms.As soon as the three of them stepped here, they felt relaxed and happy, and even the speed of mana circulation was much faster.

Mu Feng said: "Realist Xuandu, please sit down."

"Mr. Mu Feng is too polite." Taoist Priest Xuandu did not sit down, but pointed to the futon beside him and said to Guang Chengzi: "It's a long way for the assassination, you did it."

There are only two futons in this courtyard, Guang Chengzi said thank you when he heard Xuandu's words, and sat on the futons carelessly.

Xuandu smiled slightly, and sat on the grass.

Mu Feng didn't care about the two brothers, but asked directly: "Could it be that the two of you are here to convey the will of the two venerables Yuqing and Taiqing?"

Xuandu smiled slightly: "The first purpose of my coming here this time is naturally to congratulate Mr. Mu Feng for accepting the title of high apprentice. I have a shark-slaying sword here, which is a plaything for refining in my spare time. I will give it to Mu Feng Mr. Feng's disciple, please be sure to accept it."

Mu Feng took the shark-slaying sword that Xuandu handed over, and looked at it carefully.This sword is about four feet long and one finger wide. The sword body is wrapped in a leather case at this time.On the top of the leather case, a spell to suppress murderous intent was written in cinnabar, and it seemed to be Xuandu's arm.

With a "choke", Mu Feng pulled out the sword three inches, and felt a glare of the sword's light, and a cold air.Then he put the sword back into its scabbard, cupped his hands towards Xuandu and said: "It really is a good sword, Mr. Xuandu, don't worry about it."

Xuandu smiled and said: "Where, where." In fact, this shark-slaying sword is the most proud magic weapon he has refined over hundreds of years.This painstakingly sent Wuzhuang Temple as a congratulatory gift is really because the matter that my master has explained is too important.

Guang Chengzi looked at Mu Feng and Xuan Du shivering, but put himself aside, feeling unhappy right now.Facing Mu Feng, he said, "Mr. Mu Feng! I'm here to convey to you a decree from my master."

Mu Feng looked back at Guang Chengzi, but didn't speak.

Guang Chengzi saw that Mu Feng hadn't moved for a long time, and immediately said angrily: "Mu Feng! Still don't kneel down to accept the decree!"

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Although Yuanshi Tianzun has a high status, he is also a saint. But I am the head teacher of Wuzhuang Temple, a disciple of Zhenyuan Great Immortal. I am not one of you who teach, so naturally I don't need to kneel down."

Guang Chengzi said: "Presumptuous! Don't forget that you are also the leader of the list of gods handpicked by the Yuanshi sage."

Mu Feng stretched out his left hand, a golden light flashed, and the God Whip and the Conferred God List appeared in his hand at the same time: "If you want these two things, just take them!"

Guang Chengzi had a long beard without wind and took the initiative. He drew out the sword behind his back and pointed at Mu Feng, saying: "The plan of the common people is not a trifle! You impolite lunatic, today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of Zhen Yuanzi!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Guang Chengzi, just because you dare to replace my tutor to teach me? Who gave you the confidence?" His figure suddenly disappeared, and in the next second he appeared behind Guang Chengzi, with the shark in his hand. The sword came out of its sheath directly, and slashed towards Guang Chengzi's Taoist crown.

Guang Chengzi didn't expect Mu Feng's sudden attack, nor did he expect Mu Feng's attack speed to be so fast.When he wanted to block with his sword, he realized that his dao crown had been cut off.

"I'll teach you a lesson this time! If you dare to behave wildly in my Wuzhuang Temple again, even if your master is the sage Yuqing, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" Mu Feng held the Shark Sword in his hand, holding a sword flower, It is then put into the sheath.

When a master fights, the winner can be determined in an instant.Although Mu Feng only made one shot, Guang Chengzi could clearly see that he was not Mu Feng's opponent.If Mu Feng's sword had been a little bit lower just now, it would have been his head that was cut off.

Xuan Du hurried up to smooth things over and said, "Take it easy, two of you. They're all from the Xuanmen lineage, so don't make a move. You'll hurt your family."

Mu Feng bowed to Xuandu and said, "What is Master Xuandu doing here, you should tell me quickly."

Seeing that Mu Feng took the initiative to mention it, Xuandu naturally stopped playing around: "My teacher and several other saints are now trapped in Zixiao Palace by Daozu Hongjun. And Daozu Hongjun of Zixiao Palace issued a decree, stating that it will be a hundred days A saint will reappear in the inner three realms. Gather the seven saints and make up the number of days."

Mu Feng thought in his heart: It seems that Zu Hongjun expected that I would be able to absorb that ray of primordial purple energy.The reason why the six saints were trapped in Zixiao Palace was probably because they were afraid that they would be wiped out by other saints before they grew up.After all, all the power between heaven and earth is shared by those six saints.If one more carver suddenly appeared, it would inevitably make some of them feel dissatisfied.

But then again, both Nuwa and Tongtian should hope that Mu Feng can become a saint.Because the two of them are almost the weakest among the saints.If another saint can be won to join, the situation will change drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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