Agent of Heaven

Chapter 315

Chapter 315
Mu Feng looked at Xuandu and Guangchengzi, and said after a long time: "So, the purpose of the two of you here is to think that the next saint will be next." He asked to test whether Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun had also Knowing that Master Tongtian had given Primordial Purple Qi to himself.

Guang Chengzi snorted coldly when he heard the words, and resumed his original arrogant attitude: "That's not the case. Anyone who cut off the two corpses in the Three Realms may have a lower chance of becoming a saint than you. However, the teacher believes that it is possible The biggest one is not you quasi-sages, but the demon god Chiyou! He originally had the blood of Pangu, and now he is resurrected again. Almost all the resentment and hostility accumulated by the witch clan for thousands of years have gathered on him. He is very likely to reach In the past, the twelve patriarchal witches did not reach the realm, to prove the Tao with strength, and to achieve Pan Gu's real body!"

The witch clan is very different from other races. The twelve ancestor witches are the essence and blood of Pangu. Strictly speaking, they are the purest descendants of Pangu.It has more powerful power than other races without training, and has an extremely long lifespan.But the way of heaven is fair, precisely because their power comes from blood, so these witches are born unable to practice the Taoism of Hongjun's lineage.Even all the witchcraft researched out are nothing more than strange techniques and ingenious tricks, which cannot be compared with Hunyuan Dao at all.If they want to become saints, they can only continuously stimulate the power in their blood, and strive to make their bodies reach the state of the old Pangu gods.Also known as Pan Gu's real body!However, the sad thing is that the bloodline has gradually faded from the witch clan in the course of thousands of years.At first, as long as the twelve ancestral witches worked together, they could merge into Pan Gu's real body in a short time.The power is even stronger than other saints!
But since the Twelve Ancestral Witches fell one after another, the real body of Pan Gu has never appeared again.The Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Gods in Mu Feng's hands can actually condense a phantom of his real body.But its power is not even one ten-millionth of Pan Gu's real body!
Mu Feng understands how incredible it is to achieve Pan Gu's real body, so he is skeptical about Guang Chengzi's words: "I don't think Chi You can surpass the Twelve Ancestral Witches just by relying on those turbid qi and resentment. .”

Guang Chengzi stood up from the futon upon hearing the words, and opened his mouth to taunt Mu Feng.But he was stopped by Xuandu.Xuandu said to Mu Feng with a serious face: "Mr. Mu, please don't doubt what Guang Chengzi said, because the result calculated by the family teacher is also the same. Chi You is very likely to become a saint! Although I also think that only by those words The turbidity and resentment are not enough to make him surpass the Twelve Ancestral Witches. But there is no guarantee that he has some hidden means that we don't know about!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "In this way, once Chi You proves the Tao with strength and becomes Pangu's real body...the consequences will be unimaginable!"

At present, there are three methods of sanctification, the first one is to kill the three corpses to prove the way, and Sanqing is sanctified by this method!That is, Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Master.The three of their four brothers are currently the strongest existence among the saints.

The second type is the sanctification of merit, represented by Nuwa and the two leaders of the West.Nuwa has the merit of mending the sky and creating man!Immediately sanctify.And Western Zhunti Jieyin is the [-] great ambitions made when the Western religion was founded, borrowing merits from heaven and earth to become a saint!Therefore, most of the current Buddhist disciples do good deeds, to a large extent, to repay the merits borrowed by their leader.In addition, the sanctification of merit is not a real practice after all, so the strength of Nuwa and the second Western leader is inevitably inferior to that of Sanqing.

The third method is to use force to prove the Tao. No one has succeeded in this method so far, but the tragedy is that once Chi You can condense Pan Gu's true body, his strength will immediately overwhelm other saints!After all, these three realms were all created by Pangu, and his physical strength is enough to destroy the three realms!
Therefore, Mu Feng had some guesses about the purpose of Guangchengzi and Xuandu's visit.With the arrogance of Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, they will never allow anyone to overwhelm them!But at this time, they were trapped in Zixiao Palace by Daozu Hongjun, and they were not allowed to go out for a hundred days.One day in the sky, one year on the ground!If it really took a hundred years to pass, I'm afraid that Chi You would have become a saint long ago and would be able to pee on Sanqing's neck.

So both Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun secretly sent news to their first disciples, asking them to come to Mu Feng.Chi You and Mu Feng have deep hatred!And Mu Feng's current strength has also reached quasi-sage, and there are few opponents in the three realms, enough to become a sharp sword in their hands to kill Chi You!Even if Mu Feng is not strong enough, as long as Xuandu and Guangchengzi assist secretly, it will not be difficult to take down Chi You's head!
Seeing that Mu Feng was thinking about it, Guang Chengzi had no intention of taking care of himself and Xuandu at all.Immediately, he became even more angry, but thinking that he still had to rely on this person for the tasks assigned by his master, he had no choice but to restrain his temper.He thought to himself, when Chi You gets rid of him, he will definitely use the Shattering Seal to beat this Yinglong's reincarnation into a loach!But in his mouth he said: "Mu Feng, if Chi You becomes a saint, I'm afraid that the Three Realms will be devastated. As the leader of the list of gods, you should stand up to maintain the order of the Three Realms. Therefore, I am entrusting the pardon of Yuanshi Tianzun to Raise troops to capture Chi You immediately! Brother Xuandu and I will help you."

Mu Feng naturally knew what kind of plan they were planning, so he didn't expose it right now, but just planned: "It's just that I am weak here! There are tens of thousands of soldiers, but there are too few masters, I'm afraid it won't be that Chi You The opponent... I have heard for a long time that there are many masters in Yuxu Palace, and the golden immortals are all powerful, I don't know..."

Guang Chengzi said patiently: "Naturally, I will help each other. My juniors and I will march with Mr. Mu Feng! Until Chi You is killed!"

Mu Feng looked at Xuandu again.

Xuandu smiled wryly and said, "I will naturally help each other."

Mu Feng didn't show a satisfied expression as they wished, but continued to frown: "There is just one thing, I'm afraid it's not good."

Xuandu said, "What's the matter?"

Mu Feng said: "The two saints of the Taiqing Shangqing have already speculated that Chi You is the most likely to become a saint, so the Second Hierarch of the West must also be able to speculate! Then they still didn't come to me at this time, does it mean that they are right? Chi You's attitude..."

Guang Chengzi said: "The Second Hierarch of the West has long been dissatisfied with the fact that the Sanqing sage has always been the first among the sages. But they are not strong enough! If Chi You is added now, their power may firmly overwhelm the Sanqing sage. !"

Xuan Du concluded: "So, the Western Church should have chosen to support Chi You!"

(End of this chapter)

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