Agent of Heaven

Chapter 316 Kong Xuan's Revenge

Chapter 316 Kong Xuan's Revenge
Today's Three Realms, the situation began to become more and more chaotic.The power of the monster clan alone was divided into two groups, the golden-winged roc eagle occupied the heaven, and Lu Ya and the bull demon king occupied the underworld!And the former demon world was acquired by Mu Feng and became his secret hidden power!

Now, neither Guang Chengzi nor Xuandu knew that Mu Feng had obtained the demon banner from Empress Nuwa and became the new leader of the demon world. The number of demon soldiers and heavenly soldiers under him totaled 10,000+.That's why they came to find Mu Feng, and they were willing to help with all their strength, in order to give Mu Feng the courage to fight Chi Youshu to the death!If they really knew the full strength of Mu Feng, they would definitely watch Mu Feng and Chi You lose both with cold eyes at this time, and then take action to clean up the mess.

Now Chi You must already have the great help of the Western Sect!During the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, the Western Sect poached many masters from Jiejiao and Chanjiao!The ancient Buddha who burns the lamp, the ancient Buddha who is afraid of leaving grandchildren, the Dingguang Joyful Buddha, Jin Ao Bukong who becomes a Buddha... These Buddhas today were all disciples of Taoism in the past.

The leader of Tongtian religion is undoubtedly dissatisfied with the Western religion, and even made a big deal with Amitabha and Zhunti this time!

So Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi can tolerate the rampant Western religion?Of course not!In the past, we joined forces with Western religions to suppress the forces that stopped teaching!The leader of Tongtian sect ranks the last among the Three Purities, but the power to cut off the sect before conferring the gods is the strongest in the Three Realms!This is what Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu, who are senior brothers, can't bear!But now, the Judgment is destroyed, and after the disastrous victory of the Interpretation, the vitality is also greatly injured. Instead, the Western Sect has leapt from the former side path to the strongest force in the Three Realms!

Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu couldn't allow this situation to continue, so they chose Mu Feng!This person has a deep hatred for Xixijiao and Chi You!They believe that as long as they give enough support, Mu Feng will definitely work hard for them and fight the Western Sect to the death!
In front of Mu Feng, Xuandu talked endlessly about the evil results and despicable aspects of Western religion.The words also vaguely mentioned the death of Zhen Yuanzi in the ten thousand Buddha formation, in an attempt to arouse Mu Feng's hatred!

Mu Feng, however, watched his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his heart. No matter how Xuandu performed, he remained expressionless as if he was in a trance.But in his heart, he was thinking quickly about how to make Guang Chengzi willingly take out the power of elucidating teachings to be his pawn, and fighting with the Western teachings would be a lose-lose situation for both sides!

No one wants to be that snipe and clam, but everyone wants to be that fisherman.

At this moment, a long cry was suddenly heard from outside the mountain gate: "Ying Long! My old friend came to pay a visit, why didn't you come out to greet him!"

The expressions of the three people present changed at the same time, because they all recognized who it was!

"Fellow Taoist Kong Xuan! Don't come here without any harm!" Mu Feng flew out of Wuzhuang Temple, looking at Kong Xuan standing outside the door!
At this time, Kong Xuan had lost the unrestrained and unrestrained style of the past, his body was full of turbidity, his black hair had turned into snow white, and his pupils were shining with red murderous aura!
Mu Feng frowned: "Fellow Taoist Kong Xuan, what's the matter with this foul breath on your body?"

Kong Xuanjie laughed strangely and said: "What's going on? Hehe, don't you know? In the past, in the underworld, you and Na Luya and others pretended to come to seek refuge, but plotted my foundation and trapped me in Zhoutian. Within the Star Dou Great Formation!"

Mu Feng waved his hand and said: "What Lu Ya planned has nothing to do with me... Sun Wukong and I were also trapped in the big formation at that time!"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "Bah! Then why are you standing here safe and sound? With your and Sun Houzi's level of cultivation, can you walk out of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation by yourself? You must be the same as that Lu Ya!" Together!"

Mu Feng could feel that Kong Xuan had lost his mind, and the turbidity in his body was constantly manipulating his emotions and thinking: "Fellow Kong Xuan! Then how did you get out?"

Kong Xuan said coldly: "Lu Ya and that group of trash are no match for the five-color divine light in my hand, and only one of them trapped me in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, trying to slowly refine me. But they didn't expect The demon god Chi You has been resurrected! He sneaked into the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation and rescued me..."

Mu Feng said: "Then the turbid air you ascended must have been given to you by the demon god Chi You!"

Kong Xuandao: "If you want to be free, you will inevitably have to pay some price! Mu Feng, I am here to take your life today!"

Mu Feng said: "Your mind has been bewitched by Chi You, remembering the old love, I will help you!"

"Quack, quack, help me! Go to hell!" Kong Xuan laughed strangely, and the five-color divine light flickered behind him, and a white light came towards Mu Feng!

Mu Feng stayed where he was, and the book from the ground automatically floated above his head, and countless yellow clouds emerged from it, holding back the white light!
"Hey! Book from the ground! That old ghost Zhen Yuanzi even gave you the book from the ground, he must be dead!" The divine light behind Kong Xuan shone again, and brushed towards the yellow cloud!
The five-color divine light is the first-class magic weapon in the world, and it is said that there is nothing that cannot be touched!But the Book of the Earth is also the most powerful defensive spirit treasure in the Three Realms, claiming to be invincible!The two treasures kept colliding with each other, shaking the entire Wuzhuang Temple to the point of collapse. Many immortal guests who came to participate in the ceremony of Mu Feng's apprenticeship all flew into the air, stopping to watch the fight between Mu Feng and Kong Xuan!

If Mu Feng's previous cultivation was with Kong Xuandou, he might be beaten and fled after only a few rounds.But now that he had beheaded the two corpses, his cultivation level was no lower than that of Kong Xuan, and he had even more books to fight against Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, so the battle between the two became more and more exciting.

The two were fighting back and forth in the air. On one side, the five-color divine light was as sharp as a sword, and on the other side, the book from the ground, Huang Yun, was as immovable as a mountain!One showed the body of the peacock, and the other turned into the real body of Yinglong!After some contests, there were hundreds of rounds with no outcome.The many immortals who watched from below were also dumbfounded!

Guang Chengzi looked at Mu Feng who was fighting with Kong Xuan evenly in the air, and his face was a little ugly: "This Yinglong reincarnation has such magic power!" He originally thought that his magic power must be higher than that of Mu Feng, but when he met Chi You
But Xuandu said: "I have already seen that his cultivation is higher than yours... It's just that I didn't expect him to be able to fight Kong Xuan like this!"

Xuandu is Laozi's only disciple, and his cultivation level is naturally higher than that of Guangchengzi.He could tell at a glance that Mu Feng was the quasi-sage who had already beheaded the two corpses, but what he didn't expect was that Mu Feng could fight Kong Xuan evenly.Because even if they are all quasi-sages, there is still a gap in strength.

Among the quasi-sages, Kong Xuan is known as the No. 1 under the saint. Of course, this title is a bit watery.But during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there was indeed no one who explained the Twelve Golden Immortals as his opponent!In the end, Zhunti took action himself, using the big to bully the young to subdue Kong Xuan.Xuandu is actually very arrogant in his bones, but if he were to face Kong Xuan, he might not be sure of victory.

The battle between Mu Feng and Kong Xuan gradually became fierce, and many immortals present were lamenting that Mu Feng's supernatural powers were not inferior to that of Zhen Yuanzi in the past.But at this moment, a black figure suddenly jumped out from the crowd, striking Mu Feng's back with a palm!

(End of this chapter)

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