Agent of Heaven

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
"Haha, do you want to die to understand? Then I also want to understand why you don't want to be good immortals, but you want to join the Chi You Wu Clan?" Taoist Huasha said with a sinister smile.

Lu Jianlou and Murong Kuo's expressions changed greatly when they heard the words. Lu Jianlou pointed at Taoist Huasha with a trembling finger and said, "You are bloody! We, Sanxian Island in the East China Sea, are all decent immortal families. How could that be?" Get mixed up with the witch clan!"

Taoist Huasha said humanely: "Really? Then you dare to let me enter the island for a look?"

Murong Kuo said angrily: "The island is the center of my sect, you villain can't even get in!"

Taoist Huasha sneered: "Then I'll kill all of you and go in to have a look!" With a wave of his sleeve, bursts of sword energy shot out again!The surrounding Donghai Sanxian Island disciples are just ordinary Sanxian cultivation bases, how can they resist the Xuanyuan sword energy of Taoist Huasha.Naturally, all of them disappeared, and within a short time, they saw a large area of ​​blood red on the originally clear sea.

"You two, are you still unwilling to admit it?" Taoist Huasha looked at Murong Kuo and Lu Jianlou indifferently.

These two people were also stubborn. Seeing that they were in despair, they simply looked at Taoist Hua Sha with hatred: "Okay! You have destroyed my family today, can you dare to leave your name? Master Chiyou will definitely avenge us in the future!"

The Taoist of Huasha snorted coldly: "The poor way transforms evil!" Then he shot two sword qi between his fingers, beheading the two of them!
At the other end of time and space, Chi You, who had been meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, and the turbid air in his body was faintly visible: "Taoist Huasha? Looks like Yinglong's evil corpse clone! Hmph, you really didn't disappoint me. This Once I will crush you on the battlefield!"

Taoist Huasha didn't know that Chi You had already sensed what he had done at this time, but flew into Penglai Island!After looking around, I realized that this vast and magnificent Penglai Island has become completely unpopular!In the center of the island stood a huge array, emitting a sea-blue light.

"This is... the great array of heaven and earth?" Daoist Huasha is Mu Feng's clone of evil thoughts, and he has inherited Yinglong's thousands of years of memory, so he recognized this array at a glance!After that, he didn't dare to neglect at all, and went to Fangzhang and Yingzhou Island to watch it. Sure enough, there were huge formations on the three islands.

"The big formation has been completed, it seems that Chi You has already returned." Taoist Huasha shook his head helplessly, turned around and flew back towards Wuzhuang Temple.

Mu Feng's body and clone naturally share thoughts and memories, so what Taoist Huasha sees is just like what he saw with his own eyes.Naturally, he didn't dare to neglect, turned into a streamer and came to the main hall of Wuzhuang Temple first, and told Qingfeng: "Go and invite Guangchengzi and Xuandu to come and see me."

After a while, both Guang Chengzi and Xuan Du came in front of Mu Feng.

Guang Chengzi asked, "But what's the news?"

Mu Feng said: "I think I already know where Chi You is now!"

Xuan Du asked, "Where?"

Mu Feng said: "Not now!"

Guang Chengzi said: "What does this mean?"

After thinking for a moment, Xuandu asked: "Could it be that he has traveled through time and space?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Guang Chengzi said: "Transcending time and space is the method of a sage..."

Xuandu shook his head and said: "But not only saints can travel through time and space, as long as they use some things, even mortals can travel through time."

Mu Feng said: "It's not as good as the Tiandi Yuanji Formation!"

Xuandu said in astonishment: "You mean the great formation of heaven and earth? Isn't that formation already lost!"

Mu Feng said: "I'm afraid it will be mastered by Chi You. This is the fact that I have seen with my own eyes on the three islands in the East China Sea! The three fairy islands have become the cornerstone of the formation, and Chi You has left the place where we are now with the help of the formation." time!"

Guang Chengzi said: "Then let's destroy the formation now, won't Chi You never come back?"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "Then he will change the time in the past, and our world here will collapse!"

Guang Chengzi said: "He must go back to the past now to change the time! What else can we do if we don't destroy the formation?"

Xuan Du said: "Maybe we can chase after him and catch Chi You back!"

Mu Feng said: "At the same time, we must try our best to keep the original track of history, otherwise the world we exist in will be greatly affected."

Xuandu said: "How about we also use the Heaven and Earth Yuanji Formation to go to the past time and space?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work, the formation has been locked and only Chi You can enter and exit!"

Guang Chengzi said: "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either! Then how do we go back in time and catch Chi You?"

Mu Feng said: "In fact, there is another magic weapon that can travel through time and space. Have you forgotten it?"

Xuandu said: "What?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Kunlun Mirror!"

Guang Chengzi clapped his hands and said, "I forgot about this spiritual treasure! I'm going to the Kunlun School now to get this treasure."

Mu Feng said: "Then Taoist Master Guangchengzi, please go and come back quickly. I am also making some preparations in Wuzhuang Temple."

Guang Chengzi was originally one of the founders of the Kunlun School, so going to get the Kunlun mirror is naturally a trivial matter.So without saying a word, he set up a cloud and flew towards the Kunlun faction in the human world.

Xuandu said: "There must be a fierce battle this time, I will also go back to the bullfighting palace to get some pills for later use!" After speaking, he also turned into a streamer and flew 33 days away!

Mu Feng sat alone on the futon, and after thinking for a long time, he took out twelve black flags.These are the formation flags used by the formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons!They are all cast by the most sophisticated forging technology of the Wu people!Each one is extremely tough and can withstand high-intensity mana impact.

"Sanmai True Fire!" A flame suddenly ignited in Mu Feng's palm, and began to smelt the twelve black flags.Guangchengzi and Xuandu will definitely bring help when they go.I can't show too much of my current power in front of them, otherwise Guangchengzi and Xuandu will definitely not be willing to help Mu Feng with all their strength, so those soldiers and horses in the demon world can't lead them.
superior.But it can't be too weak!Otherwise, Guang Chengzi will come with a series of masters, and he will turn his back on the guest and give orders to Mu Feng!How can people bear it?

Relying on the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals alone is indeed difficult to impress an old golden fairy like Guang Chengzi, so Mu Feng decided to make treasures!He will choose to give these magic weapons to his direct disciples to strengthen their power, so that they can also become talents worthy of use in the battle of Chi You as soon as possible!

If you need to cooperate, naturally the sword array is the most suitable!So Mu Feng decided to refine the flags of the Twelve Capitals' Great Formation of Gods and Demons into seven precious swords!
(End of this chapter)

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