Agent of Heaven

Chapter 319: Yinglong Seven Swords

Chapter 319
In early autumn, the night is still young, and there is a red light looming in the southeast of the sky.Gradually, the red light began to spread and began to soar into the sky!Even the golden-winged roc eagle sitting on the Lingxiao Temple was startled.He quickly dispatched the demon generals to the observation platform to investigate what was wrong with the lower realm.

After a while, the demon general turned around and bowed to Lingxiao Hall and said, "I would like to report to the Demon Emperor, this light came from the Wuzhuang Temple in the human world. There should be a treasure of killing!"

The golden-winged roc said: "Wuzhuang Temple is now Mu Feng's territory, and he has always had a grudge against us. If there are treasures, we must not let him have them." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and scanned the hall The fairies standing in two rows divided into civil and military: "Is there any lover who is willing to relieve my worries?"

King Jinjiao and King Yinjiao walked out at the same time, knelt down and saluted: "My two brothers are willing to go to Wuzhuang Temple in the human world to win the treasure for your majesty."

The golden-winged roc smiled and said: "You two loves, please hurry up. Now Mu Feng has inherited the Taoism of Wuzhuang Temple, and his men also have a lot of strength. Just in case, I will give you one hundred thousand elite soldiers to go to the human world ! If possible, it would be even better to take down Wuzhuang temple."

The King of Golden Horn was puzzled and said: "Your Majesty, the Jianmu passage to the human world has been sealed. I guess I will have to spend a lot of time waiting for the lower world. How can I bring one hundred thousand elite soldiers?"

Qing Shijing who stood at the head of all the courtiers laughed loudly: "Haha, you don't know about Jin Jiao. Since the death of Zhen Yuanzi, the barrier of sealing Jianmu has become weaker and weaker. Now even with ten It is not difficult for thousands of elite soldiers to pass!"

The golden-winged roc said: "So this time I asked you to go to Wuzhuang Temple. Another purpose is to hope that you can fight Mu Feng first for me. It would be best if you can win. Hold on to the Wuzhuang Temple for a while. When we gather an army of millions and break through the wooden barrier together, we can directly take down the human world!"

Yin Jiao rejoiced and said: "Since this is the case, I will fight for the king first!"

Among the monster generals, Black Bear stood up again, bowed to the golden-winged roc and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to be the vanguard general with Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao!"

Jin Jiao's face turned cold when he heard this, he thought that the black bear spirit must have come to compete with the two of them for this first achievement.

Yinjiao said directly: "There is no need for General Heixiong, just Wuzhuangguan, now there is no Zhen Yuanzi sitting in the town, my two brothers can handle it."

In fact, the group of monsters occupying the Heavenly Court is not just a group of harmony!Jinjiaoyinjiao was originally the boy next to Lao Tzu, who had attained the Tao ten thousand years ago.Although he has not cultivated any powerful spells, among the monster clan, he has always regarded himself as a high-ranking nobleman.In comparison, this black bear spirit was originally a monster who practiced Taoism on his own in the deep mountains, but he was born in Yeluzi.Enlightenment is only a thousand years old!He was even arrested by Guanyin as a gatekeeper when he was traveling to the West in the past, so he is now the lowest among the many monster generals.

The Black Bear Spirit can stand in this Lingxiao Temple, relying on its own strength that is not inferior to Monkey King.In contrast, other monster races rely mostly on their background and qualifications.

For example, Qingshijing, the Generalissimo of the Yaozu who is currently in charge of the demon generals, may not be the opponent of the Black Bear Jing in terms of ability!But he is the eldest brother of the Golden Winged Roc, and he had sat down and listened to the Master Tongtian before, so he can barely be regarded as a demon fairy from Jiejiao.So he came to be the leader of the demon generals, and no one dared to disobey him.

The golden-winged roc squinted at the black bear spirit, nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, that's fine."

Black Bear Spirit hurriedly paid his respects and said: "I thank Your Majesty."

The golden-winged roc lazily waved his hand, signaling the black bear spirit to get up, and then said: "I will pass on my order, Jinjiao Yinjiao will be the vanguard general on the left and right, and the black bear spirit will lead an army of [-] to march out of the human world. hold up!"

Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao were overjoyed when they heard the words, and hurriedly knelt down to thank them.

The black bear spirit was taken aback, lieutenant general?With his own strength, he actually wants to be the lieutenant general for Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao?

"Black bear spirit! You haven't thanked me yet, but why are you dissatisfied?" The green lion spirit looked coldly at the black bear spirit who was still in a daze.

The black bear spirit gritted his teeth, knelt down and said, "The minister takes orders!" At this moment, he finally figured out that even if he made great achievements in the next battle in the human world, he might be snatched away by Jinjiaoyinjiao !I am a monster from a grassroots background, if I want to achieve something in the Lingxiao Temple full of high-class monsters, I am afraid it will be impossible!

In the human world, in the five villages.

Mu Feng sat on the futon, and there were seven sharp swords emitting precious light floating in front of him!This is the rare treasure that has just shined brilliantly and alarmed the Lingxiao Temple!It is also a killer weapon that he has forged with painstaking efforts in the past few days!But until now, it's not completely completed, because at present, this sword can be regarded as a murder weapon at best!The reason is that it cannot be called an artifact.

With a flick of his fingers, Mu Feng used the Xuanyan pose among Yinglong's seven moves!A crimson flame flew out and fell into the first sword!
I saw the blazing flames on the sword, and a hot and scorching aura rushed towards my face!

Mu Feng said: "I have to show off the flame of the sword, and the show off of the fire is the evolution of Taoism! I will give you the name of the sword 'Daosheng'"

Hearing the words, the Dao Shengjian groaned softly, seeming to be joyful, and flew into the sword box next to Mu Feng!

Mu Feng used Tingyu sword energy again, and poured it into the second sword.

"If I listen to the sword energy of rain, I must know that water is good at nourishing all things, so I give you the name of the sword 'Shang Shan'"

Afterwards, Mu Feng unleashed all of Yinglong's seven moves, and injected sword energy into the remaining swords!
The one who got the flowing wind sword energy is called "Haofeng Sword"

The one who got the sword spirit of Guiyuan is called "Qiyao Sword"

The one with the spirit of killing evil is called "Eight Desolation Sword"

The one who got the magic heart sword energy is called "Yinghuojian"

Yinglong's six moves were unified into one, which was the seventh move, which was originally used to condense Xuanyuan's sword soul.At this time, it also turned into sword energy and merged into the sword. The name of the sword is "Heavenly Sword"!
These seven swords were smelted from the formation flags of the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly God Demon Formation, and they contained endless murderous aura in themselves!Now Mu Feng poured his Yinglong Seven Styles sword energy into it, and then smeared it with his own Yinglong blood to make it full of spirituality!After forming a sword array, the power is infinite!Among the three realms, the only ones who can beat these seven swords are Zhuxian and Xuanyuan!

Mu Feng put the seven divine swords into the sword box.Now that he has reached the point of beheading two corpses, he doesn't need to rely on other treasures except the innate spirit treasure.So these seven swords were made by him for his own disciples.

The eldest disciple, Yan Chixia, was originally a master, and his nature was like a fire. After Mu Feng accepted him, he has been practicing in Wuzhuang Temple, and now he is an Earth Immortal. It would be appropriate to give him the Daosheng Sword but.

The second disciple, Ning Caichen, was originally a scholar in his previous life, with a pure nature, and now he also has the cultivation of Sanxian, so it is naturally best for him to control the Shangshan Sword.

The third disciple, Nie Xiaoqian, was originally a ghost, so after entering Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi taught him the method of escape from heaven and earth. Although he is still a ghost fairy, his speed is still faster than the two senior brothers.Haofengjian is the fastest, so naturally she should be in charge.

The fourth disciple, Su Liudao, is the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Although he has not yet entered the Tao, his achievements in the future will definitely be higher than those of the other three disciples. He should be given the Eight Desolation Sword mixed with the spirit of killing evil. Raise the righteousness of Haoran!

The sword presented by Guang Chengzi was sharp, but it was too lethal. Mu Feng decided to put it in the Wuzhuang Temple and seal it up for a few years, and let him use it when Su Liudao has cultivated in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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