Agent of Heaven

Chapter 320

Chapter 320

Let's say that Mu Feng refined the Seven Swords of Yinglong, and passed the first three swords to Yan Chixia, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian respectively.Su Liudao was the only one left, because he started too late and didn't have supernatural powers, so he didn't teach the divine sword, but told him to practice fairy arts behind the Wuzhuang Temple.

Guangchengzi went to borrow the Kunlun mirror, and Xuandu went back to summon Laojun's registered disciples.All parties are preparing for the battle with Chi You.This should have been the most peaceful moment.However, the peace was broken by the arrival of an army.

With the sound of thunder, a monster cloud descended from Jianmu.One hundred thousand monster soldiers were loaded on it, and the leader was really golden horn and silver horn. The black bear spirit just stood behind them with a spear.

"Haha, the human world, we are back again." Jin Jiao said proudly.

Yinjiao smiled and said: "I won't leave this time, I won't leave at all. The human world is more prosperous than before, and ruling those monkeys will definitely become very interesting."

Jin Jiao nodded: "But, today's human world is indeed much more interesting than it was a thousand years ago. I actually don't even want to go back when I came last time."

Hei Xiong Jing said: "We must take seriously what His Majesty ordered. The two generals must not underestimate the enemy, so as to mess up the situation."

Jin Jiao snorted coldly: "We two brothers are talking, and it's not your turn to intervene as a little lieutenant general."

But Yinjiao quietly transmitted voice to Jinjiao and said: "Brother, this black idiot has some skills. We are in the world this time, and we are still employing people. You can't offend him too hard!"

Jin Jiao's complexion changed. In terms of IQ, he has always relied on his second brother, and his attitude immediately eased a lot: "Lieutenant Hei Xiong, I was the one who made a mistake just now. You are right, I let you bring two thousand The elite soldiers are the vanguard, let’s go to Wuzhuang Temple to find out the reality.”

Heixiong Jing clasped his fists and said: "Decree!" Then he ordered two thousand demon soldiers among the troops in the headquarters, set up a black cloud, and headed towards Wuzhuang Temple.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Mu Feng, who was meditating, opened his eyes, and his figure suddenly disappeared.In the next second, he appeared in the Tianbing camp where Wen Zhong was.

The heavenly soldiers and generals that Wen Zhong brought down from the Heavenly Court all set up a barracks under the Longevity Mountain, as before when they were in the Heavenly Court, they practiced soldiers and horses under the Wuzhuang Temple every day without any slack.

At this time Mu Feng suddenly appeared, Wen Zhong naturally stepped down from the commander-in-chief to greet him: "Mr. Mu Feng."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Senior Wen Zhong is too polite." Wen Zhong is neither the grand master of the Shang Dynasty nor the god of thunder and generalization Tianzun at this time, so Mu Feng often refers to him as a senior.

Wen Zhong hurriedly invited Mu Feng to the handsome seat, Mu Feng wanted to refuse, but this Wen Zhong insisted on this, bluntly saying that Mu Feng is now the guardian leader of the human world, and he and others are looking forward to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng had no choice but to take the main seat, and then got to the point: "I just figured out that the golden-winged roc has already started to move."

Wen Zhong's face was a little ugly when he heard the words. He had once fought against the Golden Winged Roc, and he knew that the other party had countless monster soldiers, and the soldiers were strong and strong, so he smiled helplessly: "How many people are here?"

Mu Feng said: "One hundred thousand elite soldiers came down from Jianmu."

Wen Zhong asked again: "Who is in command?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao who are the vanguard generals, and Hei Xiong Jing is the deputy general."

Wen Zhong laughed loudly and said: "If he personally ordered Qi Yaojiang to come, I would still be a little bit afraid. What are the golden horns and silver horns? Although he was once a sage who sat down to register as a disciple, but in the final analysis, it is nothing more than He is just a handyman who burns the fire, how can he know how to use strategy? Please rest assured, Mr. Mu Feng, I will definitely wipe out the [-] demon soldiers he brought this time!"

Mu Feng shook his head, "I don't want you to wipe out this army."

Wen Zhong was also a scheming person, and he immediately understood: "Your Excellency wants to take this army for your own use? But...but they are monsters!"

Mu Feng smiled slightly, and a gourd floated out from his sleeve.

Wen Zhong saw it in shock and said, "It's Empress Nuwa's demon banner! How did you get this treasure?"

Mu Feng said: "It was given by Empress Nuwa for me to use it to control the demon clan."

Wen Zhong was overjoyed when he heard the words: "In this way, sir is the next demon emperor that the empress believes?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "This is one of the reasons why I have the confidence to recover the [-] demon soldiers."

Wen Zhongdao: "Although the master has a demon banner, but these [-] demon soldiers are all the troops of the golden-winged roc. I am afraid that it is difficult to force them to use magic weapons. Some tricks are needed to trick them into surrendering, so that they can be intact. Get this troop."

So the question is, which one of the enemy's generals should be allowed to surrender?

Mu Feng said: "The old man already has a candidate in mind?"

Wen Zhongdao: "Sir must have a candidate in mind."

Mu Feng said: "Since this is the case, we will write the candidates in our hearts in our palms."

Wen Zhong said: "Very good!"

After a while, the two of them stretched out their palms together, and the word "black" was written on Mu Feng's palm.On Wen Zhong's palm was written the word "bear".

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It seems that you and I want to go together."

Wen Zhongdao: "The hero sees the same thing. This black bear spirit comes from a humble background among the monster clan, which is different from the superior monster clan like Jinjiaoyinjiao. Therefore, he should be excluded from the golden-winged roc eagle." In fact, he is very familiar with the behavior of the Yaozu. This race is based on high and low bloodlines.For example, Lu Ya, Kong Xuan and the Golden Winged Roc Eagle are born nobles.Any one of these three people stood up and wanted to be the demon emperor, and he would immediately accumulate a large force behind him.

If it is a monster like the black bear spirit, let alone a demon king, even if he wants to be a free and easy Zhanshan demon king, he will be disgusted and hated by others.He happened to be very capable, so he was Mu Feng's most worthy target.

"As long as the black bear is won over, we will directly attack and quickly kill Jinjiao and Yinjiao. These 20 demon soldiers can be firmly held in our hands. At that time, we will be able to gather an army of [-] to conquer Chiyou! He has great abilities, I'm afraid he will be powerless." Wen Zhong said.

Mu Feng said: "In fact, Chi You is just itching from scabies. His nature is too wild, no matter how deep his cultivation is. No matter how strong his soldiers and horses are, it is difficult to achieve great things! At most he can be a demon god, but he will always be a demon god." There is no common master in the world. Only the monster clan, now full of talents, is the most difficult to solve."

Wen Zhongdao: "These [-] soldiers and horses are probably just the advance troops of the Golden-winged Roc. If we defeat them, the Golden-winged Roc will definitely invade again. At that time, it will fall into a never-ending battle. The human world There is bound to be a catastrophe.”

(End of this chapter)

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