Agent of Heaven

Chapter 321 Mu Feng's Thoughts

Chapter 321 Mu Feng's Thoughts
Mu Feng wants to destroy Chi You, because he really hates Chi You.But he didn't want that while he and Chi You were fighting to the death, the human world would suffer the torment of Dapeng's monster army.

It turned out that Mu Feng's soldiers and horses raised their hands, the sky soldiers and monster soldiers added together, but 10,000+.So what he originally planned was to lead [-] heavenly soldiers to attack Chi You.About [-] demon soldiers were left to guard Jianmu's exit.To prevent the Golden Winged Roc Eagle or Lu Ya from suddenly invading.

But Chi You has traveled through time now, and he doesn't know where he is.According to Mu Feng's refusal, he most likely returned to the Qin Dynasty.Because during this period, the strength of the Wu clan in the mortal world was not only preserved, but also pushed to a different peak.Whether it is Qin Shihuang or his Meng family, they are all mixed blood of human race and witch race.

If Chi You really returned to that era, with his status in the Wu Clan, he would definitely be able to bring all the troops of the Great Qin Empire under his command.There are nearly a million troops, all of whom are mixed blood of human and witch, masters of tigers and wolves.Although the combat power of the Heavenly Soldiers is stronger than theirs, but only [-], I am afraid it is still difficult to resist.

But now, Dapeng took down himself and sent down the 25 troops!As long as Mu Feng can take this army for his own use.You can make up [-] troops in your hands.At that time, send a general to occupy the dangerous place with [-] soldiers and horses, and block the exit of Jianmu.Even if the Golden Winged Roc really dispatched a million troops, it would be difficult to break through in a short while.

As long as Mu Feng defeats Chi You with lightning speed and leads the army back, even including Sun Hao, he can gather at least 20 troops.Under the personal command of Mu Feng, coupled with some high-tech weapons in the mortal world, it will definitely not be a problem to keep offenders from the mortal world in the future.

After all, although the monster race is powerful, most of the millions of monster soldiers are little monsters, and there are not many who are really advanced enough to be completely unafraid of human high-tech weapons.If it is a last resort, just persuade the people in power in the human world to contribute more nuclear weapons.Maybe it can be blown directly to Lingxiao Temple.

It's just that Mu Feng will not consider using weapons of mass destruction unless it is absolutely necessary.After all, he is still the Lord of the Demon Emperor personally conferred by Empress Nuwa.The Yaozu are also his subjects, and Mu Feng is not willing to slaughter the Yaozu on a large scale in order to protect the human race.

When Mu Feng and Wen Zhong were discussing how to recover the demon clan with the least cost, someone from outside the barracks came to report: "Master Zhangjiao, there are two thousand demon soldiers led by black bear spirits, sneaking around near Longevity Mountain Sin."

Wen Zhong said happily: "Okay, tell 28 XingXiu to fight with me, this time we will definitely take down the black bear spirit directly."

But Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "I have a merciless request."

Wen Zhongdao: "Sir, just give orders."

Mu Feng said: "I think, can I let my three disciples lead the troops to fight this time?"

Wen Zhong hesitated and said: "The black bear is quite spiritual, and I have to send 28 stars to be sure to capture him alive. I'm afraid that the master's disciple's cultivation level..."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry too much, my three disciples have obtained my magic weapon now. Although the black bear spirit has great powers, he is a poor monster. With three against one, he will not be defeated for a while. Besides, my three disciples are all worthy of great use, and I also want to take this opportunity to let them accumulate some battle experience, so that they can also be of great use when we conquer Chi You."

Wen Zhong nodded when he heard the words: "Here are the people. Five thousand elite soldiers will be gathered, led by Mr. Mu Feng and three disciples, to fight against the black bear spirit."

Naturally, Mu Feng had already sent voice transmission to Wuzhuang Temple, and summoned Yan Chixia, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen.Not a moment later, they had already come to fight outside the camp, dressed in military uniform, carrying the divine sword bestowed by Mu Feng on their backs, and led five thousand elite soldiers to the direction of the Black Bear Spirit.

The three of them had no experience in leading troops in war, so they were naturally a little nervous.Nie Xiaoqian said after Yan Chixia: "Brother, I heard that the enemy we encountered this time was a black bear spirit with a high level of cultivation. Why did the master ask me to wait for someone who has no battle experience?"

Yan Chixia said: "Master naturally has his reasons."

Ning Caichen thought, "I think Master wants to capture that black bear spirit alive."

Yan Chixia was astonished and said: "If Master wants to capture the black bear alive, he should naturally do it himself. With his current cultivation level, he can take it without chance. Why did he send me to wait instead? "

Ning Caichen said: "It seems that Master not only wants to capture the black bear spirit, but also wants to use it for himself. If he directly captures the black bear spirit, it is inevitable that the black bear spirit will flee or refuse to accept. If we and other disciples take the black bear spirit If he is defeated, he will definitely be convinced by the master."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Just relying on me to wait, can we subdue that black bear spirit?"

Ning Caichen thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I have an idea."

Yan Chixia said: "Tell me quickly and listen."

Ning Caichen said: "The front is a dangerous valley of Longevity Mountain. We have ambushed soldiers around."

Yan Chixia said: "The black bear spirit is also a person who understands the battle formation. It is too obvious to take out the danger. He can tell at a glance that we will have an ambush there."

Ning Caichen said with a smile: "Then we will lure him into the bait."

Nie Xiaoqian asked: "How to seduce?"

Ning Caichen said: "Haha, we are like this..." He immediately explained his strategy to Nie Xiaoqian and Yan Chixia.After hearing this, the two were overjoyed.

Yan Chixia said: "Brother, after all, you have studied, your brain is better than mine."

Ning Caichen said with a smile: "Brother, you don't have to be humble. Among all the master's disciples, you are the one with the highest cultivation level. When dealing with the black bear spirit, I will count on you to be the main attacker."

Yan Chixia touched the Daosheng sword on her back, and said with a smile: "With the magic weapon bestowed by master, even though my cultivation is much worse than that of the black bear spirit, there is still no problem after fighting for dozens of rounds."

Between the words, the three led the army and arrived not far from the camp of the Black Bear Spirit.

Yan Chixia ordered [-] heavenly soldiers to lie in wait in the valley, and the remaining [-] elite soldiers were in formation. He immediately went to point to the other camp and said, "That black bear old demon, come quickly to die, your grandpa Yan Chixia is here this!"

Hei Xiongjing heard the general's name, but found that he didn't know him. He thought he was an unknown person, so he gathered his soldiers and horses, and came in with his clothes on. He pointed his spear at Yan Chixia and said, "An unknown person, how dare you come to die?"

Yan Chixia pulled out the Daosheng sword behind her, and a scorching fire spread, and the surrounding temperature was abruptly raised by a lot.

The black bear spirit was astonished and said: "What a strong sword energy, what a treasure! Could this be the strange treasure that was born this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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