Agent of Heaven

Chapter 322

Chapter 322
Yan Chixia gently stroked the spine of the divine sword in her hand with her fingertips, flicked it lightly, and there was a crisp sword cry, and several wisps of fiery sword energy rippled out.

"This sword is called Dao Sheng, and it was cast by the master with the Twelve Capitals Tianshen Sha Formation. It is three feet six inches long and weighs 120 catties."

Yan Chixia's tone was arrogant, coldly sweeping the black bear spirit who was really greedily looking at the sword in her hand.

Hei Xiongjing murmured: "This sword was forged by Mu Feng? Alright, then I'll snatch it today!" As soon as the words fell, one of them came out of the battle and stabbed at Yan Chixia with a spear.

The heavenly guards on the left and right sides of Yan Chixia wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Yan Chixia. He raised his long sword horizontally in his sword hand, and rushed towards the black bear spirit.

The original ability of the black bear spirit is not inferior to that of Monkey King, and now he has practiced hard for thousands of years in Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, so his strength is naturally extraordinary.The power between every move and every move is no longer under the Twelve Golden Immortals!
Fortunately, Yan Chixia was originally an extraordinary martial artist, and there was already a famous hero before she became a teacher of Mu Feng.Although the magic power is far inferior to the black bear spirit, but with the exquisite swordsmanship and the assistance of the divine sword Daosheng, it is actually on par with the black bear spirit!
Ning Caichen laughed loudly in his own formation: "It is said that the black wind old demon has boundless magic power, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that! Senior brother Yan Chixia, hurry up and take his life, I will go back and report to the master later."

Hearing the words, the black bear was furious, and the moves in his hands became more and more fierce.If it weren't for the fact that the divine sword in Yan Chixia's hand is really powerful, I'm afraid he would have to fight with his life now!
Seeing that the black bear spirit was working so hard, Yan Chixia knew that she would be defeated if she lasted at most ten more rounds, so she made a feint, then flew back into the formation quickly, and shouted at the black bear spirit: "You are nothing more than that, I am tired today, and I am not as knowledgeable as you. Tomorrow morning, after I have a rest, I will come to fetch your dog's head!"

The black bear yelled angrily: "Shameless boy, don't run away, and fight grandpa for another [-] rounds!"

Yan Chixia just ignored it, went back to the camp, and called gold to withdraw.

Seeing this, the black bear had no choice but to give up. After all, he only had two thousand demon soldiers in his hands, and he was far superior to him in dealing with them.If you want to fight desperately at this time, you must not take advantage of it.Immediately, he ordered his subordinates to set up camp, bury the pot and cook food, and wait until tomorrow to fight Yan Chixia again.

At night, after leaving behind a few patrols and scouts, the black bear sat in the big tent and hadn't fallen asleep. He was trembling with anger while looking at the jade talisman in his hand.Today he reported the news to Jinjiao and Yinjiao, bluntly saying that there are not many troops sent to deal with them, and he asked for [-] troops to support him, and he would definitely be able to directly take down the vanguard of the countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, that guy from Jinjiao, instead of sending troops to reinforce him, scolded himself in the letter, saying that he couldn't even deal with Mu Feng's apprentice.He ordered himself to take down Yan Chixia tomorrow and beat the camp to Wuzhuang Temple.

The black bear was full of energy in the middle of the night and was just about to fall asleep.Who knew that the scouts suddenly reported in a hurry: "Master Lieutenant General, it's not good, the other party has come to rob the camp!"

The black bear spirit directly took the spear and cloak, strode out of the tent and ordered: "Pass my order, the whole army must gather urgently to defend against sneak attacks."

Soon, all the troops of the Yaozu gathered together, lined up, and waited solemnly in the barracks.Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, the other person who came to rob the camp has not yet been seen.

The black bear spirit said angrily: "Why is there no one! Ask the scouts and patrol soldiers, what's going on?"

The scouts immediately came forward to report: "Report to the lieutenant general, there is no enemy attack!"

Hei Xiongjing said: "Then someone reported it to me just now?"

The scout replied: "No enemy attack was found, and no one came to report it."

An underground demon soldier reported: "Master Lieutenant General, I heard that the enemy is led by Mu Feng's disciple. Then Mu Feng is proficient in the art of transformation, so he will not be his disciple..."

The black bear spirit slapped the rock beside him angrily, shattering the rock every inch of it: "They are all rats, they only use tricks!"

The black bear spirit was furious and ordered to find the little soldier who had reported the enemy's attack to him just now, when all the monster soldiers were in a mess.Just now, the little demon soldier suddenly disappeared into the crowd, turned into a fly and went outside the barracks.

After the fly landed, it changed into Ning Caichen's appearance.He took out a mobile phone, called Yan Chixia and said, "Brother, have you bought all the things I asked you to prepare?"

Yan Chixia's voice came: "I have prepared it long ago, and I will definitely make the other party sleepless tonight."

The two thousand demon soldiers were tossed about for most of the night before the black bear spirit ordered them to rest.Unexpectedly, after falling asleep for a while, I heard a loud, intense and rhythmic noise coming from outside.Surprised, all the demon soldiers sat up from their sleep, walked out of the tent with weapons, and shouted: "Enemy attack!"

The black bear spirit also walked out of the tent, raised his hand and grabbed a soldier who was shouting for enemy attack, and said coldly, "What's the sound outside?"

Yaobing said: "I don't know either, it's just like thunder, making us unable to sleep."

Soon, the thunder-like voice was mixed with human voices from the afterlife, and they shouted rhythmically: "The largest leather factory in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Jiangnan Leather Factory has closed down, the bastard boss, Huang He, eat, drink, (female) ticket) (Bei Zhe), owed 3.5 million, and ran away with his sister-in-law."

Hearing this voice, the black bear spirit instantly turned gloomy. He has been in the human world for a while. The other demon soldiers may not know what is ringing outside, but to him it is Couldn't be more familiar.

The black bear flew into the air, and sure enough, he saw more than a dozen large speakers placed on the surrounding mountain walls, roaring towards the location of his barracks!

"Too much deceit!" The black bear waved a few colored lights, which directly shattered all the speakers.Then he yelled at the barracks where Yan Chixia was located: "Shameless bastard, you can only play these tricks!" Then he fell down angrily, forcibly controlled the rioting demon soldiers, and ordered them to go back to rest.

Unexpectedly, the black bear hadn't fallen asleep for a long time, and there was another voice of an orderly from outside: "Master Lieutenant General, it's not good, we have to deal with the incoming battalion!"

Hearing the words, the black bear spirit turned over: "It's just a trick for the rats to exhaust the enemy, don't pay attention to it, just go back to sleep."

Unexpectedly, after a while, I heard a fierce shout of killing coming from inside the tent!Black Bear Spirit knew it was not good, so he felt that he went out to watch, only to see that Yan Chixia was holding a divine sword and leading the heavenly soldiers into the camp!
"Mice! Die!" The black bear spirit's eyes were blood red at this time, and he raised his spear and attacked Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia naturally raised her Daosheng sword and started fighting with the black bear spirit.

The black bear spirit is now full of murderous intent, and wants to kill Yan Chixia!Yan Chixia resisted for more than ten rounds, and gradually felt weak, so she laughed and tried to escape, leaving behind a series of voices: "Brother Heixiong, rest well today, and tomorrow we will fight to the death!"

Black Bear Spirit looked at Yan Chixia's retreating back, his teeth itching from anger, but there was nothing he could do.He ordered his subordinates to hand-check the damage, and found that five hundred demon soldiers were killed or killed by surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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