Agent of Heaven

Chapter 323

Chapter 323
In the early morning, Yan Chixia brought three thousand troops to the Black Bear Demon's camp and called for battle. Seeing that the Black Bear Demon's [-] demon soldiers were standing together sparsely, as if they hadn't woken up, she couldn't help laughing out loud: " Black Bear, did you sleep soundly last night?"

The black bear spirit said angrily: "Yan Chixia! You shameless villain, you think you can defeat me with a little trick to exhaust the enemy? I will definitely capture you back into the formation today!" After saying that, the spear in his hand flew up again , piercing towards Yan Chixia's neck like a poisonous snake.

Yan Chixia unsheathed the divine sword, flicked the spear aside, and once again fought fiercely with the black bear.This time, the black bear spirit gradually developed hatred for Yan Chixia, and its moves became more aggressive.After a few rounds, Yan Chixia felt that she couldn't resist, and quickly fled towards the formation.

With the order of the black bear spirit, all the demon soldiers under his command came out, chasing towards Yan Chixia's camp like a black cloud.Black Bear Spirit also recognized Yan Chixia in his belly, and chased after her all the way.

Yan Chixia just waved her hand, and all the soldiers and horses in her hands retreated all the way, and retreated towards a valley.

Many demon soldiers chased to the valley, but the black bear waved his hands and said: "There may be an ambush ahead of the enemy, so don't chase any more." Although he tried his best to be calm in his words, the anger in that voice can be felt by anyone. I can hear it.

Yan Chixia retreated into the valley, seeing that the black bear spirit didn't come after her, she couldn't help feeling secretly disappointed in her heart.But think of Ning Caichen's next strategy.He tried his best to hide his expression, but pretended to be a deserted expression, and fled towards the depths of the valley.

The black bear went back victorious, and naturally set up camp again. This time he pushed forward and set up his camp in front of the valley, but he did not enter the valley.

The night is approaching again, and today the black bear spirit radiated the guard post for thirty miles.Today he must let the soldiers of the whole army get a good night's sleep!Although the monster race does not rely on rest like the human race, they are not completely free from rest.The monster race is different from the human race. When the practitioners of the human race have cultivated to a certain level, they will be able to fast and no longer rely on grains.Of course, whether to eat or not to eat is a personal choice.Bigu's exercises are originally used for retreat, and most of the immortals or monks like to eat in the rest of the time.Of course, it is another matter for the cultivators in the human world to always maintain the bigu state in order to achieve mental detachment.

And the Yaozu!It is necessary to eat!Even the higher their cultivation level, the more they need to eat.In other words, the higher the quality requirements of the food that needs to be eaten.This is why the demon king with advanced cultivation always likes to eat people.Humans are the spirits of all things, and their aura is much higher than that of other animals.Eating a human can be worth at least a year and a half of penance!If you eat an immortal, you may be able to increase your skill immediately!

The immortality of the monster race and the human race in ancient times has a lot to do with the eating habits of the monster race who like to eat people.

Let's say that many monster soldiers are asleep today, but they ask that in the valley in the distance, the smell of barbecue comes from bursts!At first there were only a few dozen scattered, and later hundreds of them all woke up.Smelling the fragrance from the valley, I could no longer fall asleep.

Naturally, the black bear spirit also asked about this taste. He walked to the barracks and saw Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen leading more than a hundred heavenly soldiers in the ancient times, setting up a grill and grilling mutton kebabs there!Waves of fragrance wafted from the valley and permeated the barracks!
Black Bear Spirit swallowed deeply, and said, "Yan Chixia! Don't you just play tricks like this?"

At this time, a soldier on the side stepped forward and said: "Master Lieutenant General, I see that there are only a few hundred heavenly soldiers in the opposite valley, should we fight in!" Wake up.

The black bear spirit said angrily: "They are blatantly luring us in! Don't be fooled!" He pointed at the many demon soldiers who were awakened by the smell of barbecue behind him and cursed: "What are you doing standing here? Go back! Go to sleep!" Say it, Huixiu summoned a gust of demonic wind, howling and blowing away the aroma of the barbecue!
Seeing this, many monster soldiers could only give up, and returned to the tent with a look of resentment.But the gluttonous insects have been aroused, and most of them have trouble falling asleep!They tossed and turned, just a little sleepy!Yes, but suddenly I heard a foul smell!The sound of rain began to be heard above the tent.

The black bear spirit was so smoked that he couldn't fall asleep. He walked out of the tent again and looked up at the sky, only to see dense stinky raindrops falling down.There seems to be a little yellow in the raindrops.

"What is this!" the black bear roared angrily.

Yan Chixia's voice came from the opposite valley: "What else can it be? Of course it's Mi Tiangong!"

The black bear sprang into a rage, his armor was covered with yellow dung spots.Then look at the several forts set up in the valley opposite, firing the shells continuously.The shell exploded above the barracks, and all that dripped down was yellow dung!
The fifteen hundred demon soldiers were all awakened by the smoke, and most of them ran around holding their noses.Of course, there are also monsters who have fun with their faces, and most of these are dog monsters!

Gritting his teeth, the black bear spirit said, "Retreat!"

It has been two consecutive days and two nights without rest, even the elite demon soldiers are afraid that they will soon be unable to hold on.What's more, the monster soldiers brought out by the black bear spirit from Jinjiao and Yinjiao can only be regarded as stronger than the old, weak, sick and disabled!At this time, he was already exhausted.If Yan Chixia led troops to attack again at this time, these demon soldiers might be powerless to resist anymore!

The black bear spirit led the army, which seemed to be fished out of a septic tank, and rushed towards Jianmu overnight.He wants to tell Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, either give him [-] demon soldiers, or hire another master!I really can't do this job myself!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the entrance of the Jianmu Realm, he saw King Yinjiao standing alone at the door, looking at himself with a sneer: "Why, Lieutenant Heixiong, you are so brave that you sometimes lose battles?"

The black bear said: "The place is too despicable!"

Yinjiao yin and yang said strangely: "The enemy is despicable? I think you are incompetent!"

Hei Xiong Jing said: "The strength of the local army is twice that of mine. If you give me another five thousand, I will definitely be able to take them all at once!"

Yinjiao said: "After losing the battle, you still want to come back to ask for troops? Black bear spirit, you have so much courage!"

The black bear spirit said angrily: "Yinjiao, don't bully people too much! You are just an alchemy boy next to the saint, why should you be rampant! If you didn't have those magic weapons, you would not be my enemy at all !"

"Black Bear, pay attention to your own identity! You are just one of my lieutenants now! You should be punished if you lose the battle!"

The black bear was trembling with anger, but he was so clumsy that he couldn't find any words to refute for a while.King Yinjiao's tone changed: "However, since you have made contributions to my monster clan in the past, I won't punish you this time. Then you go down with the remaining soldiers and horses, and kill Mu Feng. The apprentice's troops took it. Is it possible?"

Hei Xiong wanted to shake his head just now, but he heard King Yinjiao say: "Of course, if you are afraid of Mu Feng's apprentice, you don't have to go!"

Hei Xiong said angrily: "Who would be afraid of that bratty thief? I will rest my army under Jianmu and go take his head tomorrow!"

King Yinjiao laughed strangely and said, "Very good, then it turned into a breeze and disappeared."

The black bear spirit ordered to the following: "Take a rest for two hours, then go back and continue fighting!"

In the distance, the figure of King Yinjiao appeared behind a rock, the illusion dissipated, but it looked like Nie Xiaoqian!

(End of this chapter)

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