chapter 32

The two ran all the way, ran out of the campus again, and climbed over the wall.

Mu Feng and Zheng Hua looked at each other and suddenly laughed.The years have passed, but my good brother still stays by my side.

At this moment, Zheng Hua's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hi, it's me." He picked up the old Nokia and put it next to his ear: "What? Really? Great. I'll definitely be there."

Mu Feng asked: "What is it?"

Zheng Hua said: "Zhao Qian'er called me, she said that Cheng Ruohan also returned to China today."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "And then?"

Zheng Hua said: "She said that they have organized a class reunion for everyone to get together. You can go together."

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "I still can't, I'm not like you, I have someone who thinks about it day and night."

Zheng Hua said: "It's rare to come back, and we haven't seen each other for four or five years, let's go out and have fun together."

Mu Feng couldn't refuse, so he nodded in agreement.

In the evening, the center of the county seat.

In the past few years, the economy has developed rapidly, and the small city has gradually had many good entertainment venues, so the place where Mu Feng and others arranged for the classmate reunion is in a rather luxurious hotel in the county.

This place was not willing to be far from Mu Feng and Zheng Hua's home, so the two rode their bicycles together.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the hotel, he saw a familiar figure stepping down from a Mercedes-Benz, and Mu Feng called that person's name from a distance: "Liu Zihu! Hey, you're here too!"

Liu Zihu was one of Mu Feng and Zheng Hua's classmates back then.But Mu Feng and Zheng Hua were good at fighting and causing trouble in the school back then, and Liu Zihu had been with them for a while, and at that time, Brother Mu and Brother Hua didn't listen to each other every day.

Liu Zihu got out of the car and saw Mu Feng and Zheng Hua coming by bicycle, he just nodded slightly and walked into the hotel by himself with an extremely indifferent expression.

Mu Feng said to Zheng Hua: "Didn't he recognize us?"

Zheng Hua smiled: "I recognize him, but he is no longer the little tiger who followed us."

Mu Feng said: "How to say?"

Zheng Hua said: "After he graduated, he continued to mess around, and later he actually seized the opportunity to make a fortune. Now, all the gangsters in the county town call him Lord Tiger. This class reunion was also organized by him, including this one. The hotel is also in his name."

Mu Feng said: "I really didn't expect it. I haven't seen you for a few years. It seems that everything has changed."

Zheng Hua said: "When you talk to him later, pay attention to it. I heard that after his fortune, his temper has also become very angry. It's not like before."

Hearing this, Mu Feng just smiled and shook his head.If it was a few months ago, he might still lament that Liu Zihu is promising!But now he is the one who treats Kunlun with courtesy.This kind of mafia at the county level is no longer in his eyes.

Mu Feng and the others entered the hotel, took the elevator to the most luxurious private room on the top floor, there were already seven or eight people sitting in it, and Liu Zihu was sitting on the main seat with a smile on his face.When everyone saw the two coming, they also greeted each other.

Everyone was seated, and everyone was talking about their encounters in the past few years.Some of them are already married, and some even have children, including the girl from Chu Shi, Mu Feng's first love.

She still likes to laugh like before, and she is still as bright as before.She got married after graduating from university. It is said that her husband is a lawyer and treats her very well. Now she has a son who is a few months old and lives a happy and simple life.

When Mu Feng looked at her, the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, the smiles contained thousands of nostalgia for their first love when they were young.But that's all.

There are also people who come one after another, and those who are willing to come to the class reunion, most of them are good friends.Some people say that they are now working as middle managers in a Fortune [-] company.Some people also said that they are now married to a private entrepreneur in the county.Others say they are working in a bank now.

When people asked Zheng Hua and Mu Feng what they were doing, Zheng Hua said, "I'm just an ordinary worker in a state-owned enterprise, and I only earn 5000 yuan a month."

Mu Feng smiled lightly and said, "I'm about the same as Brother Hua." The Ninth Bureau is considered a state-owned enterprise, but Mu Feng's monthly salary is only more than 5000 yuan.

Everyone didn't say anything after hearing the words, but many people's attitude towards the two of them became calm and indifferent.

"You know, when I was on vacation in Hawaii last month..." said the girl married to a private entrepreneur.

"Hey, this watch of yours is not bad. The nautical watch of Wanguo, I saw it cost [-] to [-] the other day."

"Haha, where is it, your Armani suit is no cheaper than my watch."

The management of the top [-] and the people who work in the bank are bragging to each other.

A few people who stayed in the county were toasting with Liu Zihu, calling "Brother Hu" loudly in order to get more care in the future.

Of course, there are also those who are not doing well and therefore keep quiet, such as the basketball club's Oda.

His name is Tian Yue, because he is handsome and good at playing football, and he was once a man of the hour when he was in school.What's more, his father is a cadre in the county, so he should have a bright future.

But not long after he graduated, his father was sacked because of corruption, and the situation in his family gradually deteriorated.Looking at the friends who had made good friends with him, they were afraid to avoid him because of his father's shuanggui.The whole person became even more depressed. After graduation, he neither went to university nor was unwilling to work, so he just lay at home and took care of his family.

Just when everyone in the hall was bragging to each other, a pretty figure suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

She has a graceful figure, black hair hanging down her shoulders, and a charming smile that makes all the men in the room hold their breath.

"Cheng Ruohan! Hahaha, our beauty has finally returned from abroad, everyone welcome!" Liu Zihu who had been sitting in the main seat suddenly stood up and smiled warmly.

Then everyone greeted Cheng Ruohan one after another.

Cheng Ruohan looked at Tian Yue, the man with whom he had sworn each other before graduation, and Tian Yue also looked at her, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

Mu Feng patted Zheng Hua's shoulder and whispered to him: "Unfortunately, after so many years, Miss Cheng still only has Xiao Tian in her eyes."

Zheng Hua also shook his head and said softly: "Oh, forget it. Xiao Tian, ​​even in his present state, is still a Luo Tuo son with a strong family background. It is not something that a working class like me can compare to."

Zhao Qian'er suddenly walked up to Cheng Ruohan's side, and began to feel shabby with her.The two had been boudoir best friends when they were in school, and now they had reunited for many years, and they sat on the side chatting happily.

"Did you know that Liu Zihu is the best among our classmates now, and if you see if this hotel is there, it belongs to him." Zhao Qian'er suddenly said to Cheng Ruohan.

Liu Zihu seemed to know that Zhao Qian'er was talking about him, so he sat there with a serious expression and tightened his tie, pretending to be a successful person.

"Oh." Cheng Ruohan just nodded lightly, his eyes still wandering towards Xiaotian.

Did Xiaotian look at Cheng Ruohan, but he lowered his head after being stared at by Liu Zihu vaguely.Now he can't afford to offend this old classmate who is the underworld in the county.

Zheng Hua looked at the situation in front of him, and whispered in Mu Feng's ear: "I suddenly found out that there is something wrong with our class reunion today."

Mu Feng said: "What's wrong?"

Zheng Hua said: "Didn't you see that Liu Zihu has been courting Cheng Ruohan all the time, and Zhao Qianer has been helping out? This class reunion is hosted by Liu Zihu, organized by Zhao Qianer, and Zhao Qianer is still the manager of this hotel. , See if Xiaotian is there, he was flirting with Cheng Ruohan just now, but after being glared at by Liu Zihu, he kept his head down."

Mu Feng said: "You mean, Liu Zihu held this class reunion this time because of Cheng Ruohan?"

Zheng Hua said: "Of course, if he has been rich for so many years, why did he choose Cheng Ruohan to hold a class reunion in the year when Cheng Ruohan came back?"

While Mu Feng and Zheng Hua were whispering, everyone was pushing cups and cups, and the dinner had come to an end.Liu Zihu stood up and said to everyone present: "I see that everyone has eaten enough. I also opened a ktv not far away. Everyone will go to sing songs together. I will pay all the expenses!"

The students below all started booing and applauding, and everyone left the hotel together, preparing to go to the ktv.

(End of this chapter)

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