Chapter 33

Many students walked out of the hotel gate talking and laughing.

A few years have passed, and most of the people who came to the class reunion have already driven their cars.Even if Tian Yue's family is in the middle of nowhere, after all, the family still has a strong foundation, and they still drive a Santana.Only Mu Feng and the others still took the bicycle key to drive the bicycle.

After seeing it, many students pretended not to see it, but they couldn't help but despise them even more in their hearts.

Cheng Ruohan came back from abroad, so she didn't drive here. She originally wanted to take Tian Yue's car.But Zhao Qian'er had quick eyesight and quick hands, and she dragged Cheng Ruohan into Liu Zihu's Mercedes while talking and laughing.

When Tian Yue drove past Mu Feng and Zheng Hua, he saw the two people who were opening the bicycle lock there, and couldn't help showing a happy smile. Finally, there is someone who is worse than himself!Stepping on the accelerator and rushing past them quickly, Zheng Hua, who was riding a bicycle, was shocked for a while.

Mu Feng frowned and said, "We are all classmates, what is he doing?"

Zheng Hua stabilized the front of the car, sighed and said: "A person like him who is already worthless can only find pleasure by occasionally bullying people who are worse than him."

Mu Feng said: "He was not such a person before." Mu Feng recalled that many years ago, the classmate Xiaotian who liked to play basketball, smiled brightly, and wore Rukawa Kaede's NO.11 jersey.

Zheng Hua said: "People change. Since his father was arrested, he has been drinking and indulging every day. He is no longer the Xiaotian he used to be."

Mu Feng said: "But Cheng Ruohan doesn't seem to know that he has changed, and is still thinking about him." He remembered the way Cheng Ruohan looked at Xiaotian just now, almost unchanged from five years ago.

Zheng Hua said: "With her personality, even if she knows that Xiao Tian has changed, she will try her best to save him."

Soon, Mu Feng and Zheng Hua also arrived in front of Huangge KTV opened by Liu Zihu. After telling the waiter that they were classmates invited by Liu Zihu, they were brought to a luxurious private room.

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw that students with cars had already arrived inside, and several female students had already started singing.Liu Zihu took the initiative to sit next to Cheng Ruohan, and enthusiastically talked to her about the entertainment venues he invested in recently and how much money he made.

Cheng Ruohan only smiled out of politeness, and rarely answered, her eyes were still fixed on her former lover Xiaotian.

On the other hand, Oda was sitting in the corner playing with his mobile phone, as if he didn't feel anything.

At this time, Zhao Qianer took the mic and began to sing the song that she sang for everyone when she graduated that year.

"How many people have admired your youthful appearance, but who is willing to bear the relentless changes of the years, how many people have come and returned in your life, you know that I will be with you all my life."

She had won the grand prize in a singing competition when she was in school, with a sweet voice and a moving voice.When she finally graduated that year, she sang the song "I Have You in My Life" for all the students in the class as a farewell.At this time, she sang the old song again, and the students present were all caught up in the memories of that year. Some female students' eye sockets were already slightly red.

The box became silent for a while.

Cheng Ruohan suddenly walked up to Tian Yue who was sitting on the side and said, "Xiao Tian, ​​do you still remember what you said to me the day before I went abroad?"

"I remember..." Xiaotian raised his head, looked at Cheng Ruohan's face, and said in his eyes, "After you come back, I will stay by your side for the rest of my life."

Cheng Ruohan looked at Xiaotian and smiled: "I'm back."

Thankfully, her smile hasn't changed.

Suddenly, a cup flew to Oda's feet and shattered.Liu Zihu stood up, walked to Cheng Ruohan's side with a dark face, grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the sofa.Cheng Ruohan was caught off guard and fell on the sofa.

With a "snap", Liu Zihu slapped Xiaotian on the face. He looked at Cheng Ruohan and said, "You little bastard, it's fine if you didn't like me back then. With so much money for you, do you want to take a look at me? Still thinking about this little boy who is already a waste. "

Tian Yue received a slap, but dared to resist, just covered his face and lowered his head and stood there motionless.Now he didn't even dare to look up at Liu Zihu.

The students around didn't expect Liu Zihu to have a sudden attack, but they all knew that he was a big brother of the local underworld, and they couldn't provoke him.

Liu Zihu glanced at Cheng Ruohan, who was sitting on the sofa with frightened eyes and being at a loss, and suddenly an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He unbuttoned his suit and sternly said to the students around him, "You can all go!"

Seeing Liu Zihu's appearance, Cheng Ruohan naturally knew what he wanted to do, so he called out to Tian Yue: "Xiaotian, save me!"

Tian Yue pretended not to hear, and ran out of the box first.Cheng Ruohan looked at his receding back, his eyes filled with disbelief and ashen despair.

Under Tian Yue's lead, the students in the box began to walk out of the box one after another.

"Liu Zihu! Don't go too far!" Zheng Hua stood up from his seat and yelled at Liu Zihu.

Liu Zihu looked back and saw that it was Zheng Hua, and just chuckled: "Oh, it's Zheng Hua. You dare to speak to me so loudly, do you think I'm still the younger brother who followed you and Mu Feng back then?"

Zheng Hua said: "If you dare to touch Cheng Ruohan again, I will beat you up like I did back then, and I will beat you up now!"

The students around saw the conflict here, not only did no one step forward to dissuade them, but they all walked faster one by one.After a while, only Mu Feng, Zheng Hua, Cheng Ruohan, and Liu Zihu were left in the big box.

Liu Zihu looked at Zheng Hua and smiled suddenly: "Haha, I almost forgot that you also liked this woman back then. Well, you are more handsome than Tian Yue!" After finishing speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

Zheng Hua felt that he stepped forward, helped Cheng Ruohan up and said, "Are you okay?"

Cheng Ruohan shook his head and said, "Quickly call the police! This is Liu Zihu's territory, he must be calling someone when he goes out now."

Zheng Hua sighed: "It's useless! Liu Zihu's sister is the concubine of the police chief. He relied on his brother-in-law to get from a worthless gangster to where he is today."

Cheng Ruohan asked, "Are you still leaving now?"

Mu Feng said: "You don't have to go."

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and the door of the box was kicked open.Dozens of bastard-looking people stood outside holding machetes, and Liu Zihu stood in front of them.

"You two!" Liu Zihu pointed at Zheng Hua and Mu Feng and said, "Seeing that the relationship between the three of us was pretty good when we were in school, get out now!"

Zheng Hua's face was ashen.

Mu Feng lit a cigarette and didn't speak.

Liu Zihu smiled and said: "It seems that you are not giving me face! If this is the case, I will not care about brotherhood." He waved his hand, and said to the big men behind him: "Go and tie the two of them. Zheng Hua, don't you like Cheng Ruohan? In that case, I'll tie you up and show you how hard I fuck her!"

Mu Feng threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and looked at Liu Zihu coldly.

When Liu Zihu was swept away by Mu Feng's eyes, he suddenly felt cold all over, and he broke out in a lot of cold sweat involuntarily.This look is so terrifying, it is countless times more terrifying than the eyes of the most terrifying Jiangzhou underworld boss!
(End of this chapter)

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