Chapter 34
Not only Liu Zihu was frightened by Mu Feng's eyes, but even the thugs behind him froze, not daring to step forward.

"Why stand there stupidly? Give me the fuck, just chop him up!" Liu Zihu gave an order to the thugs behind him.

Zheng Hua saw those thugs rushing in, grabbed an ashtray from the table and was about to move forward, but he was completely stunned by the next scene.

As soon as Mu Feng stretched out his hand, he directly knocked down the first thug who rushed up.Then his figure turned into an afterimage and shuttled among the many thugs, none of the machetes could fall on him, and he put the thugs in a large area with every gesture.

At this time, Jay Chou's "Huo Yuanjia" happened to be playing on the KTV karaoke stage, and Mu Feng smiled slightly. Whatever Jet Li did in the TV, he would use any moves to overwhelm the enemy. It was extremely chic.

In less than half a minute, all the thugs had been beaten to the ground by Mu Feng, and they howled miserably and could no longer stand up.When Liu Zihu saw him, he was stunned for three seconds, and then ran away.

Mu Feng didn't go after him either, but took off a button from his sleeve, flicked it with his fingers, and the button hit Liu Zihu's leg with a strong wind, making him kneel down with a bang.

"" Liu Zihu looked at Mu Feng who was walking slowly, and was already speechless by his skill.What he didn't know was that this was the result of Mu Feng's mercy, otherwise these dozens of mortals would have died long ago.

"Brother Feng, I was wrong! I really know I was wrong. I kowtow to you. You have been a classmate for many years and let me live!" Liu Zihu looked at Mu Feng and burst into tears. Kowtow on the ground.

Mu Feng knelt down, looked into Liu Zihu's eyes and said, "Bringing your arm this time is a warning, if there is another time, don't blame me for being ruthless."

In a heart-piercing howl, Mu Feng broke the arm of this former friend with his own hands.

Mu Feng and Zheng Hua were riding bicycles together, heading home. Cheng Ruohan sat on Zheng Hua's back seat and suddenly burst into tears.

"Why? Why did everyone become like this after only five years of graduation?" Cheng Ruohan, who hadn't cried in the face of Liu Zihu's violence and Tian Yue's betrayal, finally couldn't help crying at this moment.

She missed that basketball boy Xiao Tian with a clean smile.

She misses Zhao Qian'er who made paper cranes with her in the dormitory.

She even missed that little tiger who followed Mu Feng and Zheng Hua's buttocks every day and only dared to sneak a glance at her occasionally.

But with time, with the night wind on the bicycle, these once clean things will no longer exist.

Mu Feng couldn't help but lit another cigarette, imitating the melancholy eyes of the old pig when he looked at the moon and said: "Waiting for the old man's heart to change, but the old man's heart is changeable."

After sending both Cheng Ruohan and Zheng Hua back home, Mu Feng also rode to the door of the house, but unexpectedly found a police car parked in front of the house.As soon as the courtyard door was opened, two policemen stepped forward and held down Mu Feng's left and right hands.

"Mu Feng, you are suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, come with us." A pair of cold handcuffs locked Mu Feng's wrists.

"I provoke trouble?" Mu Feng asked back.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come with me." The policeman pressed Mu Feng and walked to the police car, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move Mu Feng's body even a bit.

"You! What do you want to do?" A policeman pointed at Mu Feng and said.

"I just want to tell you that I will go by myself." After saying that, he turned around and got into the police car.

This time, suddenly a mosquito landed on Mu Feng's shoulder, but it made a sound next to his ear: "What's the matter with you?"

Mu Feng recognized that it was Yang Jian's voice, and said softly: "I'm fine, I'll be back soon. How are my parents?"

Yang Jian said: "When the officials came to the door just now, they were a little excited, so I used two sleepy bugs to make them fall asleep."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "It's good that the second elder is fine, Brother Yang, you should go back first, nothing will happen to me here."

Yang Jian replied yes, then flew back to the small courtyard of Mu Feng's house, and then lay down on the rocking chair.

The old pig said from the side: "What happened to him? Do you need our help?"

Yang Jian said: "It looks like it's just some trivial matter in the world."

Just after the sound of the police siren disappeared at the entrance of the alley, the courtyard door of Mu's house was kicked open, and a dozen burly men rushed in.

A leading bald man shouted: "Is this Mu Feng's home?" He banged the iron rod in his hand on the wall with a loud bang.

Yang Jian looked at the bald man and said coldly, "I'm his second brother, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Lao Zhu also smiled and said, "I'm also a relative of his family."

The bald man said: "Okay, Mu Feng offended our boss, you two come with me, brothers go to the house and arrest Mu Feng's parents for me, and take them away together."

Yang Jian ignored him, turned around and asked the old pig, "Are you going to make a move or should I make a move?"

The old pig said happily: "Of course you make a move."

Yang Jian said: "Okay, I just need to stretch my muscles."

County Police Station, in the interrogation hall.

Mu Feng was handcuffed on the stool, and in front of him were two young male police officers who were asking about Mu Feng's basic information.Who knows they just finished asking.A middle-aged fat man with dark skin walked in.

"You are Mu Feng?"

Mu Feng said: "Yes."

"You provoked trouble at Huangge KTV and injured several security guards. Are you guilty?" the fat man said coldly.

Mu Feng said: "I am not guilty. It was Huangge KTV boss Liu Zihu who molested our female classmate first. I have witnesses..."

Fatty Hei directly interrupted Mu Feng's words, and said with a cold snort, "Hmph, I think you won't cry when you see the coffin!" Go ahead, and said to the two young policemen, "Do it."

The two policemen took out a box of matches from the drawer and walked over.

Mu Feng asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

The fat man sneered, "You must have never experienced the feeling of having a match stuffed deep into your nasal cavity."

Mu Feng also sneered like him and said, "Then have you ever been handcuffed into your nostrils?"

The fat man said, "What?"

Mu Feng directly broke the handcuffs into two pieces with a "bang", then kneaded the handcuffs into a ball, and kneaded them into iron bars as thick as steel bars.

The two young policemen and the fat man looked at the scene in front of them, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

" are not human." The fat man trembled.

Holding the iron bar, Mu Feng smiled and said, "You dare to scold me at this time, you really have the guts." Say it, and he walked towards the fat man.

"You, don't come here." Fatty Hei and the two young policemen pulled out their pistols and pointed at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng ignored him and continued to move forward with a sneer.

There was a "bang" shot, and the black fat man finally took the lead in shooting.But after his gunshot, he saw Mu Feng stretch out two fingers, with a bullet still hot between his fingers.

"Martial arts in the world are omnipotent, so don't break them quickly!" Mu Feng learned the lines of Huoyun evil god in kung fu, and felt like a big villain at this moment.After speaking, he shot like the wind again, twisting the muzzles of the pistols of the other two policemen.

The fat man swallowed, looked at Mu Feng, suddenly changed his face, and said earnestly: "Young man, I can see that you are capable, you must have practiced some kind of family martial arts. I also believe that You must have been wronged if you were arrested, but you must restrain yourself. If you attack the police here and escape, you will completely turn against the state agency. You alone cannot fight against the entire country. So you Calm down now, don't be impulsive and take the path of crime."

Mu Feng sneered coldly, and threw a certificate from the Ninth Bureau of National Security with the golden national emblem on Fatty Hei's face, saying: "I am also a member of the national department, and I belong to the Ninth Bureau of National Security, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the central government and enjoys the highest law enforcement power! Even if I go to pull the mayor out of the bed and beat him up now, he can only stand next to him first! Let alone you little policemen!"

Hei Fatty tremblingly looked at the seal of the Ministry of State Security inside and said, "Yes, it's true! You... you are from the Ministry of State Security, why don't you show it earlier?"

Mu Feng looked at Fatty Hei and said, "Now, tell me who ordered you to arrest me!"

(End of this chapter)

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