Agent of Heaven

Chapter 35 Li Gang

Chapter 35 Li Gang
Fatty Hei said: "Yes... our Deputy Director Li asked us to arrest you."

Mu Feng wondered: "I have no grievances with your deputy chief, why did he deal with me?"

Fatty Hei said: "Because you ruined Liu Zihu's business today."

Mu Feng said: "What is the relationship between your chief and Liu Zihu?"

The fat man said: "Liu Zihu was originally a gangster. It was because his sister hooked up with our director that he suddenly became famous. With the influence of Deputy Director Li, he became a figure in the county. You not only ruined Liu Zihu's business today, but also He broke one of his hands, so he used our director's relationship to make us kill you in the police station."

Mu Feng said: "Take me to your deputy chief!"

Fatty Hei said: "At this point, the deputy chief has already gone home, and we don't know where he lives."

Mu Feng reached out to him and said, "Give me back my phone."

Fatty Hei obediently handed over the phone that was confiscated when Mu Feng was arrested earlier.Mu Feng dialed a number and put it next to his ear.

"Hello, is this Secretary Sun?"

Sun Suo's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, it's Comrade Xiaomu from the Ninth Bureau. Is there anything to do when you call so late?"

"I was arrested by the police and I am now in the Public Security Bureau."

"What! Which policeman is so bold! Even the Ninth Bureau of National Security dares to arrest!"

"It's the Xinxian County Police Station. Here's the thing..." Mu Feng narrated the activities between the deputy director of the local police station and the gang leader, and finally said: "Strictly speaking, corrupt officials and gangsters don't belong. We are in charge of the Ninth Bureau, so I will call and talk to you about this matter."

Sun Suo's roar came from the other end of the phone: "It's too outrageous, it's really outrageous! Don't worry, Mr. Mu, I will order strict punishment."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Okay, then this matter will trouble you."

Sun Suo said: "It's not much trouble, I haven't thanked you for saving the dog's life." After the essence, it was Mu Feng who secretly asked Lao Zhu to use Buddhism to repair his damaged soul.

After Mu Feng hung up the phone, he just walked out of the police station, went to a deserted place, turned into a flying bird, and flew back home.

But as soon as he landed in the middle of the yard, he found that there were more than a dozen people in the house.

It's just that the whole body of these dozen people was buried in the soil, only one head was exposed outside.

Yang Jian stood in the yard with his hands behind his back and said, "This is sent by your enemy."

Mu Feng stepped forward and patted one of them on the head and asked, "Did Liu Zihu send you here?"

The man looked at Mu Feng with a look of despair and panic and said: "Yes!" He really couldn't understand why his brothers were buried in the soil in a daze just after they entered the yard.

Mu Feng said to the old pig next to him: "I have washed my memory, throw it out from here."

The old pig nodded and asked, "How do you plan to deal with your enemies?"

Mu Feng closed his eyes, pondered for a long time and said, "I'll take care of it myself."

The old pig said: "Don't worry, we will take good care of your parents for you in the next few days."

Afterwards, Mu Feng threw the dozen or so triads whose memories had been washed away like trash into a nearby river, and then went home to sleep. He had nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Mu Feng got up and had breakfast with his family.Mu's father and Mu's mother were unaware of what happened yesterday.

Papa Mu tirelessly asked Yang Jian and Lao Zhu about calligraphy.

Mu's mother, on the other hand, added food to Mu Feng with a smile, and also urged Mu Feng to find a girlfriend quickly.

On a warm and ordinary morning, Mu Feng went out after saying goodbye to her parents.

But as soon as he left the hospital, Mu Feng's expression turned cold, and he rode his bicycle and galloped away.Two black Santanas followed slowly.

Mu Feng left the county all the way, came to a barren land, stopped his bicycle, and looked back at the two Santanas that followed him.

The car door opened, and seven or eight people in black suits rushed down from it. They all looked cold, and they didn't speak after getting out of the car. They took out a pistol from their arms and shot at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng looked at them calmly, and showed a contemptuous smile.


In the private mansion of Li Gang, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

Li Gang is a person who likes to enjoy himself very much.

He likes to drink the best wine, drive the best car, and flirt with the most beautiful women.

He didn't like to be disturbed, so when he walked into the bedroom, anyone had to wait outside.

In Xin County, few people would dare to disobey his words.

He was only 40 years old and already took the position of deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. His future is undoubtedly bright.

Therefore, he never seems to be angry, and he must always have a smile on his face.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

On this day, he yelled crazily at a person in the mansion!

This is the first time in five years that he has lost his temper with a person so much.

This person is his brother-in-law and the number one figure in the underworld in the county. He is known as Lord Tiger Liu Zihu.

"Usually I told you to restrain yourself! But you! Look how much trouble you have caused me this time!"

Liu Zihu lowered his eyebrows and dared not speak, he did not have the prestige of a big brother in the past, because he knew that his past was given by this person in front of him, as long as he said a word, he would become the same little gangster who had nothing.

"Brother-in-law, I didn't expect that there was someone above that Mu Feng."

"Is there someone above? Is he just someone above? He is from the National Security Bureau! Secretary Sun of the Municipal Party Committee personally called the county today and asked me to be investigated at home! If I hadn't been doing a lot of activities for the above, I would have been in the office by now. In prison!"

Liu Zihu was scolded like a dog, he murmured: "How could it be that Mu Feng has such a big background? I sent someone to tie up his parents yesterday, and now it seems time to come back. I will call them now Send it back, and then come to apologize in person." He flaunts his power like a lion in front of weak people, but lowers his posture like a dog in front of his powerful people.

Li Gang said: "Hmph, look at your potential! You have already kidnapped your parents, so you send them back?"

Liu Zihu said: "Then what should we do?"

Li Gang said with a gloomy expression: "I don't do anything and I don't stop! Bring it over and kill it."

Liu Zihu said: "Mu Feng's background is not small, let's kill his parents directly? What if he fights with us to the death?"

Li Gang said: "I have also sent killers to kill him."

Liu Zihu was shocked and said, "He's from the Ministry of National Security. You just sent someone to kill him?"

Li Gang smiled and said: "What's the matter? The killer I sent this time will not leave any traces, and no one can investigate me. Besides, I have already used the money I earned in the past two years to make money in several southern provinces." In a few months, I will be directly transferred to other provinces with just a piece of paperwork. Sun Suo, even if he is a high-ranking city official, can't make money."

Liu Zihu also laughed and said: "Brother-in-law is transferred this time, I'm afraid he can still be promoted."

Li Gang said: "Based on the few important gifts I gave, at least I can be the head of the city's public security bureau. Damn, this broken county is almost oily, and I don't want to stay anymore."

Liu Zihu said flatteringly: "At that time, my younger brother will still follow my brother-in-law, so I rely on you to support me a lot."

Li Gang said: "You have earned me a lot of money in the past few years, so naturally I will not treat you badly." Say it, and the two laughed wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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