Agent of Heaven

Chapter 36 The Little Sword Fairy Visits

Chapter 36 The Little Sword Fairy Visits ([-])

Early autumn, sunny days.

The sunlight outside the window shone in through the window, and it was slightly warm at this time, but it no longer made people feel sinister.

Mu Feng was sitting in the living room watching Yang Jian and Lao Zhu play chess.

Both of them had dignified expressions, with a shrewd gleam in their eyes from time to time.Yang Jian held the sunspot in his hand, raised his sword eyebrows and dropped it with a bang.A fierce and domineering aura emanated from his whole body.

The old pig holds the white piece, his expression is always indifferent and smiling, and the Buddha's light is looming in the back of his head, but he is still pondering.A gentle and compassionate aura emanated from his body, unwilling to confront Yang Jian head-on, but he was able to resist it with ease.

"Okay!" The old pig shouted, and Bai Zi fell, but he had already counted the next few dozen steps in his heart.

Yang Jian smiled slightly, and the sunspot fell again.The two of you come and go, and then quickly settle down with each other.Black and white wives are inseparable from fighting on the chessboard.

In the end, the old pig chuckled: "Five sons in a row! Yang Jian, you lost."

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead on the side and said: "If you can play backgammon more aggressively than Go, I have only met you two."

Yang Jian calmly stretched out his hand to shake the chess game and said: "It doesn't count, I asked you to do it, if you have the ability, play another game."

The old pig said: "Erlang God, what kind of chess are you, if you lose, you'll play tricks. I won't play with you!" After saying that, he ran to the sofa and spread it on the sofa, imitating Ge You's posture.

Seeing that the old pig had run away, Yang Jian grabbed Mu Feng who was beside him and said, "Come on, Xiao Feng, come and play a game with me."

Mu Feng knew that Yang Jian's chess game was bad, and he always cheated when he lost, so he didn't want to play with him at all, so he waved his hands repeatedly and refused: "I won't play, I can't play against you."

Yang Jian said: "If you want to play, you have to play, just let me hone your chess skills!"

Mu Feng complained in his heart: "As far as your backgammon level is concerned, you should first find elementary school students to hone your chess skills."

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door suddenly.

Mu Feng ran over like a pardon and said: "Xiaoyue must have come back from shopping. I'll open the door. Let's play chess after lunch."

As soon as the other one opened the door, it was not Jiang Xiaoyue standing outside the door, but Ye Feiyao, a disciple of the Shushan School whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Master Mu, long time no see."

"Uh, Brother Ye, long time no see." Mu Feng was a little stunned when he saw Ye Feiyao, "I don't know why Brother Ye came to the door suddenly?"

Ye Feiyao smiled awkwardly when he heard the words: "Actually, I came here this time to ask Brother Ye for something?"

Mu Feng nodded slightly and said, "Then come in."

Before Ye Feiyao could move forward, a little girl who looked like a jade carving suddenly appeared from behind him.

This little girl looks to be only eleven or twelve years old, with a pair of big black eyes and a very cute appearance.Wearing a white skirt, her long black hair hangs down her waist.What is more inconsistent is that she is carrying a large blue sword box that is almost taller than her on her back, which looks like the same style as Murong Ziying's in Fairy Sword and Sword Four.

"Huh? Is this your daughter? She's very cute." Mu Feng couldn't help reaching out and touching her head.

But Ye Feiyao hurriedly said: "Young Master Mu, don't joke, where is my daughter from before I got married, this is... my uncle."

"Uncle!" Mu Feng pointed at the little girl in astonishment and said to Ye Feiyao, "Is she your uncle?"

Ye Feiyao nodded helplessly and said, "This is the closed disciple of the Supreme Elder I sent."

Bringing Ye Feiyao and the little loli into the living room, Ye Feiyao saw that Yang Jian and Lao Zhu didn't know each other, so he just greeted them with a smile.

Yang Jian looked at the little loli, and indeed frowned and said: "It's you!"

Little Lolita hid behind Ye Feiyao, only showing half of her pink face and said, "Do you know him?"

Yang Jian said to himself: "I have no memory, and the fluctuation of mana is too weak. It seems that I have been reincarnated." After he finished speaking, he looked down at the newspaper and did not say another word.

Mu Feng said to Ye Feiyao who was confused by Yang Jian's words: "This is my second cousin, please ignore him, he has read too many online novels recently."

Ye Feiyao just smiled and nodded.

Mu Feng said: "Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me this time?"

Ye Feiyao said: "I was ordered by the Supreme Elder to bring the next successor of Shushan to Mr. Mu, hoping that she can follow you to practice for a while." He pointed to the little loli who had just climbed onto the sofa.

Mu Feng looked at Little Lolita and said, "Are you the next heir to the head of Shushan?"

Ye Feiyao said: "This is my uncle Qingsu, who is the person with the highest swordsmanship skills in Shushan Qingzi generation. He is also the heir appointed by the Supreme Elder."

Mu Feng looked carefully at the little loli in front of him, she couldn't be the kind of existence similar to Tianshan Child Elder, who looks young but has actually lived for hundreds of years.This is not uncommon in the cultivation world, he asked: "Miss Qing Su, how old are you?"

Xiaoqing Su innocently said: "13 years old."

Mu Feng covered his forehead and said in his heart: A 13-year-old girl is actually the heir to the head of Shushan?Was it because I went to Shushan to kill all the elders of their younger generation?This little girl is actually the number one expert among the younger generation?

"May I ask how many elders are there among the young generation of the Shushan School?"

Ye Feiyao said: "Twelve." He had already seen the doubts in Mu Feng's heart, and said with a half-smile: "Mr. Mu, don't look at me as a young master, she is a genius in the cultivation world. , It took only eight years to master all the Shushan school's spells and swordsmanship. At the age of 11, he had already cultivated the body of a sword fairy. Since then, he has been retreating in the Jiange with the elders of the Taishang. He just left the retreat a month ago .”

Although Mu Feng didn't know what was going on, he felt very powerful.

Yang Jian said from the side: "Your Supreme Elder, I seem to have met him, and his cultivation is really good. His name seems to be... Li Xiaoyao!"

Ye Feiyao was shocked. The elder of the Shushan School hadn't walked in the world for 400 years, and the young man in front of him had not only met him, but also knew his name. It seemed that he must be Xiu. Because the old monster has reached the ageless face.

"Predecessors are right. The lay name of the Supreme Elder is indeed Li Xiaoyao, and his Taoist name is a poor Taoist."

Mu Feng said: "I have a question, why did you send the next head of Shushan School to me."

Ye Feiyao said: "The thing is like this. Our Shushan faction has a rule that all heirs to the head of the sect must go down the mountain to kill demons and demons before inheriting the position of the head.

Mu Feng said: "Do you have to send it to me when you go down the mountain to kill demons?"

Ye Feiyao said: "The Supreme Elder said that your place is the most uneventful place in the world. Heck, I heard that the head of Kunlun Xuanling came here not long ago, and he returned with serious injuries."

Mu Feng jumped up and said: "I understand what you said, and your grand elders thought I was Conan in the cultivation world, so they sent the apprentices who were going to be trained to me."

Ye Feiyao smiled lightly and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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