Agent of Heaven

Chapter 37 The Little Sword Fairy Visits

Chapter 37 The Little Sword Fairy Visits ([-])
After seeing off Ye Feiyao, Jiang Xiaoyue just came back from grocery shopping.

After she saw Mengmeng Xiaoqingsu, she smiled and asked, "Whose child is this? So cute?"

Mu Feng said: "This is the heir to the head of the Shushan School, Qing Su, who is of the same generation as the previous head Qing Cang."

Jiang Xiaoyue squeezed Qing Su's eyes and said, "Shushan faction has such a cute heir to the head, come, call me sister."

Xiao Qingsu didn't seem to appreciate Jiang Xiaoyue's affection, she timidly hid behind Mu Feng, tugged at Mu Feng's sleeve and said, "Brother Feng, this auntie is so strange."

After Jiang Xiaoyue heard the word aunt, she was struck by lightning, and her expression changed instantly: "What? Someone calls me auntie for a young and invincible girl like me, no, it must be the wrong way for me to open it." After finishing speaking, he He took out a lollipop from his pocket and said, "Come on, dear, call me sister."

Xiao Qingsu's figure flashed and turned into a gust of wind. She snatched the lollipop from Jiang Xiaoyue's hand in an instant, and then hid behind Mu Feng and said timidly, "Sister."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded in satisfaction, narrowed her big eyes into a crescent shape, and turned to cook.

At this time, Xiao Tiangou crawled out from under the table, came to Xiao Qingsu and sniffed.

Mu Feng felt that he said to Xiao Qingsu: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't bite." Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Qingsu hugging Xiaotiangou's dog's head with excitement on his face and shaking back and forth: "I like big dogs the most."

Xiaotiangou seemed to like this little girl very much, and kept rubbing his head against her body.The little loli and the big dog started chasing and fighting in the living room after a while.

Mu Feng asked Yang Jian, "Xiao Tiangou seems to like her very much."

Yang Jian nodded and said, "Yes."

Mu Feng said: "From what you said just now, this little girl is the reincarnation of a certain god in the sky."

Yang Jian continued to nod and said, "Exactly."

Mu Feng said: "Can I ask which god is the reincarnation?"

Yang Jian suddenly smiled: "It's a big story, but I can't tell you."

Mu Feng looked at the soft and cute Xiao Qingsu who was rolling with Xiao Tiangou and said: "A lot of background? The goddess with the biggest background in the heaven should be the Queen Mother. This can't be your aunt's reincarnation."

Yang Jian, who was reading the newspaper, was chilled by what Mu Feng said. He threw the newspaper in his hand and said, "Don't lie, of course she is not the reincarnation of that old woman! And the queen mother is not my aunt either!"

Mu Feng wondered: "The queen mother is the Jade Emperor's wife, isn't she your aunt?"

Yang Jian said: "Who told you that the Queen Mother is the wife of the Jade Emperor? The Queen Mother of the West rules the West Kunlun Wonderland, and is the head of the fairy world. She is not the wife of the Jade Emperor, so they should not be confused."

Mu Feng said: "Then whose reincarnation is Xiao Qingsu?"

The old pig turned back and smiled, "You better stop asking, you will naturally know in the future."

Jiang Xiaoyue's lunch has already been prepared. Kung Pao Chicken, Mapo Tofu, Ants Climbing Trees, Sliced ​​Poached Pork are all home-cooked dishes.Considering the appetites of Laozhu and Yang Jian, he made a large bowl of three delicacies fried rice and a seaweed soup for everyone.

Eating fried rice with vegetables would make people feel greasy, but after adding this bowl of seaweed soup, it becomes appetizing and delicious.Coupled with the [-] steamed buns that have already been prepared, this dish is really very rich.

Jiang Xiaoyue stroked Xiao Qingsu's smooth hair and said, "Sister, I cooked a bowl of wontons for you today. Try it?" As she spoke, she handed over a bowl of wontons that were delicious in color and flavor, and the soup was still silky. There are silky egg flowers floating.

But Jiang Xiaoyue never expected that this seemingly soft and cute little girl is actually a foodie, and a foodie whose strength is not inferior to that of an old pig.

After she quickly ate a bowl of wontons, she joined us three big men in grabbing food. She ate ten steamed buns and a large bowl of fried rice by herself, and her appetite was no less than any of us. .

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the new foodie girl Qing Su, she obviously ate so much food, but she couldn't see her belly at all.

"Are you full?" Jiang Xiaoyue asked.

Xiao Qingsu said: "Well, it's almost there."

It's almost there... Jiang Xiaoyue covered her forehead, it seems that there will be another snack in the house in the future.

After Jiang Xiaoyue cleaned up the dishes, she looked at Xiao Qingsu's white skirt and said, "Since you have come to the mortal world, you can't keep wearing this dress. My sister will take you to the city to buy clothes."

Laozhu said to Mu Feng: "Go, we will go too."

Mu Feng said: "What are we going to do?"

The old pig said: "I don't have a few mortal clothes either, this time I'll go over and buy some more."

Yang Jian said: "Then I will go too." He pointed to Mu Feng's computer and said: "I want to buy one of these."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "What do you need a computer for?"

Yang Jian said: "Watch TV, so that this idiot won't keep fighting with me."

The old pig said: "Who cares to snatch it from you? I want to buy one too! Also, I want a mobile phone that you have been using all the time."

It turns out that Yang Jian and Lao Zhu have been arguing over which TV series to watch in the past few days. Lao Zhu wants to watch "Brilliant Spring Pig Bajie" and Yang Jian wants to follow "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern".

At this time, I want to go to the city. Since it is noon, there are too many people in the city, so it is naturally inconvenient to fly directly there.Jiang Xiaoyue drove out her Hummer.Simply because the car is big enough, there are three big men and a little Qingsu in it, but it doesn't look crowded at all.

Yang Jian said: "Using this kind of thing for transportation seems to have a special style, Xiaofeng, you can also buy me a car like this."

Mu Feng couldn't laugh or cry: "With my monthly salary of 5000 yuan, even if you sell me, you still can't afford it."

Yang Jian asked suspiciously, "Is this kind of thing expensive?"

Mu Feng said: "It's more than 100 million. According to the current price, it would cost five kilograms of gold."

Yang Jian nodded and said: "Indeed, for ordinary people, this thing is really fast, and it is comfortable to sit in, so there is a reason why it is expensive."

The old pig suddenly smiled and said: "Xiao Feng, you just got a lot of money a while ago, you are not short of money now, just buy one." What he said was that Mu Feng got it from Li Gang's safe. the money.

Mu Feng shook his head and said: "Those are ill-gotten gains, I don't want to use them, I will donate them to those who need them."

Lao Zhu clasped his hands together and said, "That's good, Xiao Feng does have a compassionate heart."

The Hummer sped all the way, and soon Mu Feng arrived at the most prosperous Miaoqian Street in Jiangzhou, and three men and two women got out of the car together.Jiang Xiaoyue took Xiao Qingsu to buy clothes, while Mu Feng took Yang Jian and Lao Zhu to buy the items in the mobile phone and computer they needed.

The three walked into a digital store, and the shopping guide inside greeted them proactively.

"Sir, what do you need to see?"

Yang Jian said, "Mobile phone."

Mu Feng said: "Bring two Coarse Grain 2s mobile phones and show these two."

The shopping guide skillfully took out two coarse grain 2s mobile phones from the counter and put them in front of Yang Jian and Lao Zhu: "Please look at them, gentlemen."

The old pig smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad, this is it."

Yang Jian, however, looked at the plastic body of the coarse grain mobile phone, frowned and said: "I don't want this." He pointed to the fruit 6s in the counter and said: "This one looks barely good, show me."

Mu Feng immediately said with a bitter face: "Second brother, are you robbing my landlord?"

Yang Jian smiled slightly, handed over a gold ingot and said, "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

Mu Feng took the gold ingot, bit it like the people in the TV series, and said with a smile, "Second brother, you can pick whatever you want."

After the three of them bought their mobile phones, they came to the computer counter again, and Mu Feng said, "Boss, bring me two Shenzhous!"

Yang Jian looked at Mu Feng and smiled, "Get the more expensive one."

Mu Feng said, "Two Lenovo ThinkPads."

(End of this chapter)

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