Agent of Heaven

Chapter 38 Would you like to come up for a glass of water?

Chapter 38 Would you like to come up for a glass of water?
After Mu Feng bought mobile phones and computers for both Lao Zhu and Yang Jian, he began to choose clothes with them.

Yang Jian walked towards an Armani store without thinking, and Mu Feng followed behind with a pale face.

"Second brother, I said that the clothes here are not necessarily very good, should we change to another one? I think that Metersbonwe seems to be pretty good." Mu Feng laughed.

Yang Jian glanced back at Mu Feng and said, "Don't be silly, there is something wrong there."

Mu Feng was startled and said, "What's the situation?"

"Look at that girl, her footsteps are flimsy, her complexion is gloomy, and the top of her head is enveloped by a rather powerful ghostly aura." Yang Jian pointed to a girl.

Mu Feng looked in the direction Yang Jian pointed, and saw an extremely beautiful girl walking out of that shop. She was slim and dressed in fashion, but she was wearing a big sunglasses to cover most of her face.But Mu Feng actually recognized this person!

She is Gu Mei.That's right, she is Mu Feng's goddess when she was in college, the school belle Gu Mei!
It's just that she looks very haggard now, her steps are sloppy, and her skin is morbidly pale.People in the surrounding streets can't help but stay away from her, because as long as they get close to her, they will feel a chill.

Mu Feng said: "It's actually her?"

The old pig asked: "Do you know this girl?"

Mu Feng said: "It's a former classmate of mine."

The old pig said: "She is surrounded by a ghostly aura, she must be entangled by a very powerful guy. Strange? It stands to reason that being entangled by a guy of that level, ordinary mortals should have died long ago, but she actually It just looks a little weak."

Yang Jian said: "She should have something that can restrain evil things on her body. You can see that although the ghost energy is floating around her, but none of it can be poured into her body."

Mu Feng said: "You can choose the clothes by yourself first, after all, I'm going to save her because I'm a classmate."

The old pig nodded and said, "You go."

Yang Jian instructed: "Remember, ghosts are cunning and difficult to deal with, don't let them escape, and you should be more careful yourself."

Mu Feng said: "Okay, after you buy the clothes, go back with Xiaoyue and the others first, I should come back later."

The few people were still talking when they saw Gu Mei open the door of a BMW [-] Series and get in. Her father is said to be the boss of a group, so it is not surprising that she can drive such a luxury car.

Under the cover of Laozhu and Yang Jian, Mu Feng quickly used Tiangang 36 Transformations, turned into a flying bird and followed.

Gu Mei drove the car out of the urban area and drove towards the villa complex where she lived.

It was already evening at this time, and there were bursts of thunder in the sky from time to time, and big raindrops began to fall, making the surrounding light a bit darker.The street lights at the intersection ahead were broken, flickering on and off.

suddenly!A large truck sped out from the intersection, and rammed straight into Gu Mei's car!She didn't have time to dodge, so she had to slam on the brakes hard.

Unexpectedly, the huge truck stopped abruptly not far ahead.Gu Mei could clearly see that the driver of the truck was stepping on the gas pedal desperately, but no matter how the tires turned, they couldn't make any progress.

The driver of the truck cursed: "Damn, evil door!" He jumped out of the car and shouted to the empty alleys around him: "Everyone, come out, it's time to do something!"

Seven or eight big men suddenly sprang out of those dark alleys, all of them armed with murder weapons, looking fierce.

The truck driver held a wrench and said to Gu Mei who was sitting in the car: "Miss Gu, come out."

Gu Mei's face had turned pale at this time, she panicked: "Do you know who I am? What do you want to do?"

The truck driver said: "Take people's money to eliminate disasters. Miss Gu, I'm sorry!" As he spoke, he waved a wrench in his hand and was about to smash it towards Gu Mei's front windshield.

"Stop!" An angry shout came from the sky, with an astonishing momentum, which shocked the driver of the truck and the big men around him for a moment.

A black figure slowly came out from behind the truck. He was not tall, but he exuded an extremely powerful aura.The person who came was none other than Mu Feng!The reason why the truck failed to hit Gu Mei's BMW just now was also because he held the truck behind.

After Mu Feng took the "True Martial Spirit Pill" presented by Dao Yan, his arms had nearly ten thousand catties of strength.Coupled with the mana infused into it, just barely stopped the big truck that suddenly drove out to kill Gu Mei.

The truck driver was taken aback by Mu Feng's yell, but after seeing that there was only one person coming, he relaxed his vigilance, and said to the surrounding big men, "Where did this brat come from? Want to play a hero rescuer?" Beauty? Brothers, go and teach him how to behave!"

Several big men clenched their fists and sneered ferociously, as if Mu Feng had walked over.

But Mu Feng was too lazy to entangle with the group of ants, his figure turned into afterimages, and his punches and kicks were like wind blowing leaves.In just a few breaths, all those big men with fierce faces fell down.

Before the truck driver could react, Mu Feng's hand was already on his throat.His face turned purple in an instant, and he said intermittently: "Hero...forgive me...we are also...under the instigation of others..."

Mu Feng let go of his hands and said, "Who ordered you to do this?"

The truck driver held his throat and coughed continuously on the ground: "Ahem, yes, she is a very beautiful woman. He gave me a sum of money and asked us to kill this girl."

Mu Feng slashed the truck driver's shoulder with a knife, knocking him out.He lowered his body and said to Gu Mei who was in the car: "Are you okay?"

Gu Mei shook her head, then looked at the face of the person who saved her: "It's you, you are Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng searched the truck driver for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called the police.

"Hey, there was a mafia brawl at the third intersection of Jiefang Road. About a dozen people were seriously injured and lost their ability to move."

After making the call, he threw the truck driver's mobile phone back on him, smiled and said to Gu Mei, "I'll take you home."

Gu Mei was still in shock at this moment, with Mu Feng by her side she could feel an unprecedented sense of security, so she opened the car door and let Mu Feng sit in, and quickly started the car and drove towards her home.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might have died there today." Gu Mei said to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "It's okay. When encountering such a thing, I will save even passers-by, let alone we are classmates."

Gu Mei said: "No matter what, I have to thank you. However, your skill is so powerful! Those gangsters just now were all vicious people. I saw that you beat them all in just an instant. Have you practiced before?" Kungfu? Why haven't I seen you perform it before?"

Mu Feng could only talk nonsense: "I have practiced, my kung fu is passed down in my family, and there are ancestors' training, so I can't easily use it."

Gu Mei didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, and drove the car into her community after a while.This is an extremely high-end residential area, surrounded by lakes, close to Jiangzhou University, most of the people living in it are wealthy people with a net worth of over [-] million, this is the first time for Mu Feng to come to this kind of place.

After the car was parked, Mu Feng said, "You're already home, so I'll go back."

Gu Mei looked at Mu Feng, and an imperceptible emotion flashed in the depths of her eyes: "There is no one at home, would you like to come in for a glass of water?"

No one is home, would you like to come in for a glass of water?

This is a sentence with a very profound connotation, when an ordinary woman says this sentence to a man.It basically means that you can stay with me to rest tonight, and then... Hehehe.

And when the former goddess Gu Mei said these words to Mu Feng, his normal heartbeat accelerated.

"No, I have something to do when I go back." Mu Feng's heart has already shouted ten thousand times, I want to go up to drink water.But reason told him that he couldn't do it.

Gu Mei blushed and said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else! I'm just... I'm just scared alone!"

A person is afraid of...

It's normal for a girl to be afraid when she's alone at home... Then it shouldn't be a problem to go up and accompany her for a while, right?

Mu Feng thought for a while and agreed: "Okay, then I will accompany you for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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