Agent of Heaven

Chapter 39 The Ghost Stepmother

Chapter 39 The Ghost Stepmother
The rain stopped, and the willow twigs were on the moon.

Mu Feng sat down on the sofa and began to look at Gu Mei's home.It's not too big, but the decoration is unique.There are several incomprehensible abstract oil paintings hanging on the walls. The sofa and coffee table are all in European tones, and the living room is connected from the first floor to the second floor, and there are some murals on the top.

Of course, Mu Feng did not forget the purpose of his visit this time. He searched around with his magic power, but except for Gu Mei, he did not detect the slightest ghost.

Gu Mei opened the refrigerator and handed over two bottles of mineral water.

When Mu Feng looked at the packaging, I was so tired, Evian, France! 100 yuan a bottle of the kind!I have only seen this kind of local tyrant-level mineral water on TV and the Internet.

Calculate my current salary of 5000 yuan a month, which is enough to buy two boxes.

I took a sip, maybe it's a psychological effect, I feel that this water is a bit sweet~
Gu Mei did pick up a bottle of mineral water and started to drink it without a trace of her usual ladylike demeanor.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous." Gu Mei put down the water in her hand, her expression a little embarrassed.

Mu Feng said: "It's okay."

Gu Mei seemed to be chatting to Mu Feng, "How have you been recently?"

Mu Feng said: "That's it. I found a job with a fairly stable income, but the work is sometimes busy. I also have a place where the environment is not bad, but it is a little remote." Mu Feng said truthfully.

Gu Mei said: "It sounds very good."

Mu Feng said: "I think it's okay, but compared to you, it should be far behind."

When Gu Mei heard this, her expression suddenly became extremely sad, and after a while, tears started to fall from her eyes.

Mu Feng asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you?" He was a little at a loss, and he didn't say anything. Why is this girl crying again?
Gu Mei wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper." But once a woman starts crying, it's hard to stop her tears.

Mu Feng took out a pack of napkins from his pocket and handed it over, "Stop crying, are you in any trouble? I will help if I can!"

Gu Mei took the tissue, but subconsciously leaned her forehead on Mu Feng's shoulder, tears welling up, wet Mu Feng's shirt...

This made Mu Feng really flustered, and he didn't know what to do or what to say for a while.It was the first time for him to be cried on his shoulder by his former goddess, and his body was unnaturally stiff.Her beautiful hair was hanging on Mu Feng's chest, which made him feel charming.

After a long time, Gu Meicai lifted her face with pear blossoms and said, "I'm sorry, I got your clothes wet."

Mu Feng said: "It's okay, what difficulties did you encounter? Why don't you tell me about it." In his impression, Gu Mei was always an optimistic girl, and it was hard for him to imagine what kind of blow made her cry like this .He had a faint feeling that this matter had something to do with the ghostly aura surrounding her body.

Gu Mei sighed and said, "You can't help me even if you know."

Mu Feng said: "You don't say anything, how do you know that I can't help? Is it related to the gangsters who blocked you just now?"

Gu Mei said: "I said it, but I was afraid that you would not believe me."

Mu Feng said: "Tell me first, no matter what you say, I will believe it."

Suddenly a trace of panic flashed across Gu Mei's eyes and said, "Mu Feng, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

Mu Feng replied: "I believe." Of course he believed in ghosts, but with his current identity and ability, most ghosts would walk around when they saw him.

Seeing Mu Feng's sincere eyes, Gu Mei said slowly, "My father married a female ghost!"

Gu Mei's father married a female ghost?Knowing that this should be the source of Gu Mei's ghostly aura.Mu Feng touched his nose and said, "Go on."

Only then did Gu Mei slowly explain the ins and outs of the matter:

It turns out that Gu Mei lost her mother since childhood, and only her father raised her up.His father's name is Gu Ming, and now he is a well-known and successful entrepreneur in Jiangzhou City, mainly doing some home appliance business.

He loves Gu Mei very much because he considers her feelings, and has not continued for many years.But not long ago, everything suddenly changed.

That was when Gu Ming came back from a business trip. He was driving a night car through a wilderness and uninhabited road, but he saw a beautiful woman coming from the darkness.Gu Ming was curious at the moment, so he stopped and asked, "Little girl, what are you doing on the road in the middle of the night? It's very dangerous."

The girl said: "I was originally the daughter of a farmer in a nearby village. Because my parents were greedy for money, they wanted to marry me to a rich man's stupid son as a wife. I didn't want to, so I sneaked out in the middle of the night. But here lost way."

Seeing that the woman was dressed in shabby clothes, Gu Ming believed most of it immediately, and said to the woman: "Get in the car, I will take you for a ride, it is very dangerous for you to be here in the middle of the night."

While driving, Gu Ming asked the woman where she was going.The woman simply replied that she had nowhere to go.He asked her name again, and she said that she was Xiaowei.

Gu Ming felt that this woman had no home to go to, and her background was extremely pitiful, so he took her home and became his own nanny.

When talking about this, Gu Mei paused and said: "My father introduced her to me at this time, and I felt pity for her background, so I agreed to keep her at home as a nanny but... ..."

Mu Feng said: "That Xiaowei is a female ghost?"

Gu Mei said: "That's right! Since she came to the house, she has tried every means to seduce my father. At that time, I just thought that she really liked my father, so I didn't intervene too much. Soon the two of them held a wedding banquet. But Since that day, my father's health has been getting worse and worse. Knowing that one day, I suddenly heard a strange noise outside at night, got up and secretly opened the door of my father's room to watch, only to find..." Speaking of this , her eyes became extremely frightened.

Mu Feng felt as if he handed over the bottle of mineral water that he only took a sip of.Gu Mei took it and quickly took a big sip, calmed down her mood and continued: "I saw a green-faced evil ghost with saw-toothed teeth sitting in front of the table in that room, talking non-stop. Draw the painting, it shook the painting away, and I saw clearly that it was a piece of human skin! She put the skin on her body and became Xiaowei! Then she slept directly next to my father. I didn’t dare to say anything at the time, so I found an excuse to move here the next day, and then I went around to ask some knowledgeable masters, but most of them were liars who wanted to cheat me out of money.”

Mu Feng squeezed his chin and said, "I think that female ghost must have discovered your existence."

Gu Mei said: "Indeed, once I clearly saw that she looked at me with particularly cold eyes, she should have known that I had discovered her secret, but for some reason she didn't do me any harm."

Mu Feng said: "It's just that I can't hurt you for a while."

Gu Mei wondered, "How do you know?"

Mu Feng looked at a pendant hanging around Gu Mei's neck and said, "Can you let me see your pendant?"

Gu Mei said: "Of course." As he spoke, he wanted to take off the pendant directly.

"Wait a minute first" Mu Feng bit his finger, dripping a little blood onto Gu Mei's forehead, he wanted to help Gu Mei dispel the ghost energy from her body first.But I don't know any dispelling spells, so I can only rely on the yang evil energy in my blood to directly disperse all the ghost energy around Gu Mei.

Gu Mei only felt a warm feeling coming from her forehead, and soon the warm feeling spread to her whole body, and the sick and weak feeling that had haunted her for a long time disappeared from her body in an instant.

""You can take off the pendant now.

"I feel that my body is much more comfortable. Are you a Taoist priest?" Gu Mei took the next emerald green pendant and handed it over.

Mu Feng said: "Barely count it." He finally put the pendant in his hand and looked at it carefully. On the pendant was a monk with a dignified appearance.There is a faint aura on it, but there is not much left at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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