Agent of Heaven

Chapter 40 Painted Skin

Chapter 40 Painted Skin
Mu Feng looked at the pendant in his hand for a moment, and then he understood: "I finally know why that evil spirit dare not harm you."

Gu Mei said: "Why? Could it be related to this pendant?"

Mu Feng asked back: "That's right, where did your pendant come from?"

Gu Mei said: "My mother obtained it at the Jade Buddha Temple in Mount Jiuhua during her lifetime. I carried it with me since I was a child and never left my body for a moment."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "That's right, the statue carved on this pendant is the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Jiuhua Mountain is also the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and it is stained with a little Buddha energy, which is the most restrained against ghosts and the like. " At this moment, he finally understood the reason why those ghostly auras couldn't invade Gu Mei's body no matter how they lingered around her.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva inspires "Hell is not empty, you can't become a Buddha." He specializes in saving demons in the [-]th floor of hell. These ghosts and ghosts naturally cannot get close to the pendant contaminated with his Buddha spirit.

but!After all, this is just a pendant, and it is only made of ordinary jade, not a magic weapon, so it has become more and more fragile under the long-term disturbance of ghost energy, and the Buddha energy on it is about to dissipate!
"I seem to guess who ordered the group of people who attacked you today." Mu Feng said.

Gu Mei said: "Could it be that evil spirit?"

Mu Feng said: "Yes, you have seen through her real body, she has long wanted to kill you. But you have this Jade Buddha to protect her, so she can't get close for a while, so she hired mortals to kill you. "

Gu Mei said: "In order to get rid of me, she really did whatever it takes."

Mu Feng returned the jade pendant to Gu Mei and said, "You don't have to be afraid, go get a good night's sleep first."

Gu Mei looked at Mu Feng pitifully and said, "Do you want to go?"

Mu Feng said: "With the protection of this pendant, that evil spirit won't be able to hurt you for a few days. I'll contact you tomorrow morning and take me to your father's place to have a look." He got up to leave, but Gu Mei subconsciously pulled caught his sleeves.

Mu Feng turned around and smiled, "How about this, take me to your room."

Gu Mei blushed and said, " my room?"

Mu Feng said: "I'll cast a spell in your room to ensure your safety even more."

Gu Mei led Mu Feng into her room, there was no pink tone or luxurious layout as imagined, the design inside was very simple, only some simple tables and chairs, a desk lamp and basic books were placed on the table.

Mu Feng walked to her bedroom door, and the Qing Ming Sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing a long sword suddenly appearing in Mu Feng's hand, Gu Mei asked in surprise, "Where did you get this sword?"

Mu Feng said: "This is a long story, I will tell you later when I have time." After speaking, he pulled out the Qingming sword and carved the word "sword" on the door.

The Qingming Sword is an ancient fierce sword, the words carved on it have the most fierce sword spirit left on it, and ordinary evil people dare not approach it.

Of course, even if there are really powerful monsters coming, seeing this word.Naturally, it is known that there is a master who is very powerful and can control the evil sword. If he wants to protect the people in the room, he will usually fade away automatically.

Gu Mei looked at Mu Feng's engraved words and frowned, "Are you still so ugly when you write?"

Mu Feng said embarrassingly: "This will not be changed for a while, I will go first, if you stay in the room tonight, nothing will happen."


Mu Feng turned into a swift and flew back to the villa by the lake.Looking at the watch, it was almost eleven o'clock, and everyone should have gone to bed.Looking at the villa with no lights, Mu Feng quietly opened the door and entered.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was pushed open, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up.

When Mu Feng opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Xiaoyue, Yang Jian, and Lao Zhu.At this time, they were all sitting on the sofa in well-groomed clothes, looking at themselves solemnly.

"You...haven't slept yet?"

The old pig said: "You are hunting ghosts outside, we are afraid that something will happen to you, so we wait for you to come back."

Jiang Xiaoyue wrinkled her nose and ran to Mu Feng and said, "You smell so heavy of perfume? I heard that you left with a beautiful girl. You came back so late, is it true that after the hero saved the beauty, the girl just gave her body to her?" gone?"

Mu Feng sniffed himself, but there was a faint fragrance, which should have been picked up by Gu Mei when she was crying on her shoulder.

"Why, did I hit the mark?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Xiaoyue, you look like you are catching your husband's wife who is cheating outside."

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and said, "What are you talking about!"

Mu Feng said: "Okay, stop joking, and tell everyone what happened today."

At that moment, Mu Feng narrated the incident where Gu Mei's father met a female ghost and brought her home.When he came back, he mainly wanted to ask Lao Zhu and Yang Jian about the details of that evil ghost, just in case.

Hearing this, Erlang God frowned and said, "It's Huapi!"

Mu Feng said: "Painted skin?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I know, it's an evil ghost that can turn into a beautiful woman by putting on human skin. It appeared in "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio". Later, it is said that it was subdued by a sloppy Taoist priest."

The old pig said: "The painted skin is not shallow, it is a famous ghost in hell, and it likes to eat people's hearts. The Taoist who subdued it was the illusion of the Emperor Zhenwu Slayer, and it has been suppressed in the world since then. In the Temple of Voldemort."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "How do you know this?"

Mu Feng answered first: "The master's sect is secret!" Then he said to the old pig: "You mean, it also escaped from the Fumo Temple?"

The old pig nodded.

Yang Jian said: "In this case, you can collect it tomorrow, or kill it on the spot, lest it will cause harm to the world again."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "It's natural."

Having nothing to say all night, Mu Feng called Gu Mei early in the morning when he woke up.

Listening to Gu Mei's voice on the phone, she felt that she must have slept well last night.

"Hey, is that you, Mu Feng?"

"It's me, nothing happened last night, right?"

"Hee hee, no, yesterday was the best day I slept in these days."

"That's fine, you wait at home for a while, I'll be right there."

"Well, I actually told my second uncle about this."

"Your second uncle? He believed this?"

"Yes, my second uncle has been doing business in Hong Kong. He has seen many great things in the world. This time he rushed back after hearing what I said. It is said that he invited a famous master from Hong Kong."

"Haha, it's okay, it's better to have one more friend to help." Mu Feng chuckled and hung up the phone. Although he knew that the so-called master that Second Uncle Gu Mei brought from Hong Kong might also be a liar, he didn't want to point it out. .

Just as I went downstairs, I saw a little girl wearing a Jingdong T-shirt standing at the bottom of the stairs with a huge sword box on her back.

This little girl is of course Qing Su.

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

Qing Sumeng said: "Help brother Feng catch ghosts together!"

It was only then that Mu Feng remembered that this cute little girl was also the future head of Shu Mountain, and the task of going down the mountain this time was to slay demons.

"That's fine, brother will take you to catch ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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