Chapter 41

Gu Mei glanced at Mu Feng, and then at the little loli next to him, who was carrying a sword box and eating a lollipop.

"Where did such a beautiful little girl come from?" Gu Mei asked
Qing Su pulled Mu Feng's sleeve shyly and hid behind him.

Mu Feng nonsense said: "This is my sister, no one is taking her with me at home today, so I had no choice but to take her with me."

Gu Mei said: "But we are going to deal with an evil spirit, it is too dangerous for you to take her like this!"

Before Mu Feng could speak, Qing Su showed half of his face from behind him and said, "Qing Su is not afraid! Qing Su is very powerful." After speaking, she shyly hid back.

Gu Mei said: "Oh, forget it little friend, you will hide with your sister in a while." She glanced at Mu Feng and said: "I will take good care of your sister."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "We're leaving."

The three of them got into Gu Mei's BMW Seven Series and drove towards her father's residence.

Not long after, they arrived at a mansion.Mu Feng has seen a lot of mansions, whether it is Lei Dafu or Li Gang, the places where they live can be regarded as mansions.

but!Compared with the place where Gu Mei's father lived, it was like a country house!

This is a mansion about the size of the British drama Downton Abbey.Before the Gothic gate, a vast field of tulips is planted.

A thin middle-aged man came out from inside. He was wearing glasses, wearing a black suit and a pen pinned to his chest.

After getting off the car, Gu Mei smiled at the middle-aged man and said, "Second Uncle!"

The middle-aged man showed a loving smile: "Little girl, have you grown so big since I haven't seen you for a few years?"

Gu Mei quickly pulled Mu Feng to her side and said, "Second Uncle, this is my classmate."

The second uncle looked at Mu Feng with a very careful look for a long time and said, "Hello, my humble Gu Qianli."

Mu Feng also nodded slightly and said: "Hi, I feel Mu Feng."

At this time, Qing Su also stumbled down from the car holding her big sword box, saw people around, and hid behind Mu Feng extremely shyly.

Mu Feng pointed at Qing Su and said, "This is my sister, Xiao Su."

Gu Mei said to Gu Qianli: "Second uncle, my classmate is very good at martial arts. Yesterday he defeated several gangsters by himself, and he is also proficient in some Taoism. That's why I brought him here this time."

Gu Qianli smiled at Mu Feng: "Your Excellency saved Xiao Mei's person yesterday? Thank you Gu for being here." It seems that Gu Mei has already told him about the attack on her.

Mu Feng said: "It's okay, Gu Mei and I are classmates, naturally we should help him."

Gu Qianli said: "I just didn't expect you to be proficient in Taoism, but you are really a young hero." Although he said this, there was no look of belief in his eyes.

Mu Feng said politely: "I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

Suddenly there was a loud laugh from behind, and a fat man about 40 years old came out. He was wearing a Tang suit and waved a folding fan. Swindling and cheating? Don't you even look at how much you weigh?"

Gu Qianli said in embarrassment: "This is Master Huang from Hong Kong. He is a well-known expert in Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan. I paid a lot of money to invite him here."

Gu Mei looked at the fat man mocking Mu Feng, and turned her face away very unhappy.

Mu Feng took a closer look at the fat man, and found that he was actually quite capable, with some mana fluctuations on his body.It's just too weak, not as good as the Shushan School's disciples who watch the mountain gate.

What he didn't expect was that the Shushan sect was the super-big sect in the cultivation world, and even the disciples of the mountain gate were also the disciples of Shushan.How could these so-called "folk masters" be comparable.

Master Huang smiled proudly at Mu Feng: "Do you really know Taoism?" He didn't see the slightest fluctuation of mana from Mu Feng, and he directly regarded Mu Feng as a young charlatan.

Mu Feng smiled and said nothing.Xiao Qingsu behind him poked her head out and said to Master Huang, "You are so weak!" Of course she was talking about her true feelings, this person was indeed too weak in her eyes.

Master Huang flicked his sleeves and said, "Hmph, the mainland really has everyone!"

Gu Qianli was not happy when he heard him keep saying that, but he spent a lot of money to invite this person.Shi Shi said to Master Huang: "Master, please go in and practice."

Master Huang glanced at Mu Feng and said, "Dalu Boy, you can see clearly!"

Today Gu Qianli and Gu Mei found a reason together to send Gu Ming away, and told the servants inside to have a holiday.So at this time in this mansion, only the painted-skinned evil spirit is still there.

Master Huang took a copper coin sword, carried a yellow cloth bag on his back, lit a few candles, and began to practice in front of the mansion.

"The sky is Lingling, the earth is Lingling, the Taishang Laojun will appear soon..." He muttered something, grabbed a handful of paper talismans from the backpack behind his back, and threw them into the mansion.The talisman fluttered with the wind and naturally burned in the air.

Xiao Qingsu pulled Mu Feng by the corner of his clothes, and whispered to him, "It's the Maoshan Sect's ghost-expelling talisman, a low-priced talisman used in the cultivation world to drive away ghosts, and it will burn and release mana immediately after feeling the ghost energy."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You can just throw this talisman out, what the hell is he muttering?"

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the door of the mansion suddenly opened automatically with a creak.An extremely beautiful woman stood inside, looking at Master Huang, who was doing the work outside, with a sneer.

"This is the person you hired to deal with me?" She looked at Gu Mei and Gu Qianli and smiled.

Master Huang waved the copper coin sword in his hand and said, "Bold female ghost!" The copper coin sword flew out of his hand and stabbed at the painted skin evil ghost.

Hua Pi stretched out his slender hand with a sneer, and directly grabbed the copper coin sword flying towards his forehead, squeezed it hard, and the sword shattered into pieces of copper coins all over the place.

Master Huang shook off the package on his back again, and a huge golden talisman flew out!On it are rows of densely packed blood-colored characters, wrapping towards the painted skin.

Xiao Qingsu said: "This is a magic weapon, but it's a low-level one."

With a sharp roar, Hua Pi directly crashed into the golden talisman.Then I heard the sound of tearing one after another, and the golden talisman turned into rags, floating between the sky and the earth.

Master Huang spurted out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, pointed at Huapi and tremblingly said: "You..."

Gu Qianli also lost his tranquility, pulling Gu Mei to run away.

Gu Mei said: "My classmate is still here!"

Gu Qianli said: "Master Huang is one of the best masters in the world, even he is defeated, you still ask your classmates to run together..." He swallowed half of what he had said deeply.

Because he saw Mu Feng's figure passing by Master Huang's side like a gust of wind, rushing directly in front of the evil ghost, reaching out and placing his hand on the evil ghost's charming face, and then hitting the ground directly.

How strong is Mu Feng's hands?Of course, Huapi couldn't bear it, and the back of her head fell to the ground directly when she pressed it, and the floor tiles on the ground shattered like a spider's web.

"What a powerful force, you..." Hua Pi looked at Mu Feng with horror in his eyes.

Mu Feng ignored her, raised his fist and punched her in the face.A punch made a thunderous sound, shaking the whole ground, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

Huapi's head was driven deep into the ground, her spine seemed to have been broken, and her head and body formed a strange twisted arc.This scene is a bit like the scene in Kung Fu where Xing Ye was smashed into the ground by the evil fire cloud god.

Mu Feng raised his fist again, this time he had enough mana, the fist shone with light, and hit Huapi's face again like a shooting star.

There was only a bang, like the sound of a balloon bursting, Huapi's body quickly suffocated and turned into a piece of human skin, and a black air came out from the damaged sky cap.

(End of this chapter)

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