Agent of Heaven

Chapter 42 Battle Painted Skin

Chapter 42 Battle Painted Skin

It is said that Huapi broke the skin under Mu Feng's several heavy punches, and a black air gushed out from the top of the sky, floating in the sky.The flesh on the ground shrank quickly, and soon turned into a piece of human skin.

Mu Feng pointed to the black air floating in the sky and shouted: "Monster, if you don't confer your head yet, when will you wait?"

The black air gradually descended to the ground and turned into a green-faced and fang-toothed evil spirit. Looking at Mu Feng, he giggled and said, "This young master really doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade." Its voice was actually an extremely pleasant female voice, but at this time It sounds too weird.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "I don't know how many monsters in Fumo Temple will take pity on you?"

Hua Pi heard that Mu Feng revealed his background, and was shocked at the moment: "Are you from above?"

Mu Feng said: "Almost, anyway, I'm the one who came to arrest you."

Huapi screamed suddenly when he heard the words, the scream was extremely shrill, as if it was a wail from the Nine Netherworld: "I will never go back to that place again—absolutely not!"

At this time, Gu Qianli did not know when he touched an iron rod, quietly walked behind Huapi, and was about to knock it on the back of the head.

"No, it's dangerous!" Mu Feng cried out stupidly.

But it was too late, Huapi's ghost claws were already on Gu Qianli's neck in an instant. "Hehehe, human beings are really getting more and more overwhelmed!" It stretched out its long scarlet tongue, and kept licking Gu Qianli's face.

"Second Uncle!" Gu Mei said anxiously.

Mu Feng pressed Gu Mei's shoulder, looked at Hua Pi and said loudly: "Let him go!"

Huapi said: "Let me let him go? If I let him go, can you let me go?"

Mu Feng said: "Yes, you let him go first, and I will let you leave here."

Gu Qianli shouted: "Leave me alone! Kill this evil spirit quickly! I have been on the streets of Hong Kong for so many years, when have I ever been afraid! Mr. Mu, you just have to do it."

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead and said: "I have met such a bloody plot."

Gu Mei said: "Don't let him hurt my second uncle! Mu Feng..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "I understand."

Hua Pi sneered and turned into a black mist, engulfing Gu Qianli and disappearing into the sky.

Gu Mei lost her mind and said: "What should I do?"

Master Huang, who was dying on the ground, suddenly sat up and fled outside.

Mu Feng reached out to stop him and said with a smile, "Master Huang, where are you going after walking so fast?"

Master Huang broke into cold sweat and said with a sneer, "Don't dare, how can I be a master in front of you? Just call me Xiao Huang."

Mu Feng said: "You have the nerve to let me call you Xiao Huang just because of your wrinkled face?"

Master Huang said: "You can call it whatever you want! The mainland is too dangerous. If you have nothing to say, I will go back to Hong Kong."

Mu Feng said: "Of course there is an order, help me turn a tracking talisman." Mu Feng's biggest flaw now is that although he has strong magic power and good fighting ability, he is not a traditional practitioner, but he has not learned how to use it. Any spell that tracks demons.

After sweating profusely, Master Huang helped Mu Feng draw an advanced tracking talisman, and then ran away like hell.

Mu Feng threw the tracking talisman into the air, and the talisman turned into a ray of red light and floated towards the northwest.

"Chasing!" Mu Feng turned around and said something to Xiao Qingsu, then turned around and turned into a golden eagle to follow the tracking talisman.

"Okay!" Xiaoqing Su crisply agreed, then turned around and asked Gu Mei, "Do you want to go together?"

Gu Mei looked at Mu Feng who had almost disappeared into the sky, and asked in a daze, "Why do we go together?"

"Ju Que Sword, come out of your body!" A huge ancient bronze sword flew out of the sword box behind Qing Su, suspended in mid-air.Qing Su lightly jumped onto the blade of the sword, stretched out her small hand to Gu Mei and said, "Let's fly with the sword together."

Gu Mei was in a mess in the wind...

She nervously looked at the buildings passing by under her feet, couldn't help pinching her face and said, "Am I dreaming?"

After a while, they landed on the edge of a building.

Mu Feng was standing in front of the door with his arms folded, but he was waiting for them: "The evil spirit must have escaped into this building. There are many mortals inside. We must capture him as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble!"

Gu Mei said: "This is my father's company!"

Mu Feng said: "Then let's go to your father first, otherwise he might be in danger."

"My father's office is on the top floor, we're taking the elevator up now..."

"What are you doing with the elevator!" Mu Feng grabbed Gu Mei with his left hand and hugged Xiao Qingsu with his right hand, poured mana into his feet, jumped up, and turned into a ray of light to reach the top floor.There were two footprints about a foot deep where he took off, which made Mu Feng look like a shrunken Hulk.

When the three of them flew to the top floor, Mu Feng slapped the glass window on the top floor and jumped directly into it.

Gu Ming is a rather handsome middle-aged man, he stared dumbfounded at the three people who entered through the broken window on the 22nd floor.

"Xiaomei...what's going on?" Gu Ming hadn't recovered from the shock.

Gu Mei anxiously said: "There is no time to explain, Daddy, someone is going to kill you."

Gu Ming got up and walked to Gu Mei and said, "Don't worry, speak slowly..."

"Not good! Gu Mei get out of the way! It's not your father."

After "Gu Ming" approached Gu Mei, a strange smile appeared on his face, and then his palm quickly turned into a ghost claw and grabbed Gu Mei.But the pendant on her neck suddenly lit up at this moment, emitting a golden light, which made the ghost claw slow down by half a beat.

At this moment, the Qingming sword flew out with a clang, directly cut "Gu Ming"'s ghost claw, and fell to the ground.

"Gu Ming" quickly backed away clutching his injured palm, moaning in pain continuously, and smashed open the door to escape. "Ju Que Sword, come out of the body, seal the demon!" Qing Su yelled, and the Ju Que Sword flew out of the sword box behind her back, chasing the evil ghost and flying out.

"Where's my father? Has something happened to him?" Gu Mei asked Mu Feng with tears in his eyes.

Mu Feng took a breath, took a few steps forward, and opened a wardrobe in the office.

A bloody smell came from the closet. A deadly corpse lay in it. His abdomen was torn apart, his chest cavity was also cracked, and the place where his heart was located was empty.What's even more frightening is that there is no skin on his body, all of it is red flesh and blood...

Gu Mei slumped on the ground covering her face, her whole body seemed to have collapsed.

Mu Feng said: "You..."

Gu Mei put down her hand, but did not shed a single tear. He calmly asked Mu Feng, "Can my father be saved?"

Mu Feng said: "I have no way, but other people I know may have a way."

Gu Mei nodded, revealing a strong expression: "Then you hurry up and catch that evil spirit, so that it won't harm others again."

Mu Feng said: "Then you pay attention."

Gu Mei held the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva pendant on her chest and said, "Don't worry, I have it for protection."

Mu Feng walked towards the door with the Qingfeng sword in hand, and saw that Qing Su's Juque sword had cut the human skin off Huapi's body inch by inch, revealing his real body inside.

Qing Su really deserved the name of the heir to the head of Mount Shu. The Juque Sword exuded a magnificent silver sword energy, and every time it fell, it would splash blood on Huapi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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