Agent of Heaven

Chapter 43 Killing Painted Skin

Chapter 43 Killing Painted Skin
Although Hua Pi is not Qing Su's opponent, he is an old ghost who has practiced for an unknown number of years.With seasoned combat experience, he can barely hold on, and it will be difficult to lose for a while.

Gu Mei: "My father usually likes to work alone, this whole floor is his personal office, you can do it with confidence."

But at this time, Mu Feng made a move.The Black Tie Overlord spear stabbed out with a sound, the tip of the spear shone with a little cold star, and it was in front of Huapi in an instant.

Painted skin turned pale with shock, but was in no hurry to dodge for a while, so it could only stick out its relatively intact ghost claw in an attempt to block the Overlord Spear.But the strength on the Overlord Spear is so overbearing, it smashed its ghost claws in a split second, and the tip of the spear directly hit its shoulder, cutting off a large piece of flesh.

Hua Pi had both claws useless at this time, and was seriously injured.It dodges and retreats quickly, and is about to break through the wall and escape.

"Sword Prison Lock!" Qing Su pinched the sword formula with his hand, and the Juque Sword spun for a while, and the silver sword energy filled the entire space of this floor, turning it into a cage, tightly sealing off the surrounding area .

Huapi slammed into the wall, but slammed into the sword energy wall again with a thud, blood flowed from his forehead, and most of the flesh on his face was cut off.It roared, and then fled to other surrounding rooms.

Mu Feng stepped forward again with the gun, the sound of the gun was like thunder, and swept towards Huapi with strong wind.

Huapi didn't have the strength to fight again, he just ran away with his head in his arms.Suddenly he turned around and rushed into a small room, pulling out a person to block him.

Mu Feng looked intently and found that this person was Gu Qianli who was taken away by Hua Pi.

"You guys... push me again, and I'll kill him!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "You kill me, I won't let you go again."

Huapi gritted his teeth and pushed Gu Qianli towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand, caught Gu Qianli, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Gu Qianli's breath was weak, and his voice continued intermittently: "I...I..."

Mu Feng lowered his head and said, "What are you?"

At this moment, Gu Qianli suddenly burst into flames, a cold light flashed in his hand, and stabbed Mu Feng's pipa bone with incomparable precision, it turned out to be a black dagger.

Gu Mei exclaimed in surprise: "Second Uncle, what are you doing?"

Gu Qianli laughed maniacally: "Hahaha, this kid is so powerful, he almost ruined my event."

Qing Su's small face instantly became as cold as frost, the Juque sword suddenly burst into an incomparably bright silver light, and thousands of long swords transformed from sword energy began to condense around her.

"The heavens and myriad ways, the art of evolution is boundless, use the sword to control it, and kill demons and immortals!"

"It's Shushan School's Exterminating Evil Wanjian Jue!" Huapi's eyes showed a look of extreme horror, and it shouted at Qingsu: "You stop quickly! That dagger has a poison I refined, and only I can do it!" Solution, as long as you let me go, I will give you the antidote."

Mu Feng's complexion has turned ashen.The lute bone is the Achilles' heel of all immortals, apparently this weakness was told by Huapi to Gu Qianli.

The Wan Dao sword energy gathered around Qing Su began to dissipate slowly, she stretched out her hand, and said coldly to Hua Pi: "Give me the antidote."

Huapi only felt that her eyes were scarier than any monster he had seen in Fumo Temple, but in order to survive, it still gritted its teeth and said: "You let us go first, and I will give you the antidote." ..."

But before it finished speaking, it felt a chill in its chest, and the Qingming sword had already passed through its back and came out of its chest. When it turned around, it only saw Mu Feng's slightly ironic smile.

" is it possible?" It looked at "Mu Feng" who was stabbed by Gu Qianli with a dagger, and saw that "Mu Feng" turned into a vellus hair when a gust of wind blew past it.

"Heaven...Tiangang 36 changes! Haha, I'm not wronged." Huapi suddenly laughed loudly, it could feel that its mana was being absorbed by the Qingming demon sword on its chest, and it wouldn't take long. Its mana will be completely plundered by the man behind.

Mu Feng said: "Huapi, I can spare your life, but you must answer a few questions for me."

At this moment, Qing Su also kicked Gu Qianli to the ground with a flying kick, making him instantly lose the ability to resist.

Huapi said, "What do you want to ask?"

Mu Feng said: "First, what is your relationship with this person? What do you two want to do?"

Huapi looked at Gu Qianli with a strange smile and said, "You say it or I say it?"

Gu Qianli sighed.

Gu Mei said: "Second Uncle, why did you join hands with that evil ghost to harm our father and daughter? Could it be that you were bewitched by him?"

Huapi laughed and said: "Bewitching haha, unfortunately, I don't know that kind of magic."

Gu Qianli said: "My company in Hong Kong is all in the red. I asked your father to borrow money, but he refused. If I don't pay back the money in time, the people from the "Hongxing Club" there will throw me away." Go into the sea and feed the fish."

Huapi smiled and said: "So he found me and asked me to help him kill his eldest brother and his only daughter so that he could obtain property at home."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "How did you collude with it?"

Gu Qianli smiled wryly and said: "It is the 'Gumantong' I bought from Thailand." Gumantong is a kind of soul used by Theravada Buddhism in Thailand. Most of them are poor babies who have been aborted. Become a Buddha, accept the incense of mortals, and at the same time be willing to help mortals fulfill some wishes.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Have you ever seen such a powerful and ferocious Gumantong?"

Gu Qianli said: "I didn't think too much about it at the time. Seeing that it could talk to me and it was very effective, I had no more thoughts. I just wanted him to help me realize my wish quickly. Later, when I found out that it seemed to be particularly vicious , but I am powerless to stop it, and I dare not have any doubts."

Mu Feng pointed at Huapi and said, "It's not Gumantong at all, it's a devil who escaped from the Temple of the Great Emperor Zhenwu Destroying Demons."

Hearing this, Gu Qianli looked at Huapi.

Huapi said coldly: "That's right, I just escaped to the human world that day, and saw you begging a 'little guy' to help you kill someone. But a spirit of that level is hard to survive, and there is no way to help you, so I So I showed mercy, drove away that 'little guy', and personally came to help you."

Mu Feng said: "Then guess now, will I show mercy and let you go?"

But Hua Pi didn't answer and asked instead: "How did you find out that Gu Qianli is a traitor?"

Mu Feng said: "Actually, I didn't trust him very much from the very beginning. It's weird for an adult to run all the way from Hong Kong to help after listening to his niece talking about a few things. Besides, it seemed too deliberate for him to be captured by you, so I became more defensive against him. So when he approached me just now, I turned into a fake me with vellus hair and approached him, unexpectedly there was a fraud .”

Huapi's magic power has been absorbed by Qing Mingjian, and its body has begun to weaken at this time, he said intermittently: " are really a delicate person, I am not wronged if I lose in your hands, I will I have wandered around the world for countless years and killed countless lives, so I should have died long ago... But I will never go back to that ghostly place in Fumo Temple. So you kill me."

Mu Feng said: "Don't worry, you haven't told me how you escaped from Fumo Temple."

Hua Pi said: "It was a man in gold robe and a man in silver robe who released me from Fumo Temple, I don't know anything else..."

"The man in the golden robe and the man in the silver robe? It's them again? What do they want to do?" Mu Feng felt dizzy when he thought of these two people. So far, every case he solved was obviously manipulated by them behind the scenes, and he There have also been preliminary speculations about their identities.

If it was really them, they would definitely be two monster kings, and they would have many magic weapons to protect them, and they would have a strong backstage.

What is the purpose of the two of them?

Mu Feng didn't have time to think about these questions any more. Under the absorption of Qingming Sword, Huapi finally became a manaless desolate soul, and then completely drifted away in the world.

Mu Feng glanced at Gu Qianli and said, "How to deal with this person?"

Gu Qianli said desperately, "Can you spare my life?"

Gu Meixiu raised her eyebrows coldly and said: "It's business." She turned her head and said indifferently: "Second uncle, I will tell you one last thing. The other day you came to ask my father to borrow money, and after he finished scolding you, he secretly took your money away. All debts are paid."

Hearing this, Gu Qianli burst into tears, covered his face, and knelt down slowly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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