Agent of Heaven

Chapter 44 5-star hotel and barbecue stall

Chapter 44 Five-star hotel and barbecue stall ([-])

Mu Feng said to Gu Mei: "Don't worry, your father, maybe there is a cure."

Gu Mei said happily: "Really? Please save my father."

Mu Feng said: "I can only do my best, you wait outside the door first." He walked into Gu Ming's office, locked the door, and then escaped from his mobile phone to call Laozhu.

The new mobile phone that Laozhu bought is just the time to play with it every day, so he answered the call quickly.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, hey, I'm Laozhu." His phone only has the phone numbers of Mu Feng, Yang Jian and Jiang Xiaoyue.

"Well, I have caught the painted skin, but it has already killed a person, is there a way for you to revive it?"

"Wait a while, I'll go and have a look." Then the old pig beeped and hung up the phone.

In less than 5 minutes, a golden light flashed, and the old pig appeared in front of Mu Feng.

"I didn't even mention the address, how did you find me?" Mu Feng asked suspiciously.

The old pig said with a smile: "You are the agent of our Heavenly Court, no matter where you are, we can sense your breath."

Mu Feng nodded, pointed at Gu Ming's body and said, "Do you think it can be saved?"

The old pig carefully looked at the tragic corpse with no skin on the whole body and a big hole in the chest.After a while, he nodded and said: "This man was killed by a fierce ghost, and his lifespan is not over. I just need to restore his body with magic power, and then help his soul return to its place."

Mu Feng said happily, "It's good if I can save it." For some reason, he always didn't want to see Gu Mei's sad eyes.

The old pig suddenly yelled, and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm into Gu Ming's opened chest cavity.

Mu Feng said in astonishment: "I'm here to ask you to save someone... why are you so disgusting!"

The old pig smiled, pointed at Gu Ming's chest and said, "Look."

The thick phlegm that the old pig spit into Gu Ming's chest turned into a beating red heart.

Mu Feng suddenly remembered that he had seen the ending of the painted skin in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio". It was also a crazy beggar who spit out thick phlegm and turned into a heart to save the protagonist Wang Sheng in the story.

"You save people as soon as you save them. Can you stop using such a disgusting method?"

The old pig smiled but didn't answer, the Buddha's light flashed across Gu Ming's body with both hands, and skin began to grow gradually on the blood-red body.

Mu Feng stepped forward and touched Gu Ming's wrist, it was already warm, and his pulse was still beating weakly.

The old pig said: "How did you deal with the painted skin?"

Mu Feng said: "Beheaded by me, it would rather die than go back to Fumo Temple to be punished."

The old pig clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha."

Mu Feng said: "By the way, this painted skin was also released from Fumo Temple by the gold-robed man and the silver-robed man."

Lao Zhu frowned and said, "These two may have made some big moves recently..."

Mu Feng said: "What should we do?"

The old pig said: "Let's just wait and see what happens. These two people have special identities, they belong to the great master of Xuandu Tian. Even if you are the agent of the heavenly court, it is not good to take action against them..." He paused for a while. Said: "Of course, if they dare to be too presumptuous, we don't care so much."

After the old pig finished speaking, he turned into a streamer and flew away.

Seeing that Gu Ming seemed to be waking up, Mu Feng opened the door.

Gu Mei waited anxiously outside, seeing Mu Feng opened the door, she hurried forward and asked, "How is my father?"

Mu Feng smiled and nodded.

Gu Mei rushed into the room with a face full of joy, and saw that her father's appearance had returned to this, but his eyes were half-opened, unable to speak, and looked very weak.

Mu Feng said: "Send your father to the hospital first. Although he was saved, he lost so much blood after all, he needs some blood transfusion for a period of recuperation."

Gu Mei said: "Thank you for helping me so much, I don't even know how to repay you."

Mu Feng joked: "If you want to make a promise with your body, I won't refuse."

Mu Feng took out the ID of the Ninth Bureau and said to Gu Qianli: "I am from the Ninth Bureau of the Ministry of National Security. You have colluded with evil spirits and murdered people. This has constituted a crime against humanity. Come back with me and accept the investigation."

Qing Su also removed the sword prison lock at this time, so that this floor can pass through other floors.Mu Feng grabbed Gu Qianli, jumped onto Qing Su's Juque Sword and flew towards the office of the Ninth Bureau together.

The next day, the news reported that a gas explosion occurred on the top floor of Huashi Group Building, but there were no casualties except Gu Ming, the CEO of Huashi Group, who was slightly injured.


In the suburbs, in a villa by the lake.

Jiang Xiaoyue leaned an arm on Mu Feng's body, and asked in an ambiguous tone: "I heard from Lao Zhu and Xiao Qingsu that they successfully hooked up with the daughter of a group president."

Mu Feng smiled wryly and said, "What's the matter?" Then he told the story of how he killed Huapi.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I don't care, I won't cook today..." After speaking, she pinched Mu Feng's waist.

Yang Jian and Lao Zhu glared at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "Don't worry, how about this, I will invite you out to dinner tonight."

The old pig said: "What to eat? Could it be better than Miss Xiaoyue's cooking?"

Mu Feng said: "How should I put it? Each has its own merits, and you will definitely like it."

Xiao Qingsu shook Mu Feng's arm and said, "What are you eating? Qingsu is very hungry now."

Mu Feng pampered Qing Su's little head and said with a smile: "Then let's go now."

Several people got on Jiang Xiaoyue's Hummer, and Mu Feng entered the place name of Wugong Hotel in the navigation.

Jiang Xiaoyue was surprised: "You got rich? This five-star hotel is not cheap."

Mu Feng smiled, but didn't speak.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Did you save that rich girl and plan to take care of you?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't be jealous, just drive."

Jiang Xiaoyue pinched Mu Feng's arm with a pretty face and said, "Nonsense, who is jealous!"

Mu Feng pretended to be in pain and shouted: "Okay, I'm jealous, I'm jealous, okay."

After driving for an hour, everyone arrived at the front door of Wugong Hotel. Jiang Xiaoyue parked the car and was about to walk in, but Mu Feng stopped her. "Not here, follow me."

A group of five people walked to the famous five-star hotel Wugong in Jiangzhou City, and sat down in front of the barbecue stall next to it.

Yang Jian said: "What is baked here, it smells delicious."

Qing Su also nodded and said: "It smells delicious."

Mu Feng yelled at the boss: "Boss, here are fifty skewers of mutton skewers, fifty skewers of crispy bones, just slightly spicy."

The boss said: "Hey, isn't this Xiaomu? It's been a long time since I saw you. Why don't you bring your friends over for a barbecue?"

"Brother Li, I'm here to solicit some business for you." Mu Feng smiled.He asked Yang Jian and Lao Zhu again: "Are you drinking?"

Yang Jian nodded and said, "I drink well."

The old pig said: "You call more, I don't drink too much."

Mu Feng yelled at the barbecue stand: "I want another box of Qingdao, and I want it to be iced. By the way, let's bake some chicken wings for our children first."

(End of this chapter)

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