Agent of Heaven

Chapter 45 5-star hotel and barbecue stall

Chapter 45 Five-star hotels and barbecue stalls ([-])
Jiang Xiaoyue smiled while holding her cheeks: "You really are not that generous, I thought you really invited us to Wu Palace for dinner."

Mu Feng said: "Don't look at the small stall, the baked food is really delicious. A five-star hotel can't do it!"

At this moment, the boss brought up a plate of steaming skewers.

Xiao Qingsu took a chicken wing, bit off a piece of tender chicken, and said happily, "Oh! It's really delicious."

The old pig picked up the skewers and started to eat like a mouthful.

Yang Jian also nodded and praised: "It really has a special flavor."

Mu Feng poured a glass of cold beer for everyone except Xiao Qingsu, and said with a smile: "Eat slowly, there is not enough."

This sentence is not enough and it is very timely, because it is really not enough soon.

"Uh, the boss will bring another hundred strings of crispy bones, one hundred strings of mutton skewers..."

Mu Feng took a sip of beer and said with a smile: "There is another reason why I like to order here, and that is because this barbecue stand is cleaner than others."

Everyone cast puzzled eyes.

Mu Feng grinned and said, "I'm not bragging. The mutton skewers in other stalls use cat meat and rat meat. In short, there are all kinds of meat. But this one is made with authentic pork!"

When the old pig heard this, he suddenly burst into tears.

Yang Jian laughed and drank a glass of beer, patted the old pig on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, just eat crispy bones and you'll be fine."

The old pig said to the owner of the barbecue stand: "Give me fifty skewers of chicken wings!"

Mu Feng felt that his wallet was shrinking rapidly, so he forced a smile and said, "You can eat whatever you want, you're welcome."

Jiang Xiaoyue laughed tremblingly, and shouted to the boss: "Give me ten skewers of grilled saury."

"Can you finish eating so many fish?" Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with some resentment in his eyes.

Jiang Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows charmingly and said: "I can't eat together, don't you care about money? I remember I just paid you wages."

Xiao Qingsu held Mu Feng's clothes with her greasy little hands and said, "I want to eat roasted chicken legs."

"Hey, add ten more roasted chicken legs." Mu Feng felt like a tenant being exploited by the landlord in the old society.

At this moment, Mu Feng's cell phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at the caller ID, it was Gu Mei!
"Hey, what's the matter?" Mu Feng picked it up.

"What? I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

"Ha, yes."

"I haven't thanked you for saving my father. I want to treat you to a meal."

"No need, I'm already eating."

"Where are you?"

"Uh, I'm at the barbecue stall next to Wugong Hotel..."

"It's the one you guys used to go to together when you were in school?"


"Okay, you wait, I'll be here in a while."

Before Mu Feng answered, Gu Mei had already hung up the phone.He secretly looked at Jiang Xiaoyue, and found that she was squinting her big eyes, looking at him like a cat that saw a fish.

"Hey, eat fish, eat fish." Mu Feng smiled and handed over a saury.

Jiang Xiaoyue got the saury, took a bite hard, and then drank a big mouthful of beer, not knowing what she was thinking.

Not long after, Gu Mei's BMW [-] Series stopped near the barbecue stand.The beauty of Xiangche appeared in front of Mu Feng and others together.

Gu Mei looked at Mu Feng with a smile like a flower: "Are these all your friends? Let me introduce you."

Mu Feng pointed to everyone present and said: "This is Second Brother Yang, this is Old Zhu, Qing Su, you have met before, this one next to me is..." Before he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaoyue interrupted him .

She stood up, looked at Gu Mei with a sweet smile and said, "I'm his girlfriend!"

Gu Mei's expression darkened, and he forced a strange smile and said, "Mu Feng, so you have a girlfriend?"

Mu Feng said embarrassingly: "She was joking, but in fact we just live together."

With his explanation, Gu Mei smiled even more reluctantly: "So that's how it is."

Seeing that Gu Mei's misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, Mu Feng was about to explain, but Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly came up and hugged Mu Feng's arm at this moment, rubbing her greasy little hands on him: "This girl is yours. Classmates? Don’t stand there, sit down and eat together, since we’re here, we’re all friends.”

Lao Zhu and Yang Jian no longer focused on eating barbecue at this time, but looked at the situation here with extremely gossip eyes.

Mu Feng turned to the boss and said, "Two more baked potatoes."

Gu Mei smiled gracefully and said, "Do you still remember that I like baked potatoes the most?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I remember when the classmates came here to eat together, you only ate baked potatoes."

Jiang Xiaoyue secretly pinched Mu Feng's waist, then smiled at him charmingly: "I want to eat baked potatoes too."

"Okay, okay... two more."

It was already around eight o'clock in the middle of the night, and the number of people at the barbecue stall had already started to increase.A group of tattooed men sat on the table next to Mu Feng and the others, and they began to smile at the two on Mu Feng's side, and the three beauties began to secretly dirty their mouths.

"Brother, have you played with such a beautiful one?" One of the little yellow-haired ruffians pointed at Jiang Xiaoyue and smiled mischievously.

"Hey, I haven't played it before, I guess it's fun to play." One of the older fat people also looked at Gu Mei and started to laugh strangely.

Mu Feng saw Jiang Xiaoyue narrowing her eyes, which was a sign of her anger.

"Those people, be careful what you say!" Mu Feng said to those people.

The little yellow-haired one stood up, exclaiming "Ouch, Ouch" exaggeratedly: "What's the matter with what I said? Don't care about your business?"

The dozen or so hooligans over there put down their wine glasses.

The little yellow hair pointed at the fat tattooed man and said, "Do you know who my elder brother is? Brother Hao! One of the best elder brothers in the society."

Hao Ge seemed very happy to be told by him, pointing at Mu Feng, said: "You, take that bald fat man, and that tall useless little boy beside you, get lost, the three girls stay here!"

Yang Jian slammed the wine glass into the table. Like Laozhu's elder brother, he has a bad temper, and few people dare to provoke him.I am afraid that this is the first time in thousands of years that Yang Jian is pointed at his nose and scolded as a waste boy.

Seeing that something bad is going to happen to Mu Feng, if Yang Jian makes a move, these people will probably go to Yan Wang to report it.He felt a flying kick and kicked the provocative Brother Hao to the ground.Then he slapped countless times on the face.

The younger brothers with tattoos all around felt a flash in front of their eyes, and their boss fell to the ground and was beaten violently by others. They felt that they picked up tables, benches, and wine bottles to support him.

At this moment, Mu Feng seemed to be Bruce Lee. He got up with a set of chain legs, and kicked him down. He didn't use weapons, but his fists and feet were as fast as afterimages.After a while, those hooligans fell to the ground wailing.

"Hurry up! Remember to be polite in your speech in the future." A dozen or so little gangsters ran away while helping their boss who was swollen into a pig's head.

Little Huang Mao ran a long distance with a bruised nose and swollen face, then turned around and called out to Mu Feng: "If you have the ability, you wait here for me!" ran away.

Mu Feng sat back in his seat, gave Yang Jian and Lao Zhu a glass of wine and said, "I've taught myself a lesson."

The old pig laughed and said, "No problem."

Yang Jian said, "You are too kind."

Jiang Xiaoyue shook Mu Feng's arm with a smile and said, "You are amazing."

Mu Feng smiled wryly.

A look of sadness flashed in Gu Mei's eyes and said: "Then I'll go first."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't worry, just stay and finish eating before leaving."

Gu Mei had already got up, but when she heard Jiang Xiaoyue's words, she turned her head and sat down again, looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said with a smile, "Okay." She was originally a girl who was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but Jiang Xiaoyue had completely aroused her fighting spirit at this time.

Xiao Qingsu held a chicken leg, looked at the place where Jiang Xiaoyue and Gu Mei's eyes met, and asked, "Why does there seem to be sparks flickering here?"

(End of this chapter)

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