Agent of Heaven

Chapter 46 5-star hotel and barbecue stall

Chapter 46 Five-Star Hotel and Barbecue Stall ([-])
It seems that Jiang Xiaoyue and Gu Mei are about to start a war without gunpowder.Mu Feng had a headache and was helpless.

Lao Zhu and Yang Jian watched happily from the sidelines, and their eyes were also burning with raging gossip, as if they were loyal audiences of two [-] o'clock ethical dramas.It seems that even gods cannot avoid the love of gossip events.

"Boss, another twenty skewers of chicken wings!" The old pig turned around and shouted, "Boss? Where is the boss?"

"Here..." A trembling voice came from the back of the barbecue truck. It turned out that when Mu Feng was fighting with those hooligans, the boss had already hidden behind the barbecue truck. They're all basically gone.

The old pig walked over and patted the boss on the shoulder: "As long as it is still here, come on, continue to bake for us."

But the boss said with a dead face: "I advise you not to eat, run away!"

The old pig wondered, "What's wrong?"

The boss smiled wryly: "Those people you beat away just now are members of this generation of gangsters. They are very powerful in this area. They just went back to call for help!"

The old pig smiled generously: "It's okay, it's okay, you just have to bake things, we can handle as many people as they come." , Let alone a group of gangsters, even if there is another army, it is just to deliver food.

The owner of the barbecue stall walked up to Mu Feng and said, "Xiao Mu, I didn't expect you to be so capable that you can hit more than a dozen by yourself."

Mu Feng just looked at the boss with a smile, waiting for his next words.

"But! They are the underworld. I'm afraid there will be more people coming in a while. You can hit ten, but can you hit a hundred?"

Mu Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, he seems to be able to hit a hundred now: "Brother Li, don't worry..."

The owner of the barbecue stand said: "Of course you have to be anxious, you guys go away!"

A piercing voice came from a distance: "It's too late to go now."

The little yellow hair who had escaped had returned at this time, and he was followed by a large group of vicious hooligans, holding various weapons such as sticks, machetes, and steel pipes.

Seeing this, the owner of the barbecue stall quickly hid behind the barbecue truck.

Little Huang Mao pointed at Mu Feng with a machete: "Aren't you a dick just now?"

Yang Jian and Lao Zhu were drinking beer by the side. The two of them simply didn't bother to pay attention to people like this kind of miscellaneous fish.

Xiao Qingsu was gnawing on the last chicken wing, not paying attention to what happened around her.

Jiang Xiaoyue and Gu Mei were not worried at all.Gu Mei knew what Mu Feng was capable of, and Jiang Xiaoyue was able to deal with these so-called underworld gangsters with a single shot.

Mu Feng shook his head, picked up a chopstick from the table, he planned to use it as a weapon to level the group of minions.

But just when Mu Feng was about to make a move, a young voice came from behind the gangsters: "Get out of the way, let me see who dares to make trouble in my territory."

Many hooligans gave way one after another, and a young man in a black suit walked through. His face was very pale, obviously over-indulgent, but he was quite handsome.

With an evil smile on his lips, he stepped forward and took a look at Mu Feng, but his gaze quickly turned to the two beauties sitting beside Mu Feng. When he saw Jiang Xiaoyue, his eyes lit up, as if he was amazed.

But when he saw Gu Mei, he exclaimed in surprise: "Gu Mei!" Then he glanced at the surrounding barbecue stalls in disgust and said, "Why do you eat in such a place?"

Gu Mei was extremely indifferent towards him: "Where and what I eat, I don't need the approval of a small amount of money."

The young man called Qian Shao said: "This is not allowed. What is your identity, Ms. Gu? I am treating you to a meal at the Wu Palace Hotel."

Gu frowned, she seemed to hate this young man very much: "Don't worry, I'm fine with my friends."

It was only then that Qian Shao saw Mu Feng and the others around him, or at this time he put Mu Feng and the others in his eyes: "Since they are all friends of Gu Mei, let's forget about the troubles you guys caused in my territory today, let's come together Let's have a meal."

Just as Gu Mei was about to refuse, Lao Zhu yelled from the side: "Okay! I just haven't had enough yet." Barbecue is really not enough for him, and he would not be polite when he heard that someone who was taken advantage of was willing to invite him to dinner.

Qian Shao waved to the gangsters of No. [-] gathered around: "You all go away." Then he said to Gu Mei: "Please!"

Gu Mei glanced at Mu Feng beside him, and Mu Feng nodded helplessly, the old pig even asked to eat, so he and others had no choice but to go along with him.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked Gu Mei: "Who is this Qian Shao?"

Gu Mei said: "The son of a real estate agent, named Qian Zhen, his family has a gangster background, and he is very annoying."

After a while, a few people walked to the door of Wugong Hotel. This is a legendary five-star hotel. Mu Feng only passed by a few times, but he had never entered it either before or now.

From the luxurious decoration, and the model-level welcome lady at the door, it can be seen that this is not a place that Mu Feng can afford.

Qian Zhen saw that Gu Mei had been standing very close to Mu Feng, but she didn't want to take a look at him, so he felt inexplicably annoyed. He winked at the welcoming lady next to him, and walked in first.

When Mu Feng was about to follow in, the welcoming lady stepped forward and stopped him with a smile: "I'm sorry sir, disheveled clothes are not allowed here."

"Where am I disheveled?" Mu Feng looked down at himself. He was wearing a fake Nike T-shirt and a pair of big shorts without a brand. No matter how shabby he looked, he really didn't seem like someone who could enter and leave such a high-end hotel.

But the other people are not all different from him, Jiang Xiaoyue and Gu Mei are both from famous families, and their clothes are naturally extraordinary.Qing Su's clothes were bought by Jiang Xiaoyue for her.Although Lao Zhu and Yang Jian are dressed in ordinary clothes, their auras are placed, and they can be seen as people who have seen the world.

To sum up, Mu Feng is really the only one here who looks like a vulture the most.

Seeing that Mu Feng was stopped, Qian Zhen turned his head from the front and said to Miss Yingbin, "What are you doing! Didn't you see that I brought these people here."

The welcoming lady bowed and said, "I'm sorry, young master!"

Qian Zhen said generously: "Forget it." Then he said to Mu Feng with a smile: "I'm sorry my friend, this hotel opened by my family usually doesn't entertain people like you." It turned out that this hotel was actually opened by him.

Mu Feng watched Qian Zhen pretending to be aggressive, but just smiled and said, "It's okay."

Qian Zhen asked, "I don't know your name and identity yet?"

Mu Feng smiled: "My name is Mu Feng, and I'm a salaried worker working in a state-owned enterprise."

Mu Feng could clearly see Qian Zhen's contempt for him. In his eyes, he should be a poor commoner who should be looked down upon.

But Qian Zhen couldn't see Mu Feng's disdain for him, because Mu Feng was already on the same level as Lao Zhu and Yang Jian to a certain extent.People like Qian Zhen are actually nothing more than ants in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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