Agent of Heaven

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

The moment the black bear spirit showed its original shape, a sudden change occurred in the net formation.A golden light suddenly lit up in the sky, and dense long swords poured down like a torrential rain, condensing into a stream of swords, covering the black bear spirit.

"Hehe, I'm really well prepared. I even borrowed Nezha's Demon Slaying Sword! Unfortunately, it can't hurt me!" No damage, even the fur all over the body is soft and smooth, without any damage.

"It's up to me to make a move!" The Black Bear Spirit suddenly galloped up, his body turned into an afterimage, and the dust was flying behind him.A pair of bear paws slapped the surrounding air violently!Only a few loud bangs were heard, and accompanied by people's screams, several heavenly soldiers suddenly appeared in the air, with bleeding from their mouths and noses, and their chests were shattered, and they seemed to be dead.

This heavenly net formation was formed by gathering magic power of 840 heavenly soldiers.As long as a monster with a normal cultivation base falls into it, it will be difficult to get out. When the monster's physical strength is about to be exhausted, it will be killed with a single blow with the demon-slaying sword!Nezha once used this formation to kill countless demons in the Three Realms!

However, this black bear's cultivation base is too strong, not only can't hurt him from the demon-slaying sword, but he also found the flaws in the formation. As long as he uses his power to forcefully kill the 840 heavenly soldiers that formed the formation, the formation will be natural. It's self-defeating!

These heavenly soldiers are hidden in the sky and earth nets, and ordinary monsters are naturally unable to injure them.But the black bear spirit is different, the power of his pair of bear paws is enough to split the mountains and the ground, and make the rivers stop flowing, but with the formation of the net of heaven and earth, they can't defend against it.

The movement of the black bear spirit has never stopped, and he is constantly changing its position within the formation.Every time the bear's paw fell, a heavenly soldier was directly shot to death.Gradually, this heavenly net formation actually began to show signs of collapse.

Seeing this, Nie Xiaoqian was very anxious, she looked at Yan Chixia and said, "What should I do, senior brother?"

Yan Chixia had no choice but to frown and remain silent.

Ning Caichen said solemnly: "I have a way, maybe it is possible to defeat the black bear."

Yan Chixia was overjoyed when she heard the words, "Say it."

Ning Caichen said: "Brother, do you still remember that Master said that we can cooperate with each other to form a sword array!"

Yan Chixia said: "You mean Yinglong Sword Formation? No way! Have you forgotten that Master said that we can't use it at will if we have not reached the level of Immortal Taiyi. Otherwise, we will hurt ourselves."

Ning Caichen said: "At this time, we can't control so much anymore! If we don't use the sword array, I'm afraid we will die at the hands of the black bear spirit today. We may not regret our death, but we are embarrassing for Master!"

Yan Chixia gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, listen to you, set up the sword array!" After saying that, she untied the Daosheng sword, inserted it in front of her body, bit the tip of her tongue, and spit out a mouthful of innate essence blood on the blade.

The Daosheng sword instantly burst into red light, and the sound of dragon chant faintly came out of it.

Ning Caichen also stuck the Shangshan Sword in front of him, bit his finger, and drew a spell on the hilt.After a while, the spell was completed, and the blue light of the Shangshan sword was released, and a dragon chant was heard from it.

Nie Xiaoqian was different from them. She stepped on the seven stars, walked back and forth in the formation, and muttered words.As the Haofeng sword in her hand continued to dance, streaks of blue light flew out, echoing the Daosheng sword and Shangshan sword.The sound of all the dragons began to grow louder and louder!
"Yinglong, show off the flames!" Yan Chixia yelled all over her body, and the Daosheng sword glowed red, turning into a red dragon, with flames burning all over her body, and rushed towards the black bear spirit.

Seeing a red dragon flying over, the black bear sneered, "Reptiles, how dare you be arrogant in front of grandpa! Cut me and tear you to pieces!"

Chilong directly opened his mouth and spewed out a flame, the flame was extremely hot, it was Nanming Lihuo!The black bear spirit didn't dodge for a while, and was burned to lose a little fur. He was furious on the spot, and slapped the red dragon with a slap!
Chilong ate a bear's paw, flew upside down, and hit the surrounding mountain walls, causing countless boulders to fall!

Yan Chixia spat out a mouthful of blood!However, he exerted himself and continued to control the red dragon to attack the black bear!
The black bear spirit sneered, and wanted to tear the red dragon in half, but suddenly heard a dragon chant coming from behind, and looked back, only to see a green dragon rushing towards him at a very fast speed!

"It's really annoying!" The black bear spirit raised its head to the sky and screamed, and directly entangled with the green dragon.Qinglong spit out the wind blade, but it was completely shattered by the black bear's paw.

The black bear spirit wanted to capture the green dragon, but the green dragon was so fast that he couldn't catch it for a while.

Ning Caichen continued to inject mana into the Shangshan Sword in front of him. His cultivation was much weaker than Yan Chixia and Nie Xiaoqian!After all, these two people had cultivated in previous lives, and he was just a mortal in his past and present lives.Although the cultivation talent is not bad, it is still behind.

Yan Chixia and Nie Xiaoqian exhausted their cultivation to summon Yinglong's avatar and could summon it smoothly, but when it came to Ning Caichen, it seemed a bit too difficult!

"No! I must succeed!" Ning Caichen kept motivating himself in his heart, and streams of mana and blood gushed out together, and flowed towards the Shangshan Sword.Because of the excessive wear and tear on his cultivation base, his black hair turned into white hair at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The originally rosy and lustrous skin also began to gradually appear around.These are all manifestations of excessive vitality!Finally, after Ning Caichen had turned into an old man, he shouted loudly: "Ying Long, listen to the rain!"

A blue water dragon flew out of the Shangshan sword and directly joined the battle group against the black bear spirit.

The black bear spirit dealt with the three dragons by himself, but he also started to get a little flustered.He snorted coldly and said, "No matter how much rubbish there is, it's still rubbish after all. We just need to clean it up properly!"

"Roar!" The black bear roared once again, and his figure suddenly grew to a radius of a thousand feet!The red, blue, and blue dragons were like earthworms in front of him!The originally high and deep valley can only cover his chest at this moment!

"Go to hell!" The black bear slapped the ground with both palms, and there was a violent breaking sound, and the entire valley was turned into ruins.The sky and earth network array collapsed in an instant!

The three dragons also flew upside down, stabilized their figure in mid-air, and caught Ning Caichen who was floating in the air.

"Black Bear Spirit, how long are you going to hold on?" The three dragons dissipated in the air, and Mu Feng stood in the air in a Taoist robe.Ning Caichen and the other three floated behind him, knelt down and said, "Disciple has seen Master!"

Mu Feng nodded to the three of them and said, "You all did a great job!"

(End of this chapter)

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