Agent of Heaven

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
Ning Caichen said ashamedly: "The disciple made a mistake in his calculations. I thought I had everything under control, but I miscalculated the power of the black bear spirit. It caused the loss of soldiers and generals, and even the brothers and sisters were seriously injured!"

Mu Feng looked at Ning Caichen who had become an old man because of exhaustion of energy.With a flick of his sleeves, a vast amount of magic power poured into Ning Caichen's limbs and bones. Within a short time, his already old figure turned into a young and middle-aged man again, and even his loose skin All become tense.But there was only one white hair left, which did not recover.

"As a teacher, I have brought you back to life, so I will keep this white hair for you. Remember in the future, don't be reckless." Mu Feng said kindly.

Ning Caichen knelt down and said: "Thank you, Master."

Black Bear Spirit looked at the domineering Mu Feng and said, "You are also here to die! I will wipe out your master and apprentice today!"

Yan Chixia shouted angrily: "The evildoer is presumptuous!"

Mu Feng said calmly: "Black Bear Spirit, my three apprentices can beat you like this, why do you think you can still be my opponent?"

The Black Bear Spirit was actually a bit stubborn at this time, he forced a sneer and said: "To deal with you apprentices, I just used a layer of strength!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Then you should use all your strength now!" After saying that, he landed on the ground, drew a circle on the ground with his toes, looked up at Hei Xiong Jing and said, "Go ahead! I will walk out of this circle, even I lose!"

The black bear roared angrily, raised its paw and slapped Mu Feng!

The green energy above Mu Feng's head surged, and a big hand collided with the bear's paw of the black bear spirit.He just heard a rumbling sound, and the black bear spirit's arm was twisted and deformed!
"Roar!" The black bear screamed and began to run out of the valley. Unexpectedly, after running a few steps, he saw a large group of heavenly soldiers blocking the exit of the valley. Wen Zhong stood in the first place, riding a black unicorn and sneered: "Black bear spirit, where are you running?"

Black Bear Jing said: "Why is your door here?"

Wen Zhongdao: "Are you still targeting your remnant soldiers? They have already been strangled by us!"

Black Bear Spirit's eyes were bloodshot and he said, "I'll fight with you guys!"

Wen Zhong took out his iron whip and was about to fight, when he saw above the sky, the big green hand controlled by Mu Feng fell directly, slapping him into the dirt.

"Black Bear Spirit, are you convinced?" Mu Feng's voice came out from afar.

The black bear spirit said angrily: "So what if the mana is high? My monster clan is destined to be prosperous! Even if you can defeat me today and bring down my million monster soldiers, the human world will be slaughtered!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "The monster clan is destined to prosper. This has already been foreshadowed by the way of killing heaven, but have you ever thought about it. In fact, the monster clan's great prosperity will not be reflected in the golden-winged roc at all. come out."

Hei Xiongjing said: "You mean the Demon Emperor has someone else? So what? Whether it's Lu Ya or Kong Xuan, I'm afraid they will all be enemies of you."

Mu Feng said seriously: "I'm telling you now, I am the Demon Emperor proclaimed by the Nuwa Empress!"

Black Bear Jing said: "How is it possible!"

Mu Feng flicked his sleeves, and the demon flag flew out, slowly unfolding in front of the black bear spirit!

"There is a demon banner as proof!"

The expression of the black bear spirit became extremely struggling at this time.But soon, he thought of the golden horn and silver horn who made things difficult for him in the heavenly court, and the golden-winged roc eagle who didn't care about him!Working hard for these people, but still being bullied by them, treated as a slave and a low-level demon clan, what is the purpose of myself?
Mu Feng's figure fluttered down, and he slapped the ground with his palm, shaking the black bear spirit out of the soil.Brushing the dust off his body for him, he said: "If you are willing to surrender, I will make you General Tianwei!"

The black bear spirit directly bowed down and said: "The final general is willing to surrender to His Majesty!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I am always the demon emperor, but I don't like others to be called lonely. If you have to call me something, just call me lord!"

Black Bear Essence clasped his fists and said, "I've seen the lord!"

Mu Feng said: "I have a very important task for you to complete now."

Hei Xiong Jing said: "I will go through fire and water, I will do whatever I want!"

Mu Feng said: "I will pretend to be your bodyguard and go to Jianmu with you. At that time, I will strike with lightning and kill Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao. And you will be responsible for controlling the [-] demon soldiers under him! These one hundred thousand demon soldiers are under your command!"

Hei Xiongjing looked at Mu Feng, his eyes flickered with emotion, he had just surrendered, and he was willing to go to Jianmu adventure with him, without any doubt that he would betray him to Jinjiaoyinjiao.You know, there are hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers in Jianmu!As long as I have any evil thoughts in my heart, after controlling these [-] demon soldiers, I can find a place to stand on my own as king!
Wen Zhong stood up at this time and said: "Mr. Mu Feng, don't take risks!"

Mu Feng waved his hand and said: "I heard that the grand master doesn't need to worry too much, Brother Hei Xiong is an upright and loyal person, I can trust him!"

The black bear spirit knelt down again, and said to Mu Feng, "I am willing to do my best for my lord!"

Mu Feng helped the black bear spirit up again and said, "It's not too late, let's go!" After speaking, he transformed into a little demon!
Hei Xiongjing took Mu Feng and went all the way to Jianmu, pretending to have escaped from a disastrous defeat.After Jianmu's entrance, the two guard demons saw the black bear coming back seriously injured, and quickly reported it to Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao.

Sure enough, not long after Mu Feng and Hei Xiong Jing settled down in Jianmu, they saw Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao bringing a dozen or so demon generals to interrogate them!
"Black bear spirit! I asked you to explore the road and lay a foothold for our army! But now you have lost troops and returned with serious injuries! How do you say you should be punished?" Jin Jiao pointed to the nose of the black bear spirit and began to curse up.

Black Bear Jing said: "I don't know what crime I committed!"

Yin Jiao also sternly said: "Black Bear Spirit, you dare to talk back, have you forgotten your identity!"

Jin Jiao said to the demon general behind him: "Come here! Take down the black bear spirit! I will kill it in three days!"

At this moment, Mu Feng, who was dressed as a little demon, moved. He turned into a white light and appeared directly behind Yin Jiao, and took a palm from Tian Ling Gai!
When Yinjiao was hit, his soul flew away, and he was wiped out in the Three Realms ever since!

The King of Golden Horn just came to his senses, pointed at Mu Feng and said, "How dare you..."

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Don't you know me?" Then he punched King Golden Horn directly through the chest!

A golden light flew out from the top of King Golden Horn's head, and it seemed that the primordial spirit was out of his body, and he wanted to escape!

But Mu Feng sneered: "Can you run away?" Then he waved his big sleeves and used the universe in his sleeves!

Jinjiao's primordial spirit had just flown out, and was put in Mu Feng's sleeve.

Jinjiao Yuanshen cried in his sleeve, "Grandpa, spare me!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Now you know you're being forgiven?"

(End of this chapter)

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