Agent of Heaven

Chapter 327 Gathering

Chapter 327 Gathering
King Jinjiao's soul at this time is not the original vicious monster, but a boy carved in powder and jade, and he is very charming when he cries: "I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and I hope that Mr. Go up and bypass my life! Take me back to the bullfighting palace, and I will definitely guard the alchemy furnace every day, and never step into the struggle of the Three Realms again."

Mu Feng's complexion became serious, and there was no other reason, but the King of Golden Horn mentioned the sage of Taiqing at this time——Lao Tzu!The two brothers were originally Lao Tzu's alchemy boy, now intervening in the disputes among the Three Realms, I'm afraid they still received Lao Tzu's decree secretly.It didn't matter if he took the initiative to kill Yin Jiao just now, because he was exhausted.But now the Golden Horn King has already mentioned "the face of the Taiqing sage" in his words.No matter what I do, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him again, otherwise if it spreads, even if I don't personally come to make trouble, I'm afraid his descendants will regard me as an enemy!

Although the Taiqing sage Lao Tzu has only one official direct disciple in Xuandu, he also opened an altar to give lectures in the 33-day Waidoushi Palace, during which countless ancient immortals listened to his lectures.For example, the founder of Shushan School in the mortal world, Daoist Changmei!After he became a Sanxian, he was lucky enough to listen to Lao Tzu's sermons in Tushita Palace!Since then, he has been calling himself Lao Tzu's registered disciple.

Just when Mu Feng was hesitating whether to kill Jin Jiao or not, laughter suddenly came from the sky: "Brother Mu Feng, stop, let this boy live!"

Mu Feng looked up, and saw Xuandu descending from the sky with seven men and one woman and eight people with different appearances!

As if seeing a savior, Jin Jiao burst into tears in Mu Feng's sleeves: "Master Xuandu save me!"

Mu Feng glanced at Jin Jiao in disgust, and waved his sleeves, Jin Jiao turned into a streamer and was thrown out by him.Xuan Du stood in front of Jin Jiao and said, "Jin Jiao, where's your brother?"

Jin Jiao said: "Already..." He sneaked a glance at Mu Feng, choked up and said: "He has done so many unrighteous things, he has already lost his soul."

Xuandu frowned, pinched his fingers and said: "Yinjiao should be exhausted! You are the only one left, give me the teacher's treasure, and go back to the Tushi Palace to chop firewood and boil water for 3000 years as punishment. !"

Jin Jiao took out the purple gold gourd, the mutton fat jade bottle, the seven-star sword, and the golden rope, four magic weapons, and they were defeated one by one.Then he kowtowed three times to Xuandu: "Thank you, Master Xuandu for your mercy!" Then it turned into a golden light and went 33 days away!
At this time, the Black Bear Spirit had also taken advantage of Mu Feng's thunderous power to kill all the demon generals with golden horns and silver horns among the one hundred thousand demon soldiers, and successfully took over the one hundred thousand demon soldiers.The reason why he was able to succeed smoothly was because he and many monster soldiers and monster generals were of common origin, so they got closer to each other.Compared with the arrogant and brutal Jinjiaoyinjiao, the demon soldiers naturally regarded the black bear spirit as a more willing candidate to follow.So this time the black bear spirit subdued [-] demon soldiers, which was much easier than Mu Feng imagined.Almost effortlessly, it was done in a flash.

At this time, the black bear spirit half-kneeled in front of Mu Feng and said, "Report to the lord, the hundred thousand demon soldiers have all surrendered!"

Mu Feng said: "Let them go back to the camp to rest, and stay in Jianmu, everything will be the same!"

The black bear spirit said: "No!" Then he turned around and gave orders to those demon soldiers.

Xuan Du looked at Black Bear Spirit with envious eyes and said, "Brother Mu Feng has won a general this time!"

Mu Feng glanced at the seven men and one woman behind Xuandu with a smile and said, "I don't know who these are?"

Xuandu smiled and said: "The poor Taoist is confused, and I forgot to introduce them. These eight are the Eight Immortals of the Ancient Cave! They are all fellow Taoists who once stayed with me 33 days away to listen to the teacher's lecture!"

Although he said he was a fellow Taoist, everyone in the three realms knew that the Eight Immortals of the Ancient Cave were the most proud named disciples of Lao Tzu!

The Eight Immortals bowed to Mu Feng together and said, "I have seen Mr. Mu Feng."

Today's Mu Feng is the head teacher of Wuzhuangguan, the leader of a faction, so he needs the Eight Immortals to salute him first before he can return the salute: "Eight Immortals, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Zhong Liquan, the head of the Eight Immortals, said: "Brother Xuandu has already given his orders. I am waiting for the battle against Chiyou. I am willing to follow Mr. Mu Feng and do my part to kill that demon god!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "I am very grateful. Come back to Wuzhuang Temple with me soon, and I will host a banquet to clean up the dust for you!"

The Eight Immortals didn't refuse after hearing the words, and under the leadership of Xuandu and Mu Feng, they all laughed and went to Wuzhuang Temple!Unexpectedly, just as he walked to the door, he saw another auspicious cloud floating down from the sky.

I saw Guang Chengzi holding the Kunlun mirror at this time, and came with two Taoists on the cloud!

Mu Feng stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, it's hard work, I wonder who these two are?"

One of them was only in his twenties, and he was very handsome, but there seemed to be no trace of fireworks in his face, he said softly: "I am under Yuding, Mr. Mu Feng, I have admired you for a long time!"

Mu Feng was taken aback, the person in front of him was actually Yang Jian's master!This was almost the most exciting news he heard today. You must know that Yang Jian was already the strongest God of War in the Heavenly Court!How terrifying should the strength of this Jade Cauldron real person be?
Another forty-year-old Taoist with a generous face said, "Mr. Mu Feng, I'm Xia Yunzhongzi!"

Mu Feng's eyes lit up, Yun Zhongzi!He is the master of Lei Zhenzi, the current Emperor Gochen!Needless to say, his cultivation base is at the top level among the Twelve Golden Immortals, just like Daoist Yuding.

Although Guang Chengzi only brought two of them this time, relying on the overall strength of any one of them alone, I am afraid that it will not be much worse than the combination of the Eight Immortals of the Ancient Cave.

After all, the Eight Immortals of Shanggudong are nothing more than registered disciples who have heard Lao Tzu's preaching.And the Twelve Golden Immortals are all people who have been carefully guided in Yuanshi Tianzun Yuxu Palace.In the battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, it can be said that the 12 of them resisted the coming of the Ten Thousand Immortals!

Mu Feng greeted Guang Chengzi and others into the main hall of Wuzhuang Temple, and felt that he had ordered Qingfeng Mingyue to serve the tea himself.You must know that Qingfeng and Mingyue are Mu Feng's real senior brothers, and serving tea by them both pays enough attention to Taiqing and Yuqing, two sage disciples!

Guang Chengzi cut to the chase: "Now that I have brought the helper and the Kunlun Mirror, when are we going to launch a general attack on Chi You?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Guangchengzi Daoist, you are too anxious. How to deal with Chi You, relying on brute force alone will end up in a dead end. We need to think of some strategies! Everyone gathered here this time, isn't it? Guang Guang is desperately trying to find Chi You!"

(End of this chapter)

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