Agent of Heaven

Chapter 328 Crossing

Chapter 328 Crossing
Mu Feng and Xuan Du looked at each other, and then they said to Guang Chengzi in unison: "Be safe and don't be impatient!"

Guang Chengzi said: "How can I stay calm? Now Chi You doesn't know where to accumulate strength. If we are a step slower, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles!"

Mu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, you also know where Chi You is now. So how can we find them as quickly as possible?"

Guang Chengzi was momentarily at a loss for words: "This..."

Mu Feng continued: "We can't just travel through time and space with the Kunlun mirror! If we search like this, I'm afraid that before we find Chi You, he has already accumulated strength and hit the human world."

Guang Chengzi said: "Then what do you think?" After speaking, he began to pinch his fingers to calculate, and after a while he said angrily: "The secrets of heaven have been messed up, I can't figure out where Chi You is at all, can you guys figure it out?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "There's no need to figure it out, I've already guessed it in my heart!"

Guang Chengzi said coldly: "If your guess is wrong, then what should you do?"

Mu Feng said: "Since you are worried, I do know that there is one thing that may be able to calculate Chi You's position at this time. I wonder if fellow Daoist Guang Chengzi can borrow it for me."

Guang Chengzi said: "In the Three Realms, I have friends all over the world, no matter what kind of rare treasures, they can be borrowed. You just have to ask!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Then please trouble Mr. Guang Chengzi, go to the underworld and ask Lu Ya to borrow the Hetu Luoshu."

Guang Chengzi was at a loss for words for a moment, this Hetu Luoshu can calculate the secret of heaven, and it is well known in the Three Realms, but everyone knows that Hetu Luoshu is the eye of Zhou Tianxing's big formation!How could Lu Ya be willing to lend it to others at will!If it lost the protection of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, I'm afraid that the golden-winged roc eagle would soon beat the demon soldiers to hell.

Xuandu Jianguang Chengzi was speechless for a long time, and hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Of course, Hetu Luoshu cannot be easily borrowed, and besides, we are actually in a hostile relationship with Lu Ya. Why don't we first follow Mr. Mu Feng's speculation and work together Use the Kunlun mirror to take a trip first! The army stays at Wuzhuang Temple on standby, and if we guess that there is no mistake, let the army go. How about it?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Mr. Xuandu's words are reasonable, let's prepare to leave now." After speaking, Mu Feng stretched out his hand to Guang Chengzi.

Guang Chengzi snorted coldly, and put the Kunlun Mirror in Mu Feng's hand.Then he flicked his sleeves and stood aside to wait.

Mu Feng lifted the Kunlun mirror, and mana began to pour into his body.Today's Mu Feng is already a quasi-sage, and he can be said to be a great supernatural power. In the Three Realms, apart from saints, there are few people who can match him.Under his vast mana, the Kunlun mirror soon released a miraculous light.

Gradually, the Kunlun Mirror automatically floated in Mu Feng's palm, and began to expand continuously in the air, until it was as big as a door.The inside of the mirror has become an illusion.

Xuandu said: "Let's travel through time and space now. I have to trouble Mr. Mu Feng to lead the way."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's just a matter of raising your hands, you two will come with me first." Then he walked out first and entered the Kunlun Mirror.Xuandu followed closely, and said to the Eight Immortals: "You stay here now, we will be back in three days at the earliest."

The Eight Immortals bowed to each other and said, "Yes!"

Only then did Xuandu step into the Kunlun Mirror with peace of mind.

When Guangchengzi saw Xuandu go in, he naturally felt that he was catching up.He was indeed held back by Daoist Yuding halfway!

"Junior brother, what's the matter with you?" Guang Chengzi asked curiously.

The real Yuding said: "Senior brother, remember to be careful, don't create people to plot against."

Guang Chengzi said: "Why did the younger brother say that?"

The real person Yuding said: "Before I went down the mountain, I felt uneasy in my heart, so I went to the teacher, but the white crane boy who greeted me left me a letter that the master left before leaving. It said that you have been very sad recently. There will soon be a catastrophe!"

Guang Chengzi was astonished and said, "Could it be that I am also the one on the list of gods?"

Master Yuding said: "The list of gods today is made by that Mu Feng, maybe I will be counted in when I wait."

Guang Chengzi said angrily: "I am the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun! If Mu Feng dares to write my name, he would not dare to lend him the courage of a bear."

Daoist Yuding said: "In my opinion, this Mr. Mu Feng is very ruthless, so try not to offend him."

Guang Chengzi said: "I know it!" Then he flicked his sleeves and entered the Kunlun mirror, leaving with the passage of time.

Daqin, three weird men in Taoist robes suddenly appeared on the streets of Xianyang.

Their appearance was not noticed by anyone in Yingqi, but they didn't seem to care, they just walked straight forward.

"If you say that Chi You has returned to the Qin Dynasty, where should he be now?" Guang Chengzi asked.

Xuandu replied: "Of course it is to go back to the core of the Qin Dynasty, and use the identity of the ancestor witch to order to deal with other Ying clan members who have the blood of the witch clan."

Mu Feng said: "Don't forget, there is also the Mengjia army who killed the Xiongnu in the north."

Xuandu said: "According to the current timeline, son Fusu should be dead. The chaos in the late Qing Dynasty and the conflict between Chu and Han are about to begin."

Mu Feng said: "We don't want to take this opportunity to kill all the witches in Qin Dynasty."

Guang Chengzi sneered and said, "With us alone, even if we have superhuman mana, I'm afraid we won't be able to destroy a race."

Mu Feng said: "So I'm going to take advantage of the situation."

Guang Chengzi sneered, "What power do you have now?"

Mu Feng said: "For example, we can bring the future Hanwang under our banner."

Guang Chengzi asked curiously: "How to drag Liu Bang into the water!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Liu Bang is still nothing at all. We go to seek refuge with him at this time, when is the best time." Mu Feng said and took a few steps back: "Didn't you find out? There is a very heavy evil spirit in it!"

Guang Chengzi looked at the location of Xianyang Palace: "There are monsters in the palace!"

Mu Feng said: "Let's go, we can go in and have a look."

The three of them drove away together on the cloud and came to the sky above Xianyang Palace.There were originally two people, and they also came here on the cloud, standing at the highest point of Xianyang Palace.Then I heard the voices of the ghosts below, and it turned out that the moon became chaotic.

Guang Chengzi said: "Do you think your calculations are wrong? We are here to find the Wu Clan, but why is there such a strong demon here?"

Mu Feng said: "Heavy demon spirit does not mean that there are no witches! What you said is actually very unreasonable."

Xuandu said: "Let's take a deeper look together."

Everyone flew towards Xianyang Palace together, only to see a majestic Suimu Emperor sitting on the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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