Agent of Heaven

Chapter 329 Xuandu vs Mengtian

Chapter 329 Xuandu vs Mengtian

Qin Shihuang sat on the throne of Xianyang Palace, he was getting old, but his majesty still remained.At this time, he no longer had the arrogance of dominating the world in the past.As the leader of the last survivor of the Wu clan in the world.He felt uneasy and powerless like never before!

"What's the matter, report to me quickly." Qin Shihuang's expression was full of exhaustion and impatience.

Prime Minister Li Si came out and said: "Reporting to my emperor, there are occasional disturbances in the southern Chu land."

Qin Shihuang waved his hand and said: "Meng Yi! You go! This is the last chance I will give those Chu people. If there is another one in the future, I will slaughter all Chu people!"

A young general walked out of the ranks of generals, bowed to the first emperor and said, "No!"

Qin Shihuang's eyes were intertwined with anger and uneasiness, it was already this time!There are still people who dare to oppose their Daqin!Is it really like that person said, his country will perish in the second generation?

At this time, suddenly three Taoists outside the hall floated down!All of them are imposing and graceful.Mu Feng, as the head teacher of a faction, was at the forefront among the three.He walked up two steps in the hall as if there was no one else there, ignoring the guards who came up to surround him, but looked directly at the old emperor on the throne and said, "You are Ying Zheng?"

A eunuch nearby scolded sharply: "You dare to call Your Majesty by your majesty's name! Someone is here, catch him!"

The First Emperor did indeed wave his hand: "Stand back! These three are all masters, you are not opponents!"

Guang Chengzi sneered at Qin Shihuang and said, "Yingzheng, from what I've seen here, your cultivation should be the highest!"

The First Emperor smiled and said: "If I didn't miss it, your Excellency is the eldest disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Guang Chengzi! I have seen your portrait in the treasure house left by the Emperor Zhou."

Guang Chengzi said: "Exactly!"

The First Emperor said: "The other two masters still ask Daoist Guang Chengzi to recommend them."

Xuandu stepped forward and said: "Poverty Taoist Xuandu, be polite!" He is a disciple of a sage, and being able to take the initiative to be courteous to Yingzheng already shows that he does not dislike this eternal emperor.

Mu Feng said: "Watch Mu Feng in Xiawuzhuang!"

The First Emperor's eyes lit up: "Oh, is the Master the Great Immortal Zhenyuan?"

Mu Feng said: "Exactly!"

The First Emperor said: "Why did the three of you come to my Xianyang Palace this time?"

Mu Feng said: "Your Majesty is asking knowingly."

The First Emperor said: "Are you here for your ancestor Chi You?"

Guang Chengzi immediately lost his temper: "Sure enough! Chi You is indeed with you! Hand over Chi You quickly, or you will face annihilation today!"

Qin Shihuang sneered: "Chi You is the ancestor of my witch clan. If I hand him over to you, what face is there to survive in this world!"

Xuan Du took a step forward and said: "Then Your Majesty don't blame us for being rude!"

"Presumptuous!" A general jumped out from among the courtiers, blocked Qin Shihuang with a horizontal sword, and said, "Meng Tian, ​​come and learn your methods!"

Monty!Meng Tian, ​​the number one general of the Qin Dynasty?Mu Feng's heart was shocked, and he looked at the person in front of him carefully. He looked like he was in his 40s, with a long beard and small eyes, but there seemed to be a cold wind-like knife light in them.

This person is the strongest general of the Great Qin Dynasty so far, and his strength is even close to that of Bai Qi, the peerless killer of the Qin State back then!He once rode alone into the tent of the Huns alone, fought against twelve high priests of the Huns alone, cut off the head of Shan Yu and left calmly!

Xuan Du pinched his fingers and said to Mu Feng and Guang Chengzi intently, "Although this person is from the witch clan, he has a relationship with me as a master and apprentice."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Then ask the Taoist priest to help!"

Xuandu fluttered, landed directly in front of Meng Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "Let the poor Taoist see your skills!"

Meng Tian snorted coldly, stabbed Xuandu's neck with the long sword in his hand.

Xuan Du stretched out a finger, a faint golden light emanated from the finger, and he swung it down and directly hit Meng Tian's sword!There was only a crisp sound, and the sword in Meng Tian's hand broke!
Mu Feng watched with admiration in his heart, as Meng Tian is a great witch of the Wu clan, the weapons in his hands are naturally extraordinary.I'm afraid it's also a magic soldier left by Chi You back then!If he makes a move by himself, he has the strength to flick his sword away!But if you want to break it with one finger, you can't do it yourself!

"This is the mote finger created by Taoist Brother Xuandu!" Guang Chengzi glanced at it, and explained: "Buddhist supernatural powers can draw Xumi as mustard seeds, so they call themselves great supernatural powers. But Taoist Brother Xuandu's move, It turns all things into dust! One finger gathers the power of a world! A mere magic soldier can naturally be broken with one blow!"

At this time, Meng Tian had already given up his sword, and began to continuously attack Xuandu with only a pair of fists.All of his expressions were filled with crazy fighting intent, and he was not at all afraid of Xuandu's strength.

But Xuan Du just looked at Meng Tian with a smile, and didn't make a move.For some reason, Meng Tian's fists couldn't hit him!
Guang Chengzi said to Mu Feng: "Brother Xuandu's most frequently used trick is the big instant technique, but it makes his body blur in the space for a short time, no matter what kind of attack it is, it can't really hurt you." he."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Under the old gentleman's sect, he is a disciple of a sage. Naturally, his actions are extraordinary."

Guang Chengzi indeed snorted coldly when he heard the words: "We are of the Yuxu lineage, but we are not weak."

At this moment, after Meng Tian found that he could not attack Xuandu anyway, he also entered a state of rage!The skin around him began to radiate a faint red, and he roared hysterically: "Return my true colors!"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "This Meng Tian has resorted to the real body of the great witch! It seems that he intends to fight desperately with Brother Xuandu."

Xuan Du looked at Meng Tian, ​​and said calmly, "You actually want to fight, so come with me!" Then he waved his hand, and a crack opened in the space: "Let's go to the place of nothingness beyond the Three Realms. Fight in the center! This way you will be convinced to lose!" After speaking, he walked into the crack first.

Meng Tian chased after him!Mu Feng and Guang Chengzi also chased after him.Seeing this, Ying Zheng on the dragon chair immediately stood up, a powerful arrogance emanating from his whole body.His old appearance disappeared instantly, and his expression seemed to return to the state of unifying the six kingdoms.

"I will face the first disciple of the Taiqing sage in the first battle of Daqin. I'm afraid this duel will never be seen again!" Finished speaking.He stood up directly from the dragon chair, and chased directly into the illusory universe.

In the void outside the territory, Xuandu still maintained a dignified look, looked at Meng Tian and said, "In this battle, you will know why you lost."

(End of this chapter)

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