Agent of Heaven

Chapter 330

Chapter 330
"Qin Emperor, I once incarnated in the human world and taught you the Dao of the world. But instead of respecting my Dao, you advocate severe punishment. The death of the second generation is the destiny! Let me tell you, you must not violate the destiny! Otherwise, the Wu Clan will never exist in the Three Realms!"

The Wu Clan will no longer exist in the Three Realms!

The last sentence, like thunder from the nine heavens, came out of Xuandu's mouth, echoing in the endless void!

After Xuan Du finished speaking, he directly formed a seal with his hands, and a black and white Taiji diagram condensed from their chests, spun out, and enveloped Meng Tian.

Meng Tian roared again and again, urging the power of the witch clan on his body to the extreme!But after all, the gap between him and Xuandu is too big!In just one round, the Taiji Diagram had already enveloped him deeply.Wrap him and fly towards Xuandu!Xuandu took out the purple gold gourd and said: "Take it!"

Meng Tian didn't respond, and he was already included in the purple gold gourd.

Mu Feng watched from the side, and thought to himself: "So there are other ways to use this purple gold gourd! The golden and silver horns are not used in the right way, so they need to rely on calling names to attract people. In this Xuandu In his hands, the power and supernatural power are countless times greater, and it is really a magic weapon that is unpredictable!"

When Emperor Shihuang saw that his love would be taken away by Xuandu, he finally couldn't hold back anymore!He originally thought that even if Meng Tian was not Xuandu's opponent, he could seriously injure Xuandu!But he didn't expect that Xuandu's shot was only one round, and he directly took Meng Tian over.He took off the dragon robe on his body, revealing a dark battle armor, flew to the opposite side of Xuandu, and said coldly: "Put it in now, there is still time!"

Xuandu sneered, his hands were about to seal again.Want to take down the first emperor together!
At this moment, a burst of wild laughter suddenly came from above the void: "Xuandu! You actually ran to my territory and bullied my juniors!" Chi You's voice was like a shooting star, flying down, and he punched him directly. Call towards Xuandu.

Xuandu raised his hand and greeted him!The fists and palms of the two met, and the fluctuations caused directly shook the surrounding void for a while!The book on the ground above Mu Feng's head appeared, and the yellow mist shrouded it, which stabilized the void.

Chi You's figure quickly disappeared like a ghost, and then appeared in front of Ying Zheng, grabbed him directly, and smiled at Mu Feng and others: "The 81 brothers of the deity have almost all been resurrected! When the time comes, it will be the deity." When history is changed and you mortals are slaughtered!" Then, his whole body turned into a streamer again, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!The speed is so fast, even if Mu Feng sacrificed the heaven and earth escape method, he might not be able to catch up!
Mu Feng said: "This mana's magic power is actually a bit deeper!"

Guang Chengzi touched his forehead, and it was covered with cold sweat. He murmured, "This is Chi You, the Demon Lord, what a terrifying power!"

Xuandu's palm was still trembling because of the collision just now.

Mu Feng looked at Xuandu and said, "Brother Xuandu, your injury is fine!"

Xuan Du glanced at his trembling palm, and sighed helplessly: "I am not Chi You's opponent, just now even if the three of us shot at the same time, I'm afraid we would not be able to keep him."

Guang Chengzi said: "Then what should be done? His 81 brothers are about to be resurrected! All of them are the bodies of great witches! Every strength is inferior to Jinxian! In addition, there are millions of witches in Qin State today. Clan army, how will we deal with it?"

Mu Feng said firmly, "If we wait for his 81 brothers to come back to life, I'm afraid no one will be able to defeat them. So we must rush to defeat Chi You before his brothers come back to life!"

Xuan Du looked at Mu Feng and asked, "I have something, can I ask you?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Your Excellency wants to ask Emperor Xuanyuan how he led us to defeat Chi You!"

Xuan Du smiled and said: "At that time, I practiced Taoism in the Bullfighting Palace all the year round, so I don't know much about it!"

Mu Feng said: "The reason why we were able to defeat Chi You back then largely depended on Feng Hou's Eight Formation Map! Chi You's 81 brothers all died in this map!"

Xuandu said: "Can the Eight Arrays be so powerful?"

Mu Feng said: "If the three volumes of Tianshu are added as the eyes of the array, the power of the eight arrays will definitely not be inferior to that of Zhou Tian Xingdou." Afterwards, he sighed: "It's a pity that Queen Feng doesn't know where the reincarnation is at this time. I won't be able to find it. Otherwise, even if Chi You revives his 81 brothers, I'm sure I'll dare to fight to the death with him!"

Guang Chengzi's eyes flickered and said: "You mean, as long as we find Fenghou's reincarnation, we can arrange the eight formations?"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "That's true, but I tried to calculate it before, but I couldn't figure out who the reincarnation of Feng Hou was."

Guang Chengzi gritted his teeth, took out the Kunlun mirror from his pocket again and said, "This Kunlun mirror can know the past and the future, and we may be able to get a glimpse of it."

Xuandu said: "Is it really possible? How should it be used?"

Guang Chengzi said: "It's quite simple to use, you just need to recite my Yuxu mantra. It's just..."

Mu Feng said: "Just what?" He guessed that using the Kunlun Mirror would cost a lot, otherwise Guang Chengzi would definitely hesitate like this.

Guang Chengzi said: "Just using it once will consume 81 Jiazi's cultivation!"

Each Jiazi is 60 years, and 81 Jiazi is the cultivation base that can only be achieved after nearly 5000 years of hard work!Guang Chengzi is the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals. If he loses so much mana at one time, he is afraid that his cultivation will be overtaken by other juniors, and his position will be difficult to protect at that time!

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, Yang Jian's master, Daoist Yuding, if he had started fighting, his combat power would have long since ceased to be inferior to that of Guang Chengzi!Now if Guang Chengzi's cultivation base plummets, I'm afraid that real person Yuding may replace him!
Just as Guang Chengzi was hesitating, Xuan Du did take out five shining nine-turn gold elixirs and handed them to Guang Chengzi: "This elixir can help fellow daoists increase their cultivation for a thousand years, and I hope you will be able to do so."

"Oh, this... Brother Xuandu, what are you doing, I, Guang Chengzi, am I such a stingy villain?" Guang Chengzi said while putting a few nine-turn golden pills into his sleeves.

Mu Feng sneered in his heart, but on the surface he said seriously: "Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, please do it and help me figure out Fenghou's reincarnation!"

Guang Chengzi shook his head and said, "You can't do it right now! You need to wait until the cloudy year, the moon, the moon, and the cloudy day before you can use the Kunlun Mirror to get a glimpse of the secret!"

Mu Feng pinched his fingers and said, "It's just right, half a month later is the right time to do it."

Guang Chengzi said: "Then where should we shelter now?"

Mu Feng said: "I just heard that Emperor Qin ordered the massacre of Chu people. If not, I will go to Chu in the south and help them by the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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