Agent of Heaven

Chapter 331

Chapter 331
After Mu Feng discussed with Xuandu and Guangchengzi for a while, all three agreed with Mu Feng's opinion.Now Chi You has united with the Qin Emperor, occupying Kyushu, and has millions of soldiers.The reason why the three of them wanted to find the clansmen of Chu State was because they all knew that "although Chu has three households, if Qin dies, Chu must die!"

Go south to assist Xiang Yu and others to raise troops in advance and fight to the opposite side with Qin.When my soldiers and horses come here through the Kunlun mirror, I will have a preliminary shelter!

The three of Mu Feng drove down to Yunnan, and it took only a short while to reach Wuzhong in the east of the river.Mu Feng looked at Guang Chengzi and said, "Now that Meng Tian has been taken away by fellow Taoist Xuandu, I figured out that Xiang Yu from Jiangdong seems to have some relationship with fellow daoist. How about if fellow daoist accepts him as an apprentice?"

Guang Chengzi smiled and said, "That's exactly what I mean. Do you know what Xiang Yu's previous life was?"

Mu Feng said: "It must be that there must be a cause and effect with fellow Taoists in the previous life. I would like to hear the details."

Guang Chengzi said: "Xiang Yu's previous life was a Dharma-protecting golden dragon seated by his master Yuanshi Tianzun! Because one day, while the master was away, he ate the elixir from Yuxu Palace and sneaked into the lower realm. Later, the master found out , ordered Yuding Junior Brother to catch him back, I wanted to execute him! At that time, I had a thought of benevolence, so I pleaded with Master and saved him. Let him be beaten down to the mortal world, and return to Yuxu after suffering all kinds of hardships palace."

Xuandu said: "Then today is the time when your Dharma Protector Golden Dragon will finish his sentence?"

Guang Chengzi waved his hand and said: "That Xiang Yu is the reincarnation of the guardian golden dragon of the family teacher, and now there is another murder and catastrophe, and the world is in chaos! It's time for him to make up for his mistakes! I'll act expediently and release him first, and stay under the sect as a disciple .”

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Good!"

Xuandu was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's a great word!"

Afterwards, Guang Chengzi felt that he had calculated the position of Xiang Yu, and after a while, his eyes lit up.He disappeared in the direction of Wuzhong!

Jiangdong Wu County, inside Xiang's house, an old man and a young man stood facing each other.Among them, although the boy looks no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, his height is more than nine feet!She looks like a hulking back, with thick eyebrows and big eyes!There are actually double pupils in the eyes, and at first glance, there is a heroic spirit.

The old man said: "Teach you to read, but you don't learn! Let you learn how to sword, but you don't learn! What do you want to do?"

The young man said: "Reading and reading, you can only remember a person's name! To learn swords, you can only fight against one person! If I want to learn, I will learn to fight against ten thousand enemies!"

The old man said with a smile: "You are an enemy of ten thousand people. From now on, I will teach you the art of war. Do you want to learn?"

The young man heard the words: "Is it true that learning the art of war can be defeated by ten thousand people?"

Guang Chengzi's voice suddenly came from the sky: "You already have the power to slaughter the world's heroes, what use is the mere art of war to you?"

The old man was furious when he heard the words, he raised his head and looked around and said, "Where is the monster? How dare you make trouble in my Xiang clan's territory?"

Guang Chengzi floated down: "Xiang Liang, the Kyushu and Wanfang are all owned by his Qin State now, where is the territory of your Xiang clan?"

Xiang Liang saw that this person came on a cloud, and his face was also handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary bearing!Immediately knew that this person was definitely not a monster, but a master of Taoism!He is a nobleman of the Chu Kingdom, so he is naturally experienced and able to adapt to changes.Immediately, he began to respect Guang Chengzi: "I don't know where he grew up and cultivated immortality, what is his title?"

Guangchengzi laughed and said, "Poverty Road is Jiuxian Mountain, so is Guangchengzi in Taoyuan Cave!"

Xiang Liang turned pale when he heard the words, and then pulled Xiang Yu to kneel down together and said, "So it's Immortal Master Guangchengzi! This junior is rude!" Then he said to Xiang Yu, "Yu'er, this is Immortal Master Guangcheng, hurry up and kowtow to him."

Xiang Yu looked at Guang Chengzi, and said dumbly: "I seem to have seen you, but I don't seem to have seen you."

Guang Chengzi smiled and said: "I have a deep relationship with you in the previous life, and now there is another relationship between master and apprentice!"

Xiang Liang said excitedly after hearing the words: "Thank you Immortal Master Guangcheng! Yu'er, hurry up and kowtow to thank you!"

Guang Chengzi really smiled and said: "You don't have to do this, bring me to release your sealed cultivation. Let you become the enemy of ten thousand people first!" After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed Xiang Yu's forehead.

Xiang Yu then took three steps back!With a roar, a huge phantom of a golden guardian dragon appeared behind him!The roar soon turned into a dragon's chant, going straight up to the sky, endlessly!
Mu Feng and Xuandu watched from the sky together.Xuan Du smiled at Mu Feng: "This Dharma Protector Golden Dragon can be regarded as a member of your tribe, don't you want to go down and have a look?"

In his previous life, Mu Feng was Ying Long, the Dragon God of Kyushu!Whether it is the current Dragon King of the Four Seas or the Eight Heavenly Dragons of Buddhism, they are actually his clan members.Although this Yu was the Dharma Protector Golden Dragon sitting down by Yuanshi Tianzun in his previous life, he also needs to be honored by Yinglong!

"Never mind, whatever, I should go down and have a look." Mu Feng and Xuan Du floated down together.

Xuandu cupped his hands to Guangchengzi and said, "Congratulations to Guangchengzi, fellow daoist, for being an excellent disciple!"

Xiang Yu looked at Mu Feng, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of intimacy, so he said respectfully, "Dare to ask senior?"

Guang Chengzi smiled and said, "Disciple, this person has something to do with you! In your previous life, you were a Dharma Protector Golden Dragon! In his previous life, he was the Dragon God of the Three Realms, Ying Long!"

Xiang Yu hurriedly bowed down: "I have met Your Excellency Ying Long."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "I never like politeness, you just get up!"

Guang Chengzi said to Xiang Liang: "I know that the survivors of the Chu Kingdom have always had great ambitions, and now they stay in Jiangdong, and they also want to make a comeback."

Xiang Liang kowtowed and said, "The survivors of the Chu State implore Immortal Master Guangchengzi to help me restore the country and eradicate Tyranny!"

Guang Chengzi said: "The people of Qin are tyrannical, and half of the blood of the witch clan exists in their blood! The Qin Emperor has no way, punishes harshly, and has no virtue of a holy son. Now that the Qin State has colluded with the demon god Chi You, it is obviously exhausted! You Let us raise troops in Wu County today to punish Tyrant Qin!"

Xiang Liang looked distressed when he heard this, and said, "The army that Chu can recruit is no more than a thousand soldiers, and it will take another month to prepare!"

Guang Chengzi said with a smile: "You take the young and strong family and Xiang Yu with you, and you can directly take down the mansion of the governor of Wu County."

Xiang Liang said: "This..." He originally wanted to ask Guang Chengzi and others to directly help him take down Wu County, in order to verify the strength of Guang Chengzi and others!Although it was said that Guang Chengzi was one of the immortals who helped King Zhou pacify the world, no one knew how effective he could actually be.If he just listened to his words and raised troops rashly, Xiang Liang was afraid that the Xiang clan would be ruined in his own hands from now on!
Xiang Yu went up to Xiang Liang and said, "What do you want to be young and strong? I'll go single-handedly and kill the prefect of Wu Jun."

Xiang Liang stared blankly at Xiang Yu and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Mu Feng smiled at Xiang Yu: "It seems that this Liang doesn't know the strength you have now! Why don't you show him now?"

(End of this chapter)

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