Agent of Heaven

Chapter 332 Overlord Power

Chapter 332 Overlord Power
After hearing what Mu Feng said, Guang Chengzi couldn't help laughing, and said to Xiang Yu: "Disciple, go and show your uncle your strength, so that he won't worry about it."

Xiang Yu said: "No!" Then he walked towards a stone lock in the courtyard.This stone lock weighs a hundred catties, and usually requires a strong warrior to lift it.And now Xiang Yu just lifted it with one hand, and the stone lock was lifted!
Xiang Liang praised: "Yu'er! What a strength!" But he felt a little disdainful in his heart, Guang Chengzi and others came to make such a big battle, and passed on this supernatural power to Yu'er?At best, it just turned Xiang Yu into a strong man!

Xiang Yu really laughed and said: "Too light!" Then he threw the stone lock aside, opened his arms and lifted a stone lion in front of the door!

Xiang Liang was really stunned. You must know that this stone lion is no bigger than a stone lock. It weighs more than [-] catties!

"It's still too light!" Xiang Yu clasped his big hands and lifted the pair of stone lions in front of the door one by one!Then hit it in the air!The two stone lions turned into debris in a blink of an eye and scattered in the air!

"Divine power! This is simply divine power!" Xiang Liang was so excited that he was almost speechless. This pair of stone lions weighed a total of [-] catties. In Xiang Yu's hands, they were indeed like a pair of dolls. !Seeing that his nephew has obtained such supernatural power, how could he not be happy?

Xiang Yu said: "Uncle, can you now believe that I have the strength to help you win Wu County?"

Xiang Liang hesitated and said: "This... wait for me to gather the young and strong in the family, and we will attack the county guard's mansion together!"

Xiang Yu waved his hand and said, "Why do you need to call people? I'll go and fetch the dog head of the county guard for you now!" After finishing speaking, he strode out.

Seeing this, Xiang Liang hurried to catch up.The three of Mu Feng looked at each other and smiled, and they also followed together.

Xiang Yu came to the sheriff's mansion in a short while, and the two soldiers guarding the gate saw them, and said in a strange way: "Hey! Isn't this the young master of the Xiang family in Chu State? Why are you here at our sheriff's mansion?"

Xiang Yu said coldly: "I want to see the sheriff!"

The soldier said: "Is it true that you can see the county guard just as soon as you meet? Do you think this is the state of Chu? If you call you young master, you will regard yourself as a general? Don't forget, the state of Chu has already perished! Now Kyushu They all belong to Daqin!"

"Die!" Xiang Yu's anger grew stronger, and he slapped the soldier directly on the chest!It was so shocking that he flew backwards and hit the door, spitting blood from his mouth, it seemed that he would not survive!

The other soldier was shocked when he saw this, he straightened his spear, pointed at Xiang Yu and said, "What do you want to do! This is the Sheriff's Mansion! Do you want to rebel?"

Xiang Yu said: "By the way, I'm here to rebel today!" After speaking, he grabbed the soldier's neck with both hands and twisted it!He only heard a click, and his neck was twisted into a twist!

"Listen up, the sheriff inside! I am Xiang Yu from the state of Chu, and today is the day when I restore the state of Chu!" Xiang Yu roared loudly, and his voice could be heard clearly for miles around!
At this time, the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion also opened in response, and a group of soldiers rushed out, raising their weapons and killing Xiang Yu!
Xiang Yu slapped a soldier rushing to the front to death, then pulled out the sword from his waist, and slashed at the soldiers pouring out of the door!
Today's Xiang Yu is already born with supernatural power, a real overlord!As long as a soldier emerges from the door, he will be slashed with a sword. Some have their heads cut off, and some are even split in half!
Mu Feng looked at Xiang Yu who was killing wantonly, frowned slightly and said, "Guangchengzi Daoist, you new apprentice, you have such a murderous aura!"

Guang Chengzi really smiled and said: "Now that the murder has started, Chi You is also extremely vicious. So it is indeed a good thing to have a murderous look!"

Xuan Du shook his head when he heard the words, but he didn't say God.

Xiang Yu just stood guard at the gate of the sheriff's mansion with one man and one sword!As long as you see someone coming, just go up and kill it with a sword!In just one stick of incense, there was already a river of blood flowing in front of him!Hundreds of soldiers fell under his sword!
Xiang Liang was a little stunned at this moment: "Yu... Yu'er!"

Xiang Yu raised his sword and shouted at the soldiers inside: "Surrender and surrender!"

There were about 200 guards inside, and after hearing Xiang Yu's words, they felt that they had lost their weapons, and raised their hands above their heads and said, "We surrender!"

Xiang Yu was bold and walked directly into the Sheriff's Mansion!He asked the surrounding soldiers, "Where is the sheriff?"

A middle-aged man defeated by a scholar said: "He is in the backyard, ready to escape over the wall!"

Xiang Yu nodded, then walked up to the scholar, and directly pierced the man's throat: "The seller is begging for glory, I can't keep you!"

Seeing this, Mu Feng frowned, Xuan Du also showed a displeased expression, only Guang Chengzi laughed.

Xiang Yu came to the backyard and saw that the fat sheriff was struggling to climb over the wall at this time, and his soldiers were under his feet!When the sword came to Xiang Yu, they all showed fear.

"Stop him for me!" The sheriff screamed, and his fat body jumped directly onto the wall.Then commanded the soldiers below: "Come on, why are you standing there?"

Xiang Yu sneered, threw the sword in his hand, and flew through the air, like a sharp sword, directly pierced the heart of the sheriff and knocked him off the wall!
"Your Excellency is dead! Let's surrender too!" I don't know which soldier started to shout, and soon, they all dropped their weapons and knelt in front of Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu looked at these soldiers, sneered, and didn't take care of them. He turned to Xiang Liang and said, "Can uncle trust my nephew's strength now?"

Xiang Liang laughed loudly and said, "God bestows the overlord on my Xiang clan!"

Mu Feng couldn't help teasing and said: "This one is not a gift from heaven, but it was given to you by fellow Taoist Guangchengzi."

Xiang Liang knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Guang Chengzi, "Thank you, Master Immortal!"

Guang Chengzi did not refuse, accepted the gift, and then said: "Xiang Liang, what should you do next?"

Xiang Liangdao: "We are weak now. Although we can occupy Wu County, we must not lose it! So I decided to write to the nobles of the other six countries, asking them to join us in raising troops!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "This method is feasible! But the time is too slow, I'm afraid it won't be able to achieve the effect of catching people by surprise."

Xiang Liang knew that Mu Feng must have a way to solve this embarrassment, so he smiled at Mu Feng and said, "I have met the Taoist priest! I hope the Taoist priest can give us some guidance! The Xiang clan, thank you very much!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Haha, it's not a good idea. I've already brought you a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, ready to line up at any time!"

Xiang Liang was as happy as if he was knocked out by the pie in the sky, these fairy elders are really masters.

(End of this chapter)

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