Agent of Heaven

Chapter 333 Xiang Yu Fights Meng Yi

Chapter 333 Xiang Yu Fights Meng Yi

In Jiangdong Wu County, an army of tens of thousands of people is slowly coming!The leader is none other than Meng Yi, the number two figure in the Meng Family Army of the State of Qin!Although his strength is not as strong as that of his brother Meng Tian, ​​who has won the three armies bravely, he is still a great witch!Meng Yi is now following the first emperor's military order and leading [-] Qin soldiers to Jiangdong, in order to suppress the Chu nobles who are gradually becoming restless!
"Report! Report to the general that there is an urgent military situation!" A messenger came on horseback.

Meng Yi said: "What's the matter? Report it quickly!"

The messenger said: "Wu County was captured by the Xiang family three days ago, and the county guard was killed!"

Meng Yi snorted coldly and said: "These barbarians from the state of Chu have long known that they are dissatisfied with us, Great Qin! Today I am here at the emperor's order! Anyone who refuses to be disciplined will be punished! Xiang Liang's head!"

When the military order was issued, hundreds of thousands of troops shouted in unison: "Wind! Strong wind!"

The Qin army was famous for its speed when marching. Before noon, Meng Yi led [-] cavalry to the city first, and the follow-up infantry pressed the grain and grass, and it was only a hundred miles away from Wujun!

Holding a bronze sword in his hand, Meng Yi took the lead to walk under the gate of Wu County, pointed his sword at the sky and said, "The remnants of the Chu Kingdom! Mr. Xiang Liang! Why did you turn against us, Great Qin?"

Xiang Liang, Mu Feng and the others were already standing on the tower at this time. When he saw the Qin cavalry approaching, he was already terrified. Seeing Guang Chengzi smiling and nodding at him, he plucked up the courage to face the masked soldiers below. Yi shouted: "The Qin State is tyrannical, the king has no way, and slaughtered the six kingdoms! What we and the survivors of the six kingdoms have been thinking about is not to oppose Qin and restore the country! You wait for the nameless teacher to trample on the land of our Chu Kingdom again, and you will be called today!" There is no back and forth!"

Hearing Xiang Liang's words, Meng Yi laughed wildly with contempt: "Is this general coming back or not? If Xiang Yan said this, I would be a little bit afraid. You old man, why are you barking in front of me? How dare you?" Come down the city wall and fight me?"

When Xiang Liang heard Meng Yi's appointment to fight, he subconsciously wanted to refuse. He knew the strength of the Meng's army, and he had heard that Meng Yi was the second best in the Meng's army, and his strength was only behind his brother Meng Tian's. Down.How can I be an opponent with my meager strength?

Seeing Xiang Liang's hesitation, the cavalrymen of the Qin Army below shouted in unison: "Wind! Strong wind!" Then they raised their long daggers with their fingers and hit them on the armor, making the sound of metal and iron clanging, and their power was overwhelming!

Seeing this, Xiang Yu asked Xiang Liang to fight: "Let my nephew take the place of my uncle to fight that Meng Yi!"

Xiang Liang moved and said: "Yu'er, are you sure?" Although he had seen Xiang Yu's strength, he knew better how terrifying the Meng's army was.

Xiang Yu said: "Nephew will definitely take back Meng Yi's head for uncle!"

Seeing that Xiang Liang was still hesitating, Mu Feng sneered and said, "When will you be able to restore the foundation of Chu?"

Xiang Liang felt that what Mu Feng said was reasonable, so he said cruelly: "Then you take a thousand elite soldiers out to meet the enemy!"

Xiang Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words, he turned around and wanted to order troops out of the city, but was stopped by Mu Feng: "Xiang Yu, although you have supernatural power, you really lack a handy weapon. I have a black iron overlord gun here, and I will give it to you as a gift!" Mu Feng took out a fiery red spear and handed it to Xiang Yu.

This is exactly the black iron Overlord Spear that Mu Feng used to use, after recasting it was forged!It weighs 12 catties, and its power is still higher than before!Mu Feng also inlaid one of his own dragon scales on the tip of the spear, making it faintly contain the pressure of Yinglong!
Xiang Yu was originally a straightforward person. When he saw such a magical weapon, he naturally took it directly, and said with joy, "Thank you, Mr. Mu Feng!" The old Mu Feng gradually became a confidant.

Xuan Du also smiled and said: "Look at you now, you only lack a mount! I have a wild beast, the Crow Treading Yan, and I will give it to you as a gift!" A huge black horse burning with flames appeared on the city wall!

As soon as the giant black horse breathed out, red flames burst out!The heat directly caused the surrounding soldiers to take a few steps back!
Seeing this, Xiang Yu smiled and said, "Thank you, Taoist Priest Xuandu!" After finishing speaking, he turned over and rode on the Tayan Wuzhi, and said loudly: "With these two magical weapons, I don't need anything to fight that mere Mengyi." The elite soldiers are raiding the formation! Let me go alone!" After finishing speaking, he jumped off the city wall directly on his horse!Waving the Overlord Spear in his hand, he smashed it down on Meng Yi's head!

Meng Yi was still arrogant at the bottom of the city, he didn't take any precautions, suddenly he saw a big man jumping down from the top of the city, with a strange beast under his crotch, and the spear in his hand was aimed at him!Immediately surprised: "Who is coming?" He raised the bronze sword in his hand and blocked it above his head!
"The one who takes your life!" Xiang Yu sneered, and slashed down with the spear in his hand, directly splitting Meng Yi's bronze sword into two pieces!Juli remains undiminished, following the trend!

A strange thing happened, Meng Yi was not hit on the top of the head as imagined, his body was twisted in the air, and he escaped Xiang Yu's spear.But the horse under his crotch was not so lucky, it was split into two directly, and blood was spilled all over the ground!
"Humph! It's kind of interesting, it's no wonder they are members of the Meng Family Army!" Xiang Yu squinted at Meng Yi who had landed in a hurry.

Meng Yi was shocked at this moment!The gun shot by the giant man just now had already burned him completely. The reason why he can barely stand now is all because he is the body of a great witch!If it were an ordinary human master, I'm afraid that those who have already died can't die anymore!He said coldly: "Who are you? How could the Xiang clan have such a master like you?"

Xiang Yu said: "Xiang Yu of a certain family is the young master of the Xiang clan! Meng Yi, I have heard for a long time that your Meng family army is invincible in the world, and now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

Meng Yi said: "Young Master of the Xiang Clan? Then if I capture you, I will definitely make the old thief Xiang Liang submit!"

Xiang Yu laughed and said, "Capture me? I'm afraid I'll take your head first!"

Huge black air suddenly rolled around Meng Yi's body, and his voice became hoarse: "Let me show you my real body, the great witch!" With a sharp blade, the whole body is covered with scale-like armor.

Xiang Yu said: "I've heard that your country of Qin is a descendant of the witch clan. The Meng family army and the Ying clan have great witches in command. I saw you today, and you really don't need it!"

Meng Yi said: "Looking at your extraordinary strength, my Meng family army likes heroes the most. If you are willing to surrender, I will make the decision to protect you in front of the king!"

Xiang Yu glared and said: "Save yourself first!" After speaking, the spear in his hand swept out, bringing a strong wind howling, and swept towards Meng Yi's throat.

Now Xiang Yu is riding on Tayan Wuzhi, while Meng Yi is walking, and he has already suffered a big loss!He knew that he couldn't dodge Xiang Yu's blow due to his speed, so he directly raised the sharp blade on the back of his hand to block the shot!Under a collision, Meng Yi directly backed up dozens of steps, and wondered in his heart: Is this guy still a human?I am a great witch, but I am still far from his opponent in terms of strength!

(End of this chapter)

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