Agent of Heaven

Chapter 335 Deploying Troops to Help

Chapter 335 Deploying Troops to Help
Guang Chengzi grabbed Xiang Yu and flew up the tower, saying: "What kind of general? I think he is just a coward. If it is not enough, he relies on the sharpness of his weapon! How can he be my apprentice's opponent in terms of bravery!"

Xiang Yu stood firm on the city tower, pulled out the arrow from his arm with all his strength, and stuck it on the wall next to him. He said in shame, "It's my disciple who is incompetent. I am ashamed of my master!"

Guang Chengzi said: "You didn't embarrass me, you did a good job, it's Zhang Han who is too shameless!"

Mu Feng said: "Soldiers are deceitful. Zhang Han's actions are not inappropriate. Most of the opponents we will meet in the future will be such cunning people. Xiang Yu, you still have a lot to learn, you can't rely on yourself You must remember this lesson today!"

Xiang Yu nodded and said: "What Mr. Mu Feng taught is that I was indeed reckless!"

Seeing this, Guang Chengzi was furious: "Mu Feng! What do you mean!" He wanted to protect his shortcomings, even if his apprentice did something wrong, he couldn't let others teach him a lesson!
Xuandu immediately came out to smooth things over: "Guangchengzi Daoist friend! Quickly take a look at Xiang Yu's injuries! In my opinion, the crossbow arrows used by the enemy are not simple!"

Guang Chengzi was distracted, and carefully studied Xiang Yu's injury.I saw that there was no blood flowing out from the wound on Xiang Yu's arm, and there was indeed black air oozing out!A large piece of skin around the arm also turned black and purple, and even cracks appeared on it, spreading to Xiang Yu's shoulder at a slow speed!
Xiang Liang also saw Xiang Yu's injury, so he hurriedly said to Guang Chengzi, "Immortal Chief, do you think Yu'er's injury is any problem?"

Guang Chengzi stretched out a finger and pointed at Xiang Yu's arm, and a faint Taoist spiritual energy injected into it, and the injury stopped spreading immediately, but it did not disappear.After a while, he sighed: "These crossbow arrows have been cast by Chi You, and they are full of turbidity. I can't completely eliminate them!"

Xiang Liang immediately became anxious: "Sir, what should I do? Who can unlock Chi You's spell?"

Guang Chengzi said: "If my eldest brother Nanji Xianweng comes back again, maybe he can resolve the turbidity. But he is far away in the Kunlun Wonderland at this time. It will take three days for me to go back and invite him!"

Mu Feng stepped forward and said, "There's no need to bother Nanji Xianweng, let me try."

Guang Chengzi was obviously still angry with Mu Feng for teaching his disciples, he said coldly: "Mr.

Seeing this, Xuan Du took Guang Chengzi's hand and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, what are you talking about? Daoist sects in the world are originally one family. Whether it is Yuxu or Wuzhuang Temple, they are all seated by Daoist Hongjun." Secretly But Zhong quietly sent a voice transmission to Guang Chengzi: "He has a list of gods, so he can't offend him now!"

Guang Chengzi snorted coldly, and walked down the tower with a flick of his sleeves.

But Mu Feng didn't bother to argue with Guang Chengzi. Although this man had cultivated some mana, his words and deeds were nothing but average.Relatively speaking, it was Xuandu, the peacemaker, who made him feel apprehensive.This person seems to protect himself everywhere, but in fact he really helps Guang Chengzi everywhere.If after I killed Chi You, the relationship between the three religions came into contact with each other, the first thing I should be wary of should be this Xuandu!
Xuandujian Mu Feng was taken aback, and then smiled at him: "Mr. Mu Feng, don't mind, fellow Taoist Guangchengzi is born with such a temper, please help Xiang Yu to heal his wounds."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Where is that." As he spoke, he channeled his mana, and the green energy surged behind his back, and the figure of Taoist Huasha was looming in it!
Xuandu looked at the Taoist Huasha behind Mu Feng, and thought in his heart: This Mu Feng is kind on the surface, but he actually has such a vicious incarnation.It's not something in the pool after all!This is why that idiot Guang Chengzi dares to offend him now, he is afraid that he will have good fruit to eat in the future!

Just when Guangchengzi's mind turned.Taoist Huasha had already grasped Xiang Yu's injured arm, and he said coldly, "Compared to the past, this turbidity is a bit stronger! I think Chiyou's strength has improved again during this time!" After finishing speaking, he He moved his hand away, only to see that the turbid air that had settled in Xiang Yu's wound was sucked into his hand at this moment.

The turbid air was a thin ball in the air, but it changed into various shapes from time to time, trying to break away from the control of Taoist Hua Sha!
Xuan Du said: "This Chi You's turbid energy can actually be attached to thousands of arrows. With the power in Xiang Yu's blood, it would be so difficult to deal with injuries. If it were other ordinary soldiers, it would be so difficult for other ordinary soldiers. Demon soldiers, I'm afraid they will..."

Taoist Hua Sha dragged up the turbid air, then opened his mouth and swallowed it.As soon as the turbid air circulated in his body, it soon became a murderous air and was absorbed.

Mu Feng suddenly floated down to the bottom of the tower. He picked up a weapon belonging to a cavalryman of the Qin State, and looked carefully in his hand, only to see that the blade of the weapon was also surrounded by this turbid air.

Xuandu also flew down from the tower, saw the weapons in Mu Feng's hands, and said in horror: "It's not just those crossbow arrows, all the weapons used by the Qin army are actually magic soldiers!"

Mu Feng broke the weapon with both hands, and threw it on the ground: "Not all of them are magic soldiers! If they were made by Chi You himself, they wouldn't be so fragile! These should all have received Chi You's wisps. It’s just an ordinary weapon with turbid air! It’s not even considered a magic weapon!”

Xuandu did not show a relaxed expression at all: "But even so, these weapons are very troublesome! Just relying on the mortal soldiers in the city now, it is impossible to defend Wujun! After all, Zhang Han is not a mediocre man , and we can’t take action at will. Otherwise, if we get karma, I’m afraid we’ll fall into this massacre!”

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead and said: "Ordinary soldiers can't deal with it, so let's quickly call in our heavenly soldiers! Only they can deal with these Qin soldiers who can use turbid air weapons!"

Xuandu said: "I have to trouble you to run now!" After all, those heavenly soldiers and demon soldiers are now under Mu Feng's subordinates, so even if Xuandu wanted to, he couldn't move them.

Mu Feng nodded, and Taoist Hua Sha was summoned out by him again: "Hu Sha, it's up to you to go to the human world again and help me mobilize soldiers and horses to help me."

Hua Sha nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will fulfill my mission!" After speaking, he turned into a streamer and headed towards the place where Mu Feng and the others had placed the tunnel of the Kunlun Mirror!
Xuan Du asked: "How long will it take for the elite soldiers to be transferred?"

Mu Feng said: "It will take at least seven days!" After all, it is an army of tens of thousands, so it cannot be sloppy. If it is transferred, there are many other things, so we must reserve enough time for the march!

Xuandu said: "Then how can we defend this city in these seven days?"

Mu Feng said: "Don't worry, I'll figure out a way. It will definitely prevent Zhang Han from breaking through Wu County within seven days."

Xuan Du said: "This Zhang Han has a well-founded advance and retreat, and his strategy is extraordinary. I'm afraid it will not be easy to deal with! Are you going to kill him?"

(End of this chapter)

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