Agent of Heaven

Chapter 336 Relief

Chapter 336 Relief
Since the birth of creatures in heaven and earth, there have been constant struggles, resulting in the growth of karma.The karma has been deposited for a long time, the way of heaven gradually becomes chaotic, and the killing calamity comes out.It enables those who cultivate supernatural powers and mana to cut off cause and effect, and the three realms will return to peace.

The first slaughter in the Three Realms is the battle between the dragon and the phoenix!At that time, the most powerful races in the world were the dragon and phoenix races!At that time, the Three Realms had not been completely distinguished, and they merged together, known as the prehistoric world!

In the prehistoric world, dragons rule the sea, and phoenixes rule the sky.Because the two sides want to compete for the dominion of the earth, they have been fighting endlessly!However, the accumulated struggles caused the strong of the two clans to wither quickly.Finally, in the final battle, the Dragon Clan completely defeated the Phoenix Clan!The remnants of the Phoenix clan fled to the Wutong Valley to inhabit, and few were born after that!
However, the Dragon Clan was also seriously injured, and only a few clansmen with weak mana were left, which is today's Dragon Clan of the Four Seas!The power is not as good as before, so they have to hide in the sea.

After the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, the witch clan and the monster clan gradually rose!The demon clan gathers the mana of ten demon saints, cooperates with the supreme artifact Haotian Tower, and builds a heavenly palace above the sky to live in. Their leader Donghuang Taiyi has been called the Emperor of Heaven ever since!
Backed by the sage Nuwa, the demon clan ran rampant in the Three Realms for a while!Suppressing the Dragon Clan, which was already seriously injured, forced it to be completely merged into the Monster Clan, bowing its head to the Heavenly Court.

After annexing the Dragon Clan, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was full of ambition, and he had the ambition to dominate the wilderness. Although the Wu Clan, the overlord of the ground, did not have the support of a saint, they themselves were born with the blood of Pangu!They are also arrogant people.From then on, the Lich Clan and the Yao Clan launched a protracted war against the Lich Clan!

In the beginning, the Lich and Demon Clans were just playing tricks, after all, there were lessons from the Dragon and Phoenix Clans.However, there was another massacre between heaven and earth. Under the accumulation of cause and effect, the great witch Kuafu was burned day by day, resulting in the nine golden crows being shot to death by Houyi!The Lich War is heating up!
Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun led the ten demon saints to start a decisive battle with the Twelve Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan by relying on the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation and the Heluo Hunyuan Formation!In this battle, the heavens collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the chaos collapsed.It directly shattered a complete prehistoric world into the three realms of heaven, earth and man!
After the Lich War, the Three Realms returned to peace.The human race began to rise, and began to thrive in the human world where the aura was gradually decreasing, and established a dynasty!At the time of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the famous battle of conferred gods was triggered because of the dispute between cutting off teaching and explaining teaching!
Since the last Lich War nearly destroyed the Three Realms, it was awarded by Daozu Hongjun, and the six saints signed the list of gods together!Select a person with greater karma and karma among the Three Realms, and kill them and leave their souls on the list, so that the Three Realms can return to peace at the least cost!

Now in the Three Realms, anyone who is a master of the Tao would not dare to kill at will, for fear of karma.In the future, I can't escape being on the list of gods!Guang Chengzi used Fan Tianyin to massacre tens of thousands of soldiers of the Qin army under the city of Wujun this time, although Mu Feng didn't say anything on the surface.But it has already been seen that Guang Chengzi is entangled in karma, and he will not be able to escape from being on the list of gods in the future!

But today's immortals have conflicting feelings about the Conferred Gods List.On the one hand, if the general who kills and robbery falls on him, the list of gods will become a life-saving tool, which can save his life after he is wiped out.There is still a weak mana left in the heaven as a god!But on the other hand, as long as they are on the list of gods, they will be driven by the Lord of the Three Realms and reduced to a slave-like existence.Immortals are used to being carefree, how can they bear this?
Guang Chengzi probably thought that he would not be on the list of gods. After all, he has a master who is awesome, Yuanshi Tianzun!He thought that even if Mu Feng didn't give face to himself, he should give face to his master.

But Mu Feng really knew it in his heart!It is not for oneself to decide whose name is written on the list of gods!For example, Jiang Quan is his father-in-law!If it wasn't because his soul was about to fly away, Mu Feng would never have included him in the list of gods.

And that Zhang Han is a man whose fate has already been decided.He must die in the hands of Fan Kuai!This has been stipulated by history, and generally speaking, it cannot be changed.But if someone changes everything at this time and kills Zhang Han instead of Fan Kui, then he will have to bear a huge karma!This cause and effect is far greater than killing tens of thousands of soldiers or civilians!Even Guang Chengzi didn't dare to kill him.

Mu Feng naturally did not dare to kill Zhang Han.

Xuandu probably hoped that Mu Feng would kill Zhang Han, because he was a sensible person, he knew that Mu Feng was difficult to deal with, and also knew that sooner or later, Mu Feng would stand on the opposite side with him.So he hoped that Mu Feng could be infected with karma through this method.Mu Feng wanted to guard Wu County, but he couldn't kill Zhang Han.So he must waste some time thinking!

After Mu Feng returned to Wu County, he gave Xiang Liang an order: "Let all the young and strong people in the city go out of the city to cut trees! Eight thousand trees must be cut overnight!"

Xiang Liang didn't know what Mu Feng wanted to do, but he felt that it seemed very powerful, so he did it without hesitation.

In less than one night, a wooden mountain was piled up in front of Mu Feng!
Xiang Liang asked: "Isn't the immortal chief asking for these logs to cast a city wall for us?"

Mu Feng smiled wryly and said, "Build a city wall? If it's that simple to block Zhang Han, why should I bother!" After speaking, he took out his pen and ink and began to write and draw on the wood.

Mu Feng moved his brush like flying, and every log was filled with dense words.And each one is different, under the blessing of mana, Mu Feng only took half a day to finish the eight thousand and wood, and ordered someone to insert it around Wujun City!
Xuandu was really curious about what Mu Feng wanted to do, but after he saw the words Mu Feng drew on the wood, he laughed: "Well, you Mu Feng, you can actually come up with such a way! What a genius!"

Mu Feng smiled wryly and said, "This method is only a temporary solution, so it deserves the praise of fellow Taoists in Xuandu?"

At this time, outside the city, there was the sound of war drums, and the footsteps of Qin Jun approached again!

"You two elders! That Zhang Han is calling again, what should we do?" Xiang Liang walked over anxiously.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You don't need to panic, we'll go up the city wall first."

When the three of them climbed the city wall, they saw that Guang Chengzi and Xiang Yu had been waiting here for a long time!Seeing Mu Feng coming, Guang Chengzi snorted coldly and said, "You came just in time, do you have a way to untie the siege of Wu County?"

Mu Feng pointed at the wood under the city wall that was covered with spells and said with a smile: "The siege of the city can easily be untied!"

(End of this chapter)

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