Agent of Heaven

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
Seeing Mu Feng laughing, Guang Chengzi flew down the tower and began to observe the wood. When he carefully looked at the talismans carved on the wood, he couldn't help laughing: "Mu Feng, you really know Opportunity!"

Mu Feng said: "This is also a helpless move. If there is a way to defeat Zhang Han, I will not make such a bad move."

At this time, Zhang Han was living in the middle army under the city tower, holding a command flag, and began to wave it in the air.With the waving of his flag, the soldiers of the Qin army were divided into three waves. The first wave was infantry, holding a shield as tall as a man and walking in the front!The second wave was the crossbowmen. He loaded the crossbow and began to point at the top of the Wujun tower.The third wave is the cavalry, they are scattered into left and right wings, but connected end to end!Accompanied by the advance of the infantry, this army began to come towards the city wall of Wu County at high speed!

Mu Feng looked at the array below and said, "This Zhang Han really knows the art of war! Xiang Yu, you have to learn from him."

Xiang Yu nodded and said, "Mr. is right!"

Guang Chengzi indeed snorted coldly: "Hmph! What makes sense? Isn't our Yuxu spells a thousand times stronger than these other tactics?"

Xiang Yu was embarrassed when he heard the words, and then sighed: "The teacher is right!"

Xuan Du looked at Xiang Yu and Guang Chengzi, and shook his head involuntarily.

And Mu Feng started to form seals with both hands, and majestic magic power flew out of his hands and poured into the eight thousand wooden stakes under the tower!

As soon as Qin Jun reached the city, he felt a gust of wind howling!Flying sand and walking stones in an instant, covering the sky and the sun!The huge Wujun City actually began to rise slowly!
Zhang Han looked at Wu Juncheng, which had already flown into the air, and roared: "Shameless!" Then he broke off the command flag in his hand, threw it on the ground, and shouted: "Mingjin withdraws!"

Under the support of [-] wooden stakes, Wujun City floated above the sky like a hill!These [-] wooden stakes are all flying symbols drawn by Mu Feng with his magic power!Only a monk like Mu Feng has the ability to draw so many flying symbols to support a city!
Xiang Liang looked at Qin Bing, who was fading away like ants below, but said to Mu Feng with some worry: "Mystery leader, you transported Wu County into the air with immortal skills. source of water?"

Mu Feng said: "You don't have to worry about this, just wait for a few more days, once my army arrives and defeats Zhang Han, we can resettle Wu Jun back to its original place!" He pointed to the place where Wu Jun originally existed below, At this time, it has become a huge tiankeng, full of black holes, bottomless!

Guang Chengzi said: "When your army arrives, most of the people in Wu County will starve to death!"

Xuandu said: "The people's rations are indeed a problem!"

Mu Feng said: "If not, I'll go to the Qin Army's granary and get some!" After speaking, he drove down the clouds and came to the Qin Army's camp.When he reached the sky above the barracks, Mu Feng was a little dazed. He carefully observed the camp stretching for dozens of miles, but he couldn't tell where the food and grass were placed!
"Forget it! Instead of guessing here, why don't you just ask Zhang Han!" Mu Feng directly lowered his head and came to the barracks.

The two teams of guards Qin Bing immediately surrounded him, Mu Feng sneered and said: "You should not come here to die, I don't want to do more evil, just ask Zhang Han to come and see me!"

These Qin soldiers showed no signs of fear, and rushed towards Mu Feng with the weapons in their hands.

"It's really a fearless army!" Mu Feng sighed, and then his figure turned into afterimages, knocking out all these soldiers, and then transformed into a small insect, avoiding the fallen soldiers, and headed into the tent. fly away.

There is a large Chinese army tent in this tent, Mu Feng guessed that Zhang Han must be in it, so he flew in along a crack in the door.Sure enough, he saw a dozen or so mid-level generals standing in two rows around him. Zhang Han was sitting in the first seat, teaching them the tactics of formation formation!
Behind Zhang Han is a sketch with the shape of a huge watchtower drawn on it!And the giant crossbow bolts on the archery tower were all aimed at a city above the sky!

"This Zhang Han is really a monster! He has already figured out a way to trick me!" Even if he was an opponent, Mu Feng couldn't help admiring Zhang Han.

Zhang Han pointed to the archery towers above the sketch and said, "The archery towers are equipped with powerful crossbows, and fire oil must be poured on the crossbow arrows! There is no water source on the city in the sky, so there is no way to put out the fire! We only need to build a hundred archery towers, two Three rounds of volley can set this city on fire! At that time, even if Mu Feng has great abilities, he won't be able to defend Wu County!"

Mu Feng said happily in his heart: "If you really caught off guard and burned the city, I really can't deal with it. But this time I have prepared myself!"

Then Zhang Hanyou told the generals what needs to be paid attention to when attacking Wu County and building an archery tower!I have to say that he is really a military genius, and he can be called exhaustive.Looking at him, Mu Feng thought of Bai Ze and Feng Hou!These wise men are also among the best figures in the Three Realms. If Zhang Han can be brought under his command, maybe he can...

While Mu Feng was thinking, all the other generals in the Chinese army resigned, leaving only Zhang Han and a few personal guards.Seeing that the time was up, Mu Feng appeared directly, knocked out a few guards with a wave, and smiled at Zhang Han: "The general is very calculating, I admire you!"

Zhang Han turned his head to look at Mu Feng, there was only fear in his eyes, but no fear: "Are you an expert on the tower of Wu County?"

Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "Exactly!"

Zhang Han asked again: "Then Wujun City was made to fly by your spell?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Exactly!"

Zhang Han asked again: "Who are you?"

Mu Feng did not continue to answer his question, but said with a smile: "Just now you have asked me two questions, and I have answered you, now it is my turn to ask you!"

Zhang Han said: "No matter what you ask, I will not tell you. If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you so sure that I dare not kill you?"

Zhang Han said: "Master Chi You told me after he came, that you Taoists are most afraid of karma, like me, I am a man of destiny. If you kill me casually, you will be karma! I don't think you It's an exception!"

Mu Feng said: "It seems that Chi You really told you a lot, but even if I don't kill you, I can torture you! I will break all your hands and feet, and then connect them all again! Repeat this ten times, Even a man of iron will tell me everything!"

Zhang Han suddenly drew out his saber, and put it on his own neck: "If you step forward again, I will immediately splatter three feet of blood!"

Mu Feng sneered: "Zhang Han, you are too confident! Do you think I don't want you to die, so you can commit suicide?"

(End of this chapter)

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