Agent of Heaven

Chapter 338 4 Sea Dragon King

Chapter 338 The Dragon King of the Four Seas
Mu Feng just looked at Zhang Han coldly, which made all his limbs stiff, and even moving his fingers became an unattainable thing!

In fact, Zhang Han's strength can be regarded as the best among the witch clan. Although he is not as good as a great witch like Meng Tian, ​​he can still be ranked among the top ten in the entire Qin country!However, the gap between him and Mu Feng is really too big!It's just that he was subdued by one move, not because Zhang Han was too weak, but because Mu Feng was too strong.

Mu Feng said: "Tell me, where are you hoarding food and grass?"

Zhang Han gasped and said, "Hehe, if you dare, kill me!"

Mu Feng sighed and knocked Zhang Han unconscious with a wave of his hand: "These Qin people are really hard to deal with! Fortunately, I have other ways." He directly opened the curtain of the Chinese army tent and walked outside.The moment he went out, he transformed into Zhang Han's appearance!He told the soldiers on both sides of the guard tent, "Take me to the place where the food is stored."

The soldier saluted Mu Feng and said, "No!"

Mu Feng followed the soldier, passed through several tents, and came to the Qin Army's grain depot.Qian Liangguan stepped forward, saluted and said, "What orders does the general have?"

Mu Feng said: "Open the granary, I want to check!"

Officer Qian and Grain hurriedly greeted the soldiers, opened the door of the granary, and saw the densely packed military rations inside. Mu Feng laughed outright, transformed back into his original body, and used the spell in his sleeve to take away the entire granary!
The Qian Liang officer was shocked when he saw this, he greeted the soldiers and rushed towards Mu Feng.Mu Feng didn't want to do more evil, so he used the method of escape from heaven and earth and disappeared in place, heading towards Wujun City.

The news that the granary was robbed spread quickly, and the Qian Liang officer came to the commander led by several Chinese military guards.Seeing Zhang Handuan sitting on the commander-in-chief, his face was cloudy and uncertain, he said: "Officer Qian Liang, I can't blame you for this matter, it is actually the general's dereliction of duty!"

The Qian Liang officer quickly knelt down and said, "This subordinate dare not!"

Zhang Han said: "So there are two granaries in our barracks, how long can the rest last?"

Qian Liang said: "The remaining one is a small spare granary, and the rations in it can last for ten days! If we live frugally from today, it may last for fifteen days!"

Zhang Han nodded and said: "Then live frugally, you go down first, remember not to say anything at this time!"

The money and food officer said yes after kowtowing, and then quit the camp!
Zhang Han then ordered to the guards beside him: "Anyone who sees the loss of rations today, except the ration officer, will be executed!"

The guard said: "Yes" and went down with his sword in his hand.

In Wujun City, Mu Feng's figure appeared directly in front of Xiang Liang.Xiang Liang was scared by the sudden appearance of Mu Feng and took a few steps back before saying in embarrassment, "Sir, you came back so fast!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Come out with me!" He led Xiang Liang to an open space, and with a wave of his sleeves, a huge granary appeared out of thin air, and the military rations inside were piled up like a mountain!
Xiang Liang was overjoyed and said, "Sir, what a skill! These rations are probably enough to cover the expenses of our military and civilians in Wu County for a month!"

Mu Feng said: "I also found out the enemy's next move, and now I have to prepare to deal with it. You wait for me to tell Guang Chengzi and Xuandu Taoist friends!" After speaking, he used the heaven and earth escape method to disappear gone!
East China Sea, Crystal Palace!

Mu Feng's figure suddenly appeared in front of a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals: "My name is Ying Long, I will inform your king!"

These shrimp soldiers and crab generals saw that Mu Feng's figure and demeanor were definitely not ordinary people, so they didn't dare to neglect at the moment, told Mu Feng to wait a moment, and then ran towards the Crystal Palace.Quickly turn to the report of the Crystal Palace: "Your Majesty, there is an immortal outside, with extraordinary aura, who bluntly said that he wants to meet the Great King, and he will come to the palace soon."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, stood up and said, "Can you tell me your name?"

The crab general said: "Someone said that his name is Ying Long!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, changed his expression greatly when he heard the words, and he went out of the palace with his sons, grandsons, shrimp soldiers and crab generals and said, "Please come in, my lord!" Until they met in the palace, they sat down and offered tea.

Mu Feng said: "How has the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas fared these past few years?"

Ao Guang wept and said: "After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, we have been serving as the God of Rain in the Heavenly Court. The status in the human world is respected, but we are still not free!"

Mu Feng said: "Since the battle with Chi You, my own vitality has also been severely injured, and I have been reborn after several reincarnations. Over the years, I have not been able to take care of my fellow clansmen, and I have really suffered for you."

Ao Guangdao: "As long as Your Majesty comes back, it will be the day when I will stand up!"

Mu Feng said: "I come back this time, but I can't help you."

Ao Guang said, "Why?"

Mu Feng said: "The opportunity has not yet come, you wait for 800 years later, I will come to find you again. At that time, the Dragon Clan will be free!"

Hearing this, Ao Guang knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Mu Feng said: "You don't need to thank me. Over the years, I really owe a lot to the Dragon Clan. Come today, there is one more thing I need your help with."

Ao Guangdao: "Your Majesty, but I have an order, Xiaolong will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"

Mu Feng said: "Now go and gather the other three sea dragon kings, and follow me to the sky above Wu County. I want you to rain torrentially there for three days and three nights!"

Ao Guangdao: "Wu County is located near the Yangtze River, if it rains heavily for three days, I'm afraid it will cause floods!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "What I want is floods! You don't need to ask more questions, just do as I tell you!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea ranks first among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. There is an iron drum and a golden bell in the Crystal Palace. Whenever there is an emergency, the other three Sea Dragon Kings will arrive immediately if there is an urgent matter.

When I was young, the sound of bells and drums really alarmed the Dragon Kings of the Three Seas.After a while, we will meet outside together.They are Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea, and Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Ao Run said: "Brother, what's the matter? Beat the drum and hit the bell?"

The old dragon said: "Brother, the former number one general of my dragon clan, Ying Longzun has come to my Crystal Palace."

Ao Shun said: "Master Ying Long has been reborn? It's really a great fortune for my Dragon Clan! Let's go to see him now."

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas entered the Crystal Palace together, and paid respects to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng didn't like red tape, so he asked them to stand up and said: "In the past, when our Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan fought, it was only damage to the wilderness. For 800 years, Si Yu is the righteous god and is under the control of the heaven. This is the number of days, and I will not disobey it. After 800 years, you can go to the five villages of Longevity Mountain to see me!"

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were delighted to learn that they would be out of trouble one day. They are all people with a long lifespan. A mere 2000 years is just a flick of a finger!One by one, they packed up the magic weapon of rain, and went to Wujun with Mu Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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