Agent of Heaven

Chapter 339

Chapter 339
In the hinterland of Jiangdong Wujun, the clouds are thick, and there are thunder and lightning!Bean-sized raindrops fell quickly, turning all the soil into a pitch black color!
Xuandu looked up at the sky: "Dragon King of the Four Seas? It seems that Mu Feng is going to attack with water!"

Under the suspended Wujun City, Qin Jun, who was building an archery tower, was caught off guard by the sudden pouring rain and stopped to take shelter from the rain.Several officers took the whips and lashed at the engineer soldiers: "Why are you standing still! Are you afraid of being drenched in the rain?"

The engineers had no choice but to go out to continue building the watchtower, but the rain was getting bigger and bigger as if possessed by a demon!At first, it fell like beans, but then it seemed to be connected into a thread. With the strong wind, all the arrow towers that had been built half way were blown apart!
All the strong engineers of the Qin State actually began to lose their feet in the storm!All Qin Jun's camps also began to crumble.Zhang Han stepped out of the handsome tent, looked at the rainstorm outside and said, "These must be the witchcraft in Wujun City!"

The guard on the side asked: "General, what should we do?"

Zhang Han said: "Have the soldiers sent to Xianyang come back?"

The guard replied: "I haven't come back yet, I'm afraid we won't get support this time."

Zhang Han gritted his teeth and said: "Persist for a while longer, and order people to come to strengthen the barracks! We can decide the next step when the news from Xianyang comes." Qin's laws are strict. Withdraw troops at will, and there is only a dead end waiting for him.

At this time, Mu Feng's figure appeared beside the Yangtze River. Watching the river gradually rise, he sighed slightly: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat all things as straw dogs, and saints are not benevolent and treat the people as straw dogs." Then he cast his mana, The water in the Yangtze River rose rapidly, broke through the dams, and headed towards the camp of the Qin army.

The pouring rain poured down along with the soaring river, breaking through the Qin army's camp in just an instant.Countless soldiers struggled in the water, but they were helplessly swallowed up.At this moment, Zhang Han has also become the body of a Wu clan, with a height of more than ten feet, and the mere river water cannot submerge him.

"Shameless demon, Zhang Han will avenge this revenge in the future!" Zhang Han cursed while pointing at the sky.

Standing beside him are some Qin Jun who showed the real body of the Wu Clan!These are middle and senior officers in the army, about a thousand of them.The rest of the Qin army were basically submerged, and only the one hundred thousand army remained.

Zhang Han ordered: "Retreat and return to Xianyang!" Thousands of witches set off at the same time, dripping the river, and braved the heavy rain to escape.They are all elite masters with extremely fast speed, and they fled more than ten miles away in a short while.

At this time, at the place where the Kunlun mirror was teleported, a 5000-strong celestial soldier arrived in Jiangdong first under the leadership of Kui Mulang!Kui Mulang raised his head to look at the sky and said, "Damn it, why is it raining so heavily, is the Dragon King of the Four Seas crazy?"

Ning Caichen came with Kui Mulang. He pointed to a fleeing army below and said, "Look, Mr. Xing, is that the army of the Witch Clan?"

Kui Mulang took a look, then patted Ning Caichen on the shoulder with a big laugh and said, "Haha, great job! We came at the right time, go down and stop them!"

Zhang Han was still upset, but suddenly a group of heavenly soldiers blocked the road, and the leader was a big man in yellow robe holding a Mo knife: "Witch clan junior, where can you escape? Your grandpa Kui Mulang has been waiting here for a long time."

Zhang Han said: "Kui Mulang? You are Kui Mulang of 28 Constellations!"

Kui Mulang said: "It's your grandfather, why don't you hurry up and bind your arms and kneel down to beg for mercy!"

Zhang Han really snorted coldly: "I want to see how capable your so-called Xingjun is!" He took out the command flag from his arms and held it up!The Wu clan army that surrounded them quickly split into two groups, rushing towards Kuimu wolf!
Kui Mulang let out an angry roar, and led his celestial soldiers to rush forward, wanting to teach these stupid witches a lesson and to promote the power of the celestial soldiers!

Suddenly, Zhang Han waved the command flag again, and the split Wu army turned into an encirclement the moment it came into contact with the heavenly soldiers!Surround all the heavenly soldiers, and strangle them with a Changge in their hands!The action is sharp, the offensive is fast, and it is unstoppable!
Ning Caichen stood beside Kui Mulang and said, "It's hard to deal with a master in battle! If you attack like this, even if the bedroom can win and deal with it, you will suffer heavy losses!"

Kui Mulang asked: "Then what should we do?"

Ning Caichen rolled his eyes and said, "Capture the thief first and capture the king first! Just take down the general, so that he has no chance to command!" After finishing speaking, he drew out the Shanshan sword from his waist, and with a cold light, he chopped down the nearby Looking at his nearest Wu soldiers!Charge towards Zhang Hanhan!
Zhang Han sneered, and pointed at Ning Caichen with the command flag in his hand!Several warriors of the Wu clan took out heavy crossbows taller than a man, and fired at Ning Caichen who was about to break out!
Seeing this, Ning Caichen hurriedly backed away, and the Shanshan sword in his hand danced into a ball of cold light, smashing all the crossbow arrows close to him.

Zhang Han said: "Good sword! It's just that you are too weak to be worthy of this sword! Who will go and grab it? Offer it to His Majesty the Emperor!"

These warriors of the witch clan all have their names, and they are all defeated generals. They will inevitably be punished after returning to Xianyang, but if they can bring this divine sword back as a gift, maybe it can make His Majesty the emperor lessen his guilt !They all focused their attacks on Ning Caichen!
After all, Ning Caichen is a senior in cultivation, how could he withstand the siege of so many elite witches?In just a moment, the color has already begun to hang on his body!If it wasn't for the Shangshan Sword that would automatically protect him, I'm afraid he would have died by now!

The figure of Kui Mulang suddenly broke out from the crowd, and came towards Zhang Han with a Mo Dao in his hand: "Boy, your grandpa is here!" With a few waves of his hand, he chopped off the guards beside Zhang Han to the ground!
Zhang Han snorted coldly, drew a long sword from his waist, and started fighting Kui Mulang!But with those abilities, how can he be the opponent of Kui Mulang?After only a few rounds of fighting between the two, the long sword in Zhang Han's hand was cut off, and Kui Mulang held the knife against his neck!

"Kill me!" Zhang Han looked at Kui Mulang with despair.

Kui Mulang said: "It's a pity to kill you, I want to take you back to see Mu Feng to ask for credit!" After speaking, he sealed Zhang Han's mana and locked him up.

Without Zhang Han's command, how can those warriors of the Wu tribe be the opponents of the elite heavenly soldiers?It didn't take long before they were all taken down!
Kui Mulang smiled at Ning Caichen: "It's over here, let's go see your master quickly!"

Ning Caichen looked at the torrential flood around him, with a worried look in his eyes: "I'm afraid the matter won't end so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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